General Discussion

General DiscussionDoom - how to counter the hero which pretty much counters everyone

Doom - how to counter the hero which pretty much counters everyone in General Discussion

    i would say invoker is the best counter ( ° ͜ʖ͡°)╭∩╮


      I would say Slark is semi good, but not really, his passive still works even after getting doomed, and doom can't really keep up with how crazy fast slark regens, even ags doom can't do anything against slark's level 3 shadow dance HP regen if he losses vision of him. But maybe he isn't good against him, I don't know. At least he's doom proof for 4 seconds, many times I have gone in on doom, start right clicking him after a pounce, and the moment I see him raising those hands during Doom's cast animation, I shadow dance and doom goes " wait!? What!? Where did he go!? " and cancels the animation, then I keep right clicking him, then just shadow blade if I don't think i'm going to kill him before he can Doom me, or maybe I feel his teammates getting closer and closer to help him, that's my cue to leave cause the kill might be taking too long if he's tanky enough.