General Discussion

General DiscussionI just can't win anymore

I just can't win anymore in General Discussion
saving private RTZ

    I hate to be that guy complaining but, i've already lost 400 MMR, i'm at 3200 right now
    What's happening?

    I just can't win anymore, there is always a guy who just doesn't want to listen and just throws game.

    For example in my jugg game, NP keeps going alone and getting dueled by LC, ofc no buyback.

    or In NP game, they obviously cant win lategame fights vs gyro, sniper but they keep going without aegis, no buyback 4 man mid

    I almost always do well, but there is always someone fucking the game up, and they always blame me for some reason (e.g. jugg game, where i was begging them not to get picked off and stick togheter and wait for roshan and farm buyback but no)

    Bad Intentions

      looks like youre currently in the shadowpool man?


        you never pick support so little sympathy here

        < blank >

          6.86 will fix it when I and Zet are one <3

          Pale Mannie

            if youre losing dont play ranked matches
            just play pubs until you stop losing...


              rely on ur teammates less, play more split push style.


                Play your absolute best heroes, if that doesnt work out, the problem is in you playing bad. Just go normal or party games and get yourself in good mood again with positive attitude.

                saving private RTZ


                  ^ I could spam slark 24/7 and probably have atleast 60% winrate if not more but its just boring. Eh, i think i'll play him and Anti-Mage until i reach 3400-3500 again


                    I had a slump like that before (14 lose streak). It gets tiring/frustrating. I suggest stop playing for a week or so. You'll eventually get back into it.


                      You need better heroes pool. If u want to play mid really well, u need to be good at 5-6 heroes, not only 1. Same applies to other roles.


                        ^ I could spam slark 24/7 and probably have atleast 60% winrate if not more but its just boring. Eh, i think i'll play him and Anti-Mage until i reach 3400-3500 again"

                        No you wouldn not. If you don't trust me, go for it.

                        Enjoy even more -25

                        On the other hand, my last 3 games:

                        Game 1: Last Picked Tide Hunter, went woods, farmed out midas, blink, boots, Arcane boots. Poor WindRanger failed so hard aswell. We lost.

                        Game 2: 4 carry+feeding ES combo, went mid with last-pick Ember even tho I marked mid first and already picked Slark for it.

                        Failed terribly, while on our safelane their Doom menages to win against trilane. XD

                        We lost.

                        Game 3: Lina decided to follow Doom and deny him xp/farm in woods, dunno why, but does it matter? xD She said he's stupid, he said he'll raport her.

                        Pa was busy farming MKB, but before she started to do so, she decided to buy casual perseverance. :D

                        Luckly, I raped Magnus at mid cuz he was 3.1k(it was solo, but with 2 stack party), so I got some decent lead, and later on PA got fat and we won.

                        My point is: retards everywhere. 3k, 4k , 5k.. Doesnt fuckking matter.

                        Few games you got toxic people, few games enemy team got em.

                        Best you can do is try to win no matter what, try to stay positive and that's pretty much it.

                        If you start to lose much MMR points, maybe take a break and play normal, if that affects your play performance too much.

                        on the other hand, here I am, almost 3 months stuck in 3.4-3.6k range. Win few, lose few, and it goes on forever.

                        The moment I get out of 3.4-3.6k range I almost never come back to it in a while.

                        But what you need to understand is that better players would be able to win games we can't.

                        So intead of complaining because of bad team mates, let's try to get better ourselfs first.

                        At the end of the day, those retars are in the same MMR range you are for some reason.

                        Este comentário foi editado

                          Stop playing for a week or just make a smurf and stomp people on there so if u ever go to low priority or get muted (what happends often to me) you can play on there.


                            Also one good thing I started to say myself when I lose match is this.

                            No matter what, giving away kill to enemy team is not good at all.

                            If I die more then 3 times, I coinsider myself guilty for the loss, even if my team did way worse then I.

                            I want to say, if we can decrease our death count, it'll also help us to win.

                            Farming, not dying and staying positive can win you "impossible" 3k games.

                            It's just power of will, a lot of people(me included) in 2k/3k or even 4k gives up too fast.

                            They see 0:10 score or they can't get some farm or whatever, it's gg already.

                            King of Low Prio

                              Maybe you just suck

                              saving private RTZ


                                Yea, i know better players will obv win on their own.

                                but I can't. I need my team to at least try. What's really frustrating is that after a lost fight they just say gg, mute and they eithrr go feed/afk in base.

                                Livin' Real Good

                                  Hang in there, I titled too, but I learned a lot from it.

                                  Play unranked to get your confidence back, and play with friends while listening to some chill music, that should get the positive vibes flowing, thus giving you positive results when playing ranked laster. I want to see you do well! Good luck! :L


                                    noticing ur teammates mistakes doesn't help you win games


                                      OP is a fahgit

                                      Tu tayta

                                        Too many people complaining about wanting better people to play with. I want to get to High Skill consistently again, but Valve gives me random VH games even if I queue for All Random every time :(


                                          Ok I am the first to say it here: u nid to git gud

                                          King of Low Prio

                                            No wonder I'm so good I tilt alot


                                              Pretty much in same boat I'll get to 3.5 k then drop down to like 3.1k before rising again . It's been like this for several months for me , then again for past month I have been too busy to play dota.

                                              plz do

                                                stop playin for at least 3 days.


                                                  Im in the same situation, I've been losing heaps lately. Some of this is a result of me playing like a retard (the other night I jumped on after a night out drinking and played like shit)... but then I think there might be more to it than that..

                                                  How does this "shadow pool" work?? Cos I got a communications ban about a week ago and I might be in this shit..


                                                    What i am doing is just pick spectre and farm or split push then join team fights with ulti GG


                                                      You already saw NP keeps doing that thing why not back him up.. He keeps doing and doing the same shit.. so is the LC. then ur the one who needs to adjust for that player :P


                                                        When everyone's going full retard u can't just go half retard^


                                                          It's just the usual matchmaking variance coming into play, it's always your team's fault. The only viable option is suffering.


                                                            aaaaa giff me samting

                                                            Jake Pauler

                                                              This is the consequence of spamming bs and lesh in 6.84

                                                              saving private RTZ

                                                                Lol, i actually didnt play them so much, esp lesh


                                                                  i feel like im the only one who doesnt get shitty teams... and if i do i always try to stay positive and talking to my team, communication is key.


                                                                    How many games does it currently take untill you get ur mmr? Did they change anything regarding that in reborn?


                                                                      Dude all my stats are better than yours in every way and i can't raise my mmr either i support i carry but i just can't raise my mmr i know how it feels

                                                                      The Tabletka_69

                                                                        Fkn 3k shitstains making shit fkn game strategies in 3k pool . So fkn shit!


                                                                          I don't know how the judge very high skilled plays and why they even show that, but after seeing your match history and how you nearly always play core roles. I'd say meh, pretty much expected of you dropping mmr. I'd say, widen your hero pool and play support more. You'll never know if support might be your calling and help you raise your mmr, instead of letting others fail on you.

                                                                          Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                                            What til you're a 3k stuck in 2.3k like I am. The trench bro, you get 200mmr up and they pull u back 100 mmr.

                                                                            Woof Woof

                                                                              take a break and reconsider your playstyle and approach towards teammates, especially if u can truly say that you are better than the players you are matched with, if that is the case depending on them and taking highly team oriented heroes wont get u far, unles you are truly wayyyyyyyy more better than players at lvl u play