General Discussion

General Discussion2.9k MMR SEA carry tips.

2.9k MMR SEA carry tips. in General Discussion

    2.9k mmr on SEA can be very toxic because of flaming and raging but while Ive encountered some kids and newbies, Ive also playedwith and against skilled players so I think most of the newbies and Pinoy kids are in 1k mmr. But like in any other low ass mmr, most players here pick carries and mid heroes, dont buy wards, dusts and smokes. I enjoy playing support heroes but sometimes I like to play carry also and when I do I usually suck and cant win because I tend to buy and plant my own wards when my supports dont thus sacrificing my farm rate and I end up getting low GPM and XPM. I need some tips and help guys.

    Bad Intentions

      You gotta find dat hero who u can play effectively while having multiple roles! Dats the key man! U know hw tough it is at sea, only teh strong survive out here!


        OK here is the deal , if you think you play better than 9 other people then just win ,buy wards yourself deward yourself ,if you can't carry trash =>you are trash remember that.IMHO Slark safelane,or an offlane double. Troll but that's just for me cause i abused 5100 with him


          play something that can man up and lead the team, axe centaur slardar or enigma are all good if you can be nice to your teammates and they'll usually follow what you say, ez mmr

          ROAD TO HERALD 0

            I play mostly support or ganking offlaners in SEA, 2k tier too.

            I've got decent mechanics and objective-based gaming and itemisation (by the standards of this tier).

            Add me if you want - we could go a few games and maybe you can even break into the glorified 3k scrub tier.

            if you can carry me i can definitely support you.


              In games where you need to do it all, heroes that are slot effective tend to be the best.