General Discussion

General DiscussionA choice between two type of teams?

A choice between two type of teams? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Wud u rather have a brave team? Reckless, no holds barred, no fear but deaths will be abundant we live together die together stuff.


    A smart team that is very calculating, objective based but very critical of mistakes, more flaming and wud not hesitate to leave u for dead?



      The first one, they are more fun to play with.


        Ofc 2nd if u r playing to win .
        The 1st one is good if u r not in tryhard mode and playing for fun.


          1 if you wanna lose
          2 if you wanna win

          Pale Mannie

            First one is for entertaining the entire community
            Second one is for... i cant explain it well :/ like chinese doto...

            I like the first one btw


              i dont care. if you pro you can win with this 2 team

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                A lot of teams carved their mark out with hyper agressive team play. Na'vi TI 1,2,3

                Newbee TI 4

                CDEC TI 5.

                Definitely something to be said for teams that come out of the gates roflstomping hard. Agression doesn't = bad.


                  On that note, *NOTHING* is worse than teammates that play like spineless bitches and run away constantly.


                    When playing with "typical" Chinese/friends? Latter. Because we actually don't flame too much, we can play without blame (at least, until the match ends).

                    When playing with "typical" Russians or Peruvians? Former. I play the role of the planner because it's easier to come up with a plan that uses the talents of a reckless kid than it is to force him to play "smart" DotA. (It helps that I can type Spanish and read Russian, I guess.)
                    WORST: Safe DotA without a plan
                    Reckless DotA without a plan
                    Safe DotA with a plan
                    BEST: Aggressive and smart DotA.

                    When playing with "typical" First World strangers? It's strictly business. On average, these players are more inflexible and stubborn. Once they think you are a newb, they will ignore/flame/spite you all match, even if they end up losing because of their emotions. Only exception is if you solo carry. These are also the people who are the most likely to give up after 10 minutes, even after factoring in all the people from poorer countries who cheat, disconnect from games, DDoS servers, feed couriers/lives/allies (with Io/KotL). With these guys, I shut up, do whatever I think is needed to win, and will say nothing unless directly addressed about something the team needs. If my actions cause my team to hate me, so be it. I'm only behaving how they would behave if I were to offer them advice.

                    Personally? I'm an aggressive pusher (#2/#3). I push/gank/win 1v1 fights without dying. I trust my map awareness more than I fear the lack of vision and I don't fear enemy bait, but I prefer to kill enemies before they can run/get help. I'd rather push tower than chase an enemy. This playstyle often feeds and I don't really mind that, as long as we win. Either type of team works well with me because an aggressive team will make sure I don't feed and I will end up with a carry's KDA/GPM. A strategic team is also great. Even if I die, I will create space; if I don't die because my teammates created that space for me, I will crush their towers.

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                    Giff me Wingman

                      the latter, i just need my team to create space for 10min so i can end game.


                        Yesterday I played a game of necro with a team of #2, our spectre was in trouble bot lane and there were 3 save-tps including myself. Suddenly 2 guys cancelled their tps because of 2 enemies diving the tower, so I was left alone. Spec came out of the trees to help me and we were dead. In a situation, which could have resulted in 2 enemies killed.

                        bum farto

                          Both have game winning odds.

                          The first while reckless will work if the team is coordinated, trying to make a calculated decision vs a maddened group of players doesn't pay off 95% of the time and they will just snowball you till you're done.

                          There are sometimes where this can be their undoing, like diving or getting to into a committed 5 man they forget the AM is tearing at T3's but that doesn't happen all that much.


                            Either aggresive or calculated play can win dota games. Aggresive play is much more fun.

                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                              Aggresive and reckless doesn't mean game losing. Sometimes people just tilt a lot and if you manage to kill their mid/carry a lot of times even if you feed kills in return, they will tilt really hard.