General Discussion

General Discussionhave mercy on spec

have mercy on spec in General Discussion
Giff me Wingman

    So far 100% winrate, bitch is stronk.

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      I am Aimstronk


        Spam, spam everywhere

        lm ao
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            She will be nerfed for sure. I honestly like that she is now a true late game monster, but her mid game is too strong. She does too much dmg & is too tanky with nearly zero farm.

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              just played pa, one of fucking strongest 1v1 carries, and spec was killing me 1v1 like it was nothing. rofl.

              lm ao



                  Spec is amazing this patch, can't wait to watch the Majors should be fun times seeing some of the heroes in the pool.


                    she's going to be troll-like hated soon. too strong early-mid game now.

                    undo her desolate working on creeps and she'd go back to a better place imo.

                    the realm's delight

                      yeah spectres actulaly retatded i hope spectre pickers get cancer ty


                        She is strong but please dont turn her into the fucking " OMG OP PLEASE NERF UNBEATABLE" hero.. cuz shes not.. you just need to shut her down early like any carry and push... one of the most balanced heroes in the game imo.


                          I need to try her out since i cant win with any of the carries i was good on anymore. I dont know if it's fuckin retard day or something, but i dont understand people anymore, they're so fuckin dumb with everything they do it's fuckin insane.


                            "one of the most balanced heroes in the game"? She was a balanced hero pre-6.85 but no idea where you come up with that. all you need to do is farm up enough to let you farm the woods, haunt when its off cooldown and save up for a relic. after that there doesn't appear to be much in the way of subtle gameplay required....


                              Dont allow her to get to the relic? pick an aggressive support duo and just stalk her around the map. smoke into their jungle if needed.
                              force their spec to skip radi.


                                Meanwhile you are 4v3 or 3v3 with a babysitter and spectre.

                                You can't just say gank/harass as a way of countering a hero in isolation.

                                Besides, spectre has her dagger escape so isn't even straightforward to gank especially if she's got a vanguard before the relic.


                                  Ok plz No spectre isn't broken her old dispersion was actually better late game..... Now high armor high resist enemy's will take less dmg


                                    mmm i think they need to undone the desolate buff


                                      Desolate buff is so minor guys it helpsna little with farming but if your good you should be last hitting anywayd


                                        Atheist you are only partially right. New dispersion basically means she does more damage to heroes less farmed than her but less to heroes more farmed than her. It's neither a buff or a nerf. Desolate change is much more significant imo albeit more subtle. Buffed her early game substantially.


                                          Desolate change means fuck all in the lane but it speeds up early jungling substantially.


                                            Nerf her starting STR. She is way too tanky with just PT, Urn, Wand. You can buy those 3 items & then rush straight Radiance & still be a monster in mid game. It's just ridiculous. Give her maybe better STR gain, but nerf her early STR. I like Spectre, she is one of my favorite safe lane carries, but now she is too ridiculous. Before this patch her late game was not as strong as people make it (she got outcarried in ultra late game), but now she is much stronger in late game, coz she can build armor & dispersion totally owns supports. Pipe on her is also quite strong now & it might be core vs some line-ups.


                                              Spectre confimed fuckin OP. This hero is just too fuckin strong now, holy fuckin shit.


                                                im sure that just because you got dumpstered on by a spectre = confirmed fuckin OP.