General Discussion

General Discussionhow solo mmr above 3.9k? and r 4k people good or bad?

how solo mmr above 3.9k? and r 4k people good or bad? in General Discussion
Sexo Meister

    can anyone on the 4k mmr above tell me are the usual 4k+ players good or bad?

    I just wanna ask this cus I couldnt get above 3940 (which is DAMN frustrating) because for some reason some 4k player would act so damn childish and have a 2k game strategy with really BAD performance (no map awareness, dont know when to pick fights, just pops up bkb even if hunting a low hp no mana hero, etc.)

    but sometimes also out of nowhere a really good 4k player who just lead the team with very amazing strategy and dem plays are just epic. Chances meeting these player is 4 like out of 10 matches.

    now why are there 4ks who play like 2k? Like how do they end up in 4k? or are the Really good 4k are just people from above on new acc?


      there really is no noticable difference between 3940 and 4000. breaking 4k is still shit, and it doesn't get any better. people are probably even more arrogant than before because they now have a decent understanding of the game which makes them cocky as fuck.

      would you think differently if these 4k players were 3999 mmr instead? it's just a number so you shouldn't care about it too much.


        for sub 4k players they seem good, for ppl with higher mmr they look kinda rly bad


          Some good some bad

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              everything below 5 k is complete garbage... no voicechat no skill.
              4 k - 5 k (i am 4800btw) are rly self confident, mechanically quite skilled yet but have afwul decisionmaking. no clue when to go in, no clue about ally cooldown, no teamplay, steal lasthits etc etc etc people play their hero and not the game. play to get alot of items and kills, not to win game.
              dont actually know if it gets better at 5 k.


                3.5 - 4k difference is mainly in mechanical skill and ability to play more then few heroes. A lot of smurfs ends in this range, so in my opinion, that's why it's hard to get out.

                I don't really think there's much of a difference between 3.5 - 4k, so you can pretty much know the answer for 3.9 -4k.

                The difference is noticable after you hit something like 4199.

                People after 4.1k, at least for me, seem to be better players overall.

                As someone who was pretty much in low 4k and high 3k for the 80% of my Dota career. I can tell you that.

                4.5k - 4.9k, someone told me(I was never there tho) that it's canserous bracket, but I still belive people with 4.5k+ MMR are noticable better then, for example. people with 3.5 - 4.1k MMR.


                  Anything below 5k is dogshit.

                  A waifu a day keeps socie...

                    4k is terrible, getting placed in a game with them gives me headache


                      fuCK DOTYO


                        at first it felt nice being 4k but then i realised it's absolute dogshit like 3k

                        but it's necessary step to go further so you have no choice if you want to go up i guess
                        or buy an account 4Head

                        < blank >

                          I can carry 4k trash better than 3k trash, but their skill level are still the "same", is your question answered now?

                          the realm's delight

                            pretty sure 5,5ks are bad too lol


                              yeah look at triplesteal EleGiggle


                                everyones bad until 8.5k minimum i believe


                                  I'm 5.3k and I'm trash, draw your own conclusions

                                  < blank >

                                    I sexually Identify as an Artour Babaev. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of soaring over the Suma1l's dropping hot sticky shadow razes on unknowing storm spirit's. People say to me that a person being a Artour Babaev is Impossible and I’m fucking retarded but I don’t care, I’m beautiful. I’m having a plastic surgeon install babushkas, psi blades and fear doto on my body. From now on I want you guys to call me “Arteezy” and respect my right to meme dankly. If you can’t accept me you’re a dankophobe and need to check your doto privilege. Thank you for being so understanding.


                                      I can carry 4k trash better than 3k trash, but their skill level are still the "same", is your question answered now?

                                      You can carry 4k better because they are less tresh then casual 3ks.

                                      Question answered, next


                                        There are probably not any 4k players, or almost none who actually play like 2k players. But it would not be surprising to see someone with 4k MMR playing close to 3k level on a hero they did not know (have not played in 6 months, only played 3 times ever).

                                        People's performance varies dramatically depending on which hero they use and also from game to game. You must know this because you know you are far better at some heroes and suck at others. Other people are the same. If you play Undying (309 games 63.7% win), your play will be worthy of a vastly higher MMR skill than if you play Timbersaw (23 games 17.4% win).

                                        People are not likely to play their worst heroes, but they do play them sometimes. You have collectively played 277 games on 29 heros Dotabuff rates for you at 0% success rating because of your terrible stats for them. This means there is a 10.7% chance you will pick a hero that will make your contribution to the game nearly worthless. If we expand to inculde heroes for which your "success" rating is less than 10%... now its 24 more heroes and 365 more games where you were not a total ZERO, but still made it seriously difficult for your team to win because of your poor performance on those heroes.

                                        Taken together that is 24.8% of your games where you picked a hero that was truly UNLIKELY to be a positive contribution to winning because you consistently achieve terrible stats on that hero. Other players do the same thing for lots of reasons... but in any particular game someone will be playing far above and someone far below their MMR based on hero choices.

                                        This is why you feel like some people are over-performing and some are under-performing. It is because that variation is real.

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                                            either they overdo it and feed all game and have barely enough money to get wards, or they steal your farm, get quite a lot of gold, feed and spam all game shit like: "can't buy wards, I'm 500 gold away from my 3. shitty item"


                                              3,7k - 4,5k is really not that much of a difference, you still get players who push their lane constantly and don't do creep aggroing. Players past that MMR range will usually just rekt everything below 4,5k. 5,5k is where shit gets real..


                                                Bratan RageZeus, you're alive! Welcome back from the dead xD


                                                  I'm pretty sure everyone below 8k is trash.


                                                    Also back to dotkas! Might play some when I feel like it. :)