General Discussion

General Discussionare you playing terrorblade in 6.85?

are you playing terrorblade in 6.85? in General Discussion

    so i was one of the guys who "wtf icefrog killed the hero, nerfed again"

    but actually the hero feels really strong, if you go 4-0-4-1 you have good slow + rightclick damage and good farming and teamfight potential
    new Q has insane range and can be casted while enemies don't see you, instant cast on W is nice and cast range on Sunder is too good
    you respawn in meta after you die, this makes tb a good aegis carries unlike before
    not to mention the he still pushes and carries really hard in late game

    dotabuff winrate went from 44% to 50%

    What do you think of 6.85 tb? maybe it's too early to tell for me since i played only a match


      This hero is so broken right now, i like TB but this piece of shit seems to never get balanced i saw so many reworks on his skills


        He's an ok hard carry and a great pusher, but he is outclassed by hard carries like alch and chaos knight when it comes to teamfights

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          ck is a natural counter because tb is single target, however i don't agree on alchemist, i think a 6 slotted tb is stronger and you can always sunder the shit out of him


            how alch outcarry TB, TB seems like almost the perfect counter to alch, he has always 100% hp (sunder target) and he has not armor whe you as TB do TONS of dps.
            i think stuns and heavy nukers are the best against TB but still hes OP right now


              Hes playable now

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