General Discussion

General Discussionanyone else lost total interest in this game ?

anyone else lost total interest in this game ? in General Discussion

    like one day i woke up and i was done

    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      It's the patch man, the patch.


        What's wrong with the patch?


          i imagine this will happen to me one day. just part of the natural eb and flow of life

          D the Superior
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              Take a month off, I did and now I'm enjoying the game again.


                ^ same here


                  PLAY LOL -climbing up with J4 to PLATINUM
                  I'm only lv23 tho


                    yeah man i feel you

                    Sexo Meister

                      I did, now i play only 4 fun

                      Still keep up with doto cus i draw doto stuff


                        your profile pic says it all. Get off doto and do something else for few weeks (single player games?) and you should feel fresh playing again.


                          All the guys I played with abandoned Dota for h1z1 and rocket league. A two year run of nightly Dota gone like an RKO outta nowhere

                          the realm's delight

                            who needs dota when u have bob ross Kreygasm


                              happens to me but wasn't dota but my gf :(



                                King of Low Prio

                                  The trick is to have at least 2 side hoes

                                  the realm's delight

                                    no job FeelsBadMan no girlfriend FeelsBadMan no friends FeelsBadMan whole day on twitch FeelsBadMan at least I have bob FeelsGoodMan

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      I don't think I play enough to get tired of it. On the extremely rare maybe three times a year occasion I get a weekend with nothing to do I'll play 5 or 6 games in a row and get bored and go do something else, but normally I don't get to play every day, maybe 4 or 5 times a week, and only 1-3 games per session. So it stays fresh, I look forward to playing. I would definitely have burnt out on this game in college.

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                                        I've taken 1 year breaks from dota before. You should see how that works out for you OP.

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                                            wait so 60k ppl watches this guy paint?

                                            the realm's delight

                                              i mean how can you not
                                              ive been doing it for 3-4 hrs

                                              the realm's delight

                                                guys a legend




                                                    im confused so its a digital painting game?


                                                      oh nvm so its like the non games section huh

                                                      the realm's delight



                                                          Yup, same. Fuck this patch!


                                                            yo i quitted when they forced me in Reborn

                                                            yung griphook

                                                              just play a drunk dota game or two with your buds and hit the random.

                                                              or just stop playing? not like its a bad thing. I feel like the flaming in this game takes years off of my life


                                                                I took 20 days off aswel cuz i got burned by it. I strongly suggest you to play more custom maps than the standard game if you havent done that already


                                                                  Yup always.., but mostly I get back playing it again because my friend ask me to xD


                                                                    Just play overthrow for few days, really fun mode and you will learn how to kill off (ks) people :D


                                                                      im just done, no break, games useless, always the same with minors changes every now and then


                                                                        Play another games, like a game with good story mode. After time, you'll feel the power to play dota again.

                                                                        Been through it dude.

                                                                        Welt aus Eis

                                                                          dude bob ross is some kind of god


                                                                            His voice is so dreamy. I actually have a permanent erection from his stream.

                                                                            D the Superior
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                                                                                I wonder whether at some point (when the population of dota begins to decrease) Valve will go full retard and try to change the product like Blizzard did with WoW