General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy isn't Radiance built on CK?

Why isn't Radiance built on CK? in General Discussion

    Is it just that it takes too long? Seems an obvious fit.

    Sup m8

      His illusions have a super long cooldown. Radiance is good for farming with illusions, but CK's illusions are only used for fighting.


        not worth the extra farm speed? especially as he often goes manta.

        Riguma Borusu

          If you're playing CK you should be farming heroes.


            main reason is because ur illusions have little uptime. Also the best way to make use of their 100% dmg is to build stat items, not radiance.
            u are also not going to do anything in fights with ur low hp rad manta illusions.

            Riguma Borusu

              I am actually wondering if somebody has built nagachemist items on CK. Like, radi/manta/octarine/etc. as a nagachemist combo.

              But yeah, you really want stats on this fucker. Radiance is probably not slot efficient when it comes to damage, because heart and skadi actually give you a ton more damage/tank in the end (for ~the cost), and CK is one of melee heroes that's the hardest to actually kite.

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              lm ao

                omg what is wrong with people nowadays


                  why do we build radiance on spectre then?
                  i don't understand this hero at all tbh

                  lm ao

                    You build Radiance on Spectre because of Haunt, you want your illusions to lay as most damage as possible on enemies, hence why Diffusal is core on her as well

                    lm ao

                      You cant nagachemist CK, OP... Illusion uptime is terrible in CK's ult you have no way to farm Radiance in 10minutes like Alchemist does OMG

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                      Riguma Borusu

                        ^I know all that, I just wonder if anyone's done that. You know, I've seen bristlebacks build dagon 5/ethereal blade.

                        lm ao

                          Probably people who are high on prohibited drugs... Or people with terrible mental issues

                          Or simply just being fed to kingdom come I think rofl what do I know


                            fair enough, no need to be melodramatic about it damn - was only a question.

                            i can appreciate how his illusions are different from others though seeing as they do 100% damage so you don't need the diffusal/radiance to make them hurt.

                            is there anything people do to speed up his farm or is it just a matter of killing heroes not creeps? all the usual options seem pretty rubbish (MoM, Maelstrom, Midas, Battlefury)

                            lm ao

                              OMG I'm not like everyone else here on Dotabutch I don't use OMG a a sign of direct contempt in fact I feel sexually consummated just spamming it all day

                              More like Oh my G-O-S-H though kappa


                                you can get midas. other farming items require you to actively be hitting creeps e.g. maelstrom or battle fury, whereas with midas, it's cheaper than the other two, and suits CK better as he's also level dependent and also wants to be be fighting often. midas is good for securing late game on heroes that don't spend much time farming.

                                there was a period where midas was gotten on puck because of those reasons. get 16 fast and also get hex reliably, afaik euls wasn't as powerful at the time.


                                  the thing is even though midas doesn't give you any stats, it's indirectly buffing your illusions from the level gain.

                                  Riguma Borusu

                                    I don't see why you want all that cs farm as a ck, I don't think you should play him as a hardcarry. He's one of those who can actually get those hc items, and be effective with them, but you can also go lite and buy cheap cost effective items to start off with, most of what I've seen powerful CKs do is just incessantly gank and dominate the midgame with unparalleled damage, and get their gold from kills, so they build their drums and armlets and then slowly transition into snys, mantas, hearts, skadis, etc. Also I hear midas is pretty good, stats are yummy and you get them with levels.

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                                      cz its shiet


                                        Holy crap i even won dusa games with scepter and forcestaff

                                        Boundless Strike in Gaben...

                                          damn has won 13 more games than he has lost in normal skill but the contempt in his replies is just pro really

                                          Dire Wolf

                                            Cus ck's illusions don't have the uptime for radiance, you can't split push with them. They're all going to be bunched up and thus not benefit from radiance. Best thing for ck is to stack stats so his illusions hit way harder and you 1 shot people with rift. Drums, halberd, s&y, heart, armlet, satanic, all good items. Ac is different, yes it's an aura but the -armor makes your illusions hit harder as well thus it's still a good pickup.

                                            Spec is a totally different case. When you ult you haunt everyone on the map so your illusions are spread out and you can radiance everyone for 7 seconds. Ck that won't happen. Plus spec is a shitty farmer so a lot of people go radiance to farm. Ck farms fine with just a qb and dominator, but really he fights a lot sooner than spec and doesn't farm as much.

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                                              I'd report you and feed the rest of the game the moment I noticed you were going radi build


                                                Har har