General Discussion

General DiscussionLet's talk about Chicken Wings

Let's talk about Chicken Wings in General Discussion

    I guessed it...chicken wings.


      is this supposed to lure all the black people from this foruM?

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          Damn negevs coming


            wo wo wo...just because i chose chicken wings instead of any other possible fast food or fried food u automatically assume i hate black people or i'm trying to associate with black people? I was just trying to create a post that acts as a "sight for sore eyes" or "for the lols" is all.


              By the way when one uses the word "Guap" what does that mean?


                ^ you..i like you

                King of Low Prio

                  I'm black so I have no choice in the matter

                  Dire Wolf

                    Do people outside of the US eat chicken wings? They are definitely not race specific, every american loves them.

                    Buffalo wild wings has by far the best sauces, but their wings are kind of weak. Usually not cooked well, like too dry or too much gristle, too much batter on boneless ones.

                    I can't really think of a chain with the best wings, most best wings are various local places. I do like breaded ones though. I love mcdonald's mighty wings actually.


                      i prefer breasts over wings honestly
                      i usually fry them addi a bit of onion on top to make 'em more tasty

                      also KFC4Life, even tho what they sell is unhealthy af.


                        ^ попробуй как нибудь крылышки Баффало в "Мир Пиццы" рядом с метро Смоленская или Ул. 1905 года!!!!
                        Когда кушаешь курицу в KFC вкус такой что кажется будто они не меняли масло пару дней(

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                          заметано, я на 905-го часто бываю.
                          кстати, плебейские куриные пальчики во фрайдисе ничего так. раньше еще в IlPatio была хорошая курица, но в новом меню ее убрали.


                            У меня мнение что Il Patio / Планета Суши помойка; как они готовят очень сильно зависит от места, так же как и Friday's (например Friday's а тц европеский лажа а в Атриуме более-менее норм).

                            Вроде как у франшизы должны быть (некие) схожие стандарты которые определенны брендом, но я хз...
                            Я недавно первый раз зашел в Ньокки, и приятно удивился (2 раза там был за последние 3-4 недели); соотношение цены/качества нормальное)

                            Este comentário foi editado

                              i love chicken but i also use the n word. maybe i am black on the inside


                                у иль патио в москве несколько разных франшиз, насколько я знаю, и они все готовят по-разному, и в некоторых местах я просто стараюсь не бывать.
                                Ньокки? Я раньше о таком не слышал, при случае загляну. Еда > дотка.


                                  Ньокки это самый дешевый вариант, но это лучше фаст фуда.
                                  Я пока был в одном Ньокки на Медведково (удобно так как рядом живет девушка) он расположен прямо перед верхним выходом из метро (там Мак в том же здании, и Ньокки так же в подвале).

                                  King of Low Prio

                                    Plz none of that filty language on these forums. Cyka ur bitch asses


                                      I love Chicken wings with some BBQ sauce.

                                      saving private RTZ

                                        "Do people outside of the US eat chicken wings?"

                                        no, asians eat only rice and dog wings while we euroshits eat just pusy

                                        Este comentário foi editado
                                        King of Low Prio

                                          Euro trash just botiman


                                            i am asian and can confirm


                                              понял, я там в макдаке овер 9000 раз был, этот район заселен моими друзьями чуть более чем полностью.

                                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                Tommy! Oh good, good. Listen, listen. Uh, listen, I like fish. I love fish. I love them as pets in bowls, or as food on a plate, but as much as I love em, I don't want to sleep with them. Okay, but right now your Italian brothers are coming from up there to fit me with some cement shoes, and I...


                                                  omg i cant believe this turned into a legit thread that isnt about dota. Thanks guys

                                                  Krazy Kat

                                                    I learned the best recipe for wings from a southern woman who later moved to Buffalo, NY. The secret is to fry the wings first, then add the sauce and then bake them. Better than anything you can buy at some restaurant.


                                                      U like da chicken wings from pizza hut?


                                                        now lets talk about Wiggen Chinks


                                                          "Do people outside of the US eat chicken wings?"

                                                          No, 'muricans invented chicken wings so they are the only people who eats chicken wings.

                                                          Americans invented chicken wings after Europeans invented Americans.


                                                          I like trains


                                                            just finished my evening workout.

                                                            gotta eat chicken wings about an hour from now while watching FIBA Asia quarter finals :)

                                                            hopefully i can still play a game or 2 in-spite of my client meeting tomorrow morning


                                                              how can anyone like chicken wings
                                                              or anything containing bones
                                                              you usually get dirty hands and i'd feel like h0m0 erectus if i ate that

                                                              (mods, pls.)


                                                                The chicken wing restaurants here give you plastic gloves which doesn't make eating a total mess :)

                                                                King of Low Prio

                                                                  ^ that is literally the gayest way I have ever heard of eating food.


                                                                    in russia we are usually supposed to eat most kinds of meat and chicken with hands unless its a real restaurant.

                                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                                      pretty sure nowhere outside of gender studies classroom where they are afraid the chicken wings will rape them should you be wearing gloves to eat chicken wings

                                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                                        I mean wings like americans view them, buffalo style, battered and deep fried. Americans seem to deep fry more shit than other countries. I do think it's that weird of a question, hamburgers in other countries are mostly at mcdonalds, not really a staple like here. Pizza of course exists all over the world but american pizza is a thing pretty much unto its own, very different from real pizza in europe, stuff like that.

                                                                        saving private RTZ


                                                                          "Hamburges just mcdonals"?

                                                                          Idk man you shouls visit the non-USA world sometimes

                                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                                            I have been to Mexico, Japan, Germany and other parts of Europe multiple times. The only hamburgers in Germany and Japan were in American themed restraints. Germans have meat patty sandwich things but they're more like sausage. And of course bratwurst sandwiches and doner kebabs are awesome but regular burgers aren't a thing from what I saw.


                                                                              I freaking love this forum community right now lmao. I gotta think up of more "break from dota topics" forum ideas so that people can relax and just discuss the little things in life here for those who are too tired of the "whats my mmr" or or dota related topics. Thanks again guys.




                                                                                  @Dire Wolf
                                                                                  Japan and other parts of Europe, kek


                                                                                    2 out of 5 most popular threads on this forum got nothing to do with dota.

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                                                                                      This American thinks he knows the world and probably he is thinking Europe is a country aswell


                                                                                        Hamburgers are a shitty excuse for a meal, no matter the country.

                                                                                        Now chicken wings. I'd say I like them, but I'm not sure if the ones I eat are what you are used to see. Are talking deep fried shit?

                                                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                                                          I never said I konw the world that's why I'm asking the fucking question pricks. I just said I've been to Germany and other parts of Europe multiple times (Germany mostly didn't feel like fucking listing them all cus mostly just passed through travelling but did try food), and Japan. Do they really eat hamburgers in China? I really fucking doubt it since my chinese co-worker didn't even know what sandwiches were until I took him to jimmy john's. He said they don't eat sandwiches in china and since burgers are sort of like a sandwich... and I know Indians don't eat them because cows are sacred. My Indian friend said when he got to America he started eating them cus they are so good. So at least one third of the world's people between those two countries and they don't eat fucking hamburgers, so fuck off it's not that weird of a question to ask.


                                                                                            Burgers are illegal here in Germany if there isnt atleast 1 Bratwurst in it.


                                                                                              Fuck chicken though
                                                                                              How come Americans don't eat decent meat holy shit

                                                                                              Pale Mannie

                                                                                                @It Aint Hard to Tell

                                                                                                SIE MEIN FREUND LÜGEN GANZ GEWALTIG

                                                                                                *goes away ragefully*

                                                                                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                                  sano it's because meat ain't cheap as fuck in the rest of the world like it's in Brazil. Also I don't know why would anyone eat something with a bone in it while you could eat the same thing without a bone.


                                                                                                    ^ agreed about the bone thing.

                                                                                                    But meat is cheep as hell in the US, the government subsidizes the shit out of animal farms. A steak costs the same amount as like 5 potatoes if you get it from the store.

                                                                                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                                      Well I don't know how much it costs at other countries but in here, price of meat can go from ~10 dollars per kilo to all the way to ~24, depending on which part of the animal you want.