General Discussion

General DiscussionWould love some constructive criticism to to improve mmr

Would love some constructive criticism to to improve mmr in General Discussion

    Hello everyone! New to these forums here :)

    So I've been told constantly by my friends/people who meet me that my mmr should be far higher than it is (It hovers around 1.5k mmr). I play with friends who are 2.7k mmr - 3.5kmmr so at times I get matched up with people who are far highly rated than I am. On those occasions, I've sometimes taken the position of hard carry/semi-carry and have done well.

    However, I find that I've been struggling hard to increase my mmr. I was introduced to Dota by friends without any instructions on how to play it (or explanations of the items) so we'd just spam games for days with me running up to a t3 like a headless chook. Eventually, i took time to research heroes/items so that i had at least a little clue on what to do.

    I know that my stay in the 1k mmr bracket this can't be entirely attributed to the performance of my team mates, as frustrated as I get at them. Which means that there's something fundamentally wrong with how I play. I'd love to be able to get some feedback so I can play ranked games with my friends :(. Unfortunately they're only limited to pubs with me as their mmrs are much higher and the system can't handle the difference. They're a little biased towards me as they say I always play well, but that can't be right since I'm unable to increase my mmr.

    I would love some suggestions for better heroes to play/ things to target/ Not getting enough farm etc. And highlighting my mistakes would be good!


      sry i dont have any clue what's going on in below 2k games

      G M E !

        Why wouldn't you be able to play with your higher mmr friends? Isn't that why Valve made a Party MMR and a Solo MMR?

        I believe MMR is calibrated correctly on an aggregate, but I also believe your friends are correct that you could play at a higher MMR.

        For instance, when playing with your friends you probably are able to high light what you are good at. IF your friends let you play semi/carry heroes, it might mean that your last hitting and farming ability is better than your MMR. Your friends are also able to cover up what you are not good at. For instance, they would ping out dangers that you might not see because you have worse map awareness. They might tell you what to buy because you have worse itemization skills. Basically playing with friends (unless you play with my friends) should allow you to high light your abilities while hiding your weaknesses. Thus, you are able to do well in higher MMR with friends.

        Solo however everything is laid to bear. Thus lower MMR.

        That said your friends should have some suggestions to help you improve. Just don't get mad at their criticism.

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        Bad Intentions

          yo op sup man, hey listen, i like your thinking man, there shuld be something i can notice in your games, add me up so i check your gamez live.


            At ur level just pick something u can dominate with.

   - play more games like this (with more farm).

            There's no use supporting in solo games cos ur 1k team mates will be too retarded, u can't rely on them. When u play with ur friends use this as an opportunity to practice ur support/utility for the team or just have some fun :)

            So QOP, WR, even take ur Silencer mid in some situations.. and then Luna if ur safe lane.


              if you do belong at a higher mmr i.e. your skill level is higher than your displayed mmr, then simply spamming out games would result in an increase in rating as you'd be winning more games than you lose.

              if you can't get out of 1.5k then simply get good at farming, regardless of your role. that's not to say you just afk jungle as a support, but you don't wander around the map inefficiently when there's empty lanes, jungle creeps near you et cetera.


                You rarely ranked, thats why, start playing ranked and u will climb.
                and Bad dude, pls play check mine too :(:(:(:)






                  I really recommend you to save those guides and take the time to fully read and understand them, they're very long and cover many details. Even when some of them are based upon dota1, they're still full of in-depth information that, given what you said, will help you a lot

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                      yo kitrak, when do u build that shit? after phase + aghs? obviously an alternative to blink dagger..

                      Boundless Strike in Gaben...

                        spam riki

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                          There is a light at the end of the tunnel once u escape below 2k mentality and russians..the best bet is to get mid hero that have impact whole game yet is able to push fast, such as SF, TA, LC or DP

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                          Mind Games

                            Pinoy DOTA 1 guides = best guides ^^;


                              Haha i started off at 1.2k, then got to 1.6k then jumped back to 1.4k and up again. Im too scared to touch it now so i haven't for a while. I've recently been trying to better my TA after recently hearing she's good at stomping though haven't had as much success on her hahaha (oh god, had a horrible experience facing against a batrider with aghs the other day). Starting to learn her weaknesses.

                              If you check out my hero stats I do best on Windrunner, Luna, Silencer, QOP....
                              My KDR often doesn't reflect my win rates (which are typically lower on my most played heroes) so there might be some breakdown with team communication and keeping an objective focus.

                              @ceesa: yeah at 1k ~ mmr there's still people running into an enemy group of 5 by themselves. On purpose, and not cause of lack of vision. Repeatedly. Playing support during those times are hard haha. There's a lot of cockiness. Though there are a few times when I've met people who cooperate and listen. It was wonderful :). I've also had at least 6 games where people have abandoned on my team within 7 minutes because of 1 death.

                              @B A C A E O G L W: I can't play with them because when we que for ranked party, even after 18 minutes we can't find a game. We've tried on about 6 separate occasions on different week days and times. Since their mmr's average to about low 3k, I'm assuming that it is because there's no other team with such a difference in party mmrs.

                              Also, thank you all for the support and advice :D Got a bit confused between solo and party mmr but basically i'd like to increase both.

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                                Dont die. Map awareness. Good gpm and kda ratio.


                                  if you want some constructive tips you should take a look at this >


                                    I'm guessing that game inspired your nickname?


                                      no :)