General Discussion

General DiscussionTips to play meepo.

Tips to play meepo. in General Discussion
Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

    I know how to blink and puf really quickly , but my main problem is when one of the meepo is dying and make him scape, leaving the other ones fighting.. It's a kind of panicking.


      imo it's just practice
      from the left panel you can quickly see the low hp one and select him, i usually click on minimap to send him back

      a good idea is practicing meepo without using control groups to get used to it, after a while it will be automatic for you to manually select the low hp one and send him back

      Livin' Real Good

        Panicking? I mean, you just said it there, that's your problem, you won't fix the problem until you practice and become confident in your keyboard inputs and actions when the situation to escape arises. Just practice, i'm sure you can do it. :D Good luck!

        Right now i'm learning Meepo too, just playing him in bots a lot, almost ready to debut him in pubs. Would be cool if I could have a teacher, but I got this, so do you, just stay at !

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          Devilish has a good control group binding guide, google it.

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          lm ao

            Hey I played a lot of Battle realms when I was a kid will I do shit with Meeps?


              Microing meeps is ezier the more tanky u get. In lane stage u should be stacking camps with 1 meepo and laning with the other. That leaves u much space and time to poof one to another.

              When youre not used to microing meeps yet, get skadi after agha+blink, instead of schyte/eblade. When u blink-poof in fight, with skadi u have plenty of time selecting lowset hp meepo and getting him back. U must remember to earthbind enemy after that so he doesnt chase your low hp meep.

              Also meepo has time window both for items and wins. If you click overall meepo statistics ull see that high mmrs get almost same items in same time.

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                Puf puf pas


                  Thx guys


                    How do you deal with Riki as Meepo?


                      ^have to fight him in smoke

                      @op Group each meepo to its own key.

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                        is it even worth spending all that time to learn this hero?

                        Ze Dawg

                          i use hotkeys from 1 to 5 for meepos. but in teamfight especially when u need to escape i just click on low meepo and walk him back. its easier than using hotkeys for it. because fighting vs sven or or someone with battlefursy all the meepos get low at the same time. so its sometimes hard to loook at left of screen and see excatly the one getting more low. or the easiest way is get eblade. vs right click carrries let ur meepo go low and and eblade ur low meep. u can wealk him back after or just tp back to base

                          Livin' Real Good

                            I have

                            ` as my select all units

                            1 as my select all other units

                            2 select second meepo

                            and so on. I think it works great cause I just think of 2 as second unit, 3 as my third unit, and so on, and makes things less confusing when in the middle of a team fight. Also works well with beast master and Lycan (or any micro hero) wolf one i think of as my 2nd unit after Lycan, and wolf 2 as my 3rd unit, so i'd press 3.

                            works really well for me, space bar is my "select main meepo/hero".

                            Tab is cycle through units.

                            He's the only hero I use quick cast for, makes it much easier, I don't think quick cast Q (net) is good though, so W is the only key I have on quick cast when playing meepo. I think GeoDota said the same about quick cast net, and I couldn't agree more, it just doesn't feel natural.

                            Auto attack after spell is probably a must, and auto attack nearest enemy is good for when you use them to farm jungle, not not 100% necessary according to my 6.2K friend. But I think there's a new reborn option called smart attack, which makes them target the closest enemy where your cursor, eh, nevermind, just read it for yourself.

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                              Don't learn that hero, it takes too much time. You're better learning an easy op hero like doom, alchy.

                              Livin' Real Good

                                Just learn every hero man, and once you learn Meepo, i'm sure it will be worth it. He STOMPS players who don't know how to deal with him. (which is most players)

                                Can you just imagine knowing how to play this hero when he's actually buffed and IN THE META, damn. He'll be that meta hero that not many people play, so he won't be spammed, and you'll just feel bad ass.

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                                Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                                  I know how to play all the heros and rolles.. It make me easier to play chen and enchantress because I have creeps under control, and if they die is not a big problem.
                                  Meepo seems to be an interest hero and a good pubstomper, that's why I want to play with it.