General Discussion

General DiscussionPhantom Lancer HP sustain

Phantom Lancer HP sustain in General Discussion

    How do you sustain HP on this hero? I rarely see people get lifesteal on him. Sometimes vlads. How do you sustain HP on PL?


      vlads is very common, actually
      besides that, you can just tank with illusions

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        Pom Pom 🍕

          Vladmir isn't as needed on him as it used to be since diffusal blade isn't an orb-effect anymore. You can get an hotd and turn it into a satanic in late game.

          Another common option is buying a casual ring of regen (350 gold), since you mostly only need the sustain very early when creeps hit you hard before you make any illusions (or have mana to use doppelganger/spirit lance more).

          Livin' Real Good

            Bottle probably


              bottle, so you make one stone two bird with the mana to spam the lance and the dopple ganger to kill the tree that are on your farm route.


                F*ck all of you travel-vlad PL p*ssies that end up being useless when the enemy team is at your racks. Tread-aquila-diffusal is the way to play him. Get this early and you can pretty much solo anyone at <25min.


                  Experiment a little with Soul Ring or Urn of Shadows, they're solid items on most heroes and you really can't go wrong most of the time. I wouldn't suggest going mek on this hero because of his high mana use.


                    tangoes and magic wand


                      If you don't go the Bot's build, you can get threads + aquila like Grom said. Lance the camp and attack it down. I do this quite often but I also like the split push build on occasion.

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                          so what's the item progression on both farming-pushing and fighting pl?
                          and why do people suddenly get sny instead of manta? (actually i noticed this on other heroes like luna, who used to build manta 99% cases)

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                            you get a ring of regen

                            ^ yasha, diffusual, travels, manta, heart or skadi (preference), butterfly heart or skadi.

                            maybe because it's better for fighting(?), more hp? dunno manta is mainly for farming and dodging though, like if you don't need it for dodging and if you can't micro get sny, it's better for fighting and vs. magic

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                            Dire Wolf

                              Drop aggro onto your illusions. As soon as they spawn attack them to drop aggro, let them tank dmg. This way you'll jungle clear taking very little damage and won't need lifesteal.