General Discussion

General DiscussionDid you favorite character get buffed?

Did you favorite character get buffed? in General Discussion
Livin' Real Good

    Time to climb boys! YES, YES! That boulder with 5 second cool down, 1 second stun, so 4 second cool down technically!
    Dispel cool down lowered, but most importantly, 600 AOE instead of 200 on it! DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT PICKING OMNI IN FRONT OF ME, SIT YO ASS DOWN OMNI!


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      Yeah, Pudge and Drow got buffed :D


        Wait what happened? I'm at work, can someone link changes?


          No. I didn't think icefraud would nerf TB again but he fucking crippled him


            I have feeling that he actually wants to buff him but he does it the wrong way. xD


              well enchantress got buffed, now I will be slightly less horrible with her.

              Livin' Real Good

                That's nice that Pudge buffed, he needed it badly, and i'm sure Benao is very happy with the Drow buffs, he's the first person I thought about, then when I saw the Tinker buff, I thought of Salza. haha'

                Livin' Real Good



                  Here you go friend.


                  At least SF didn't get touched at all XD, that means there's a good chance he's automatically gonna be strong mid, his competition all got nerfed, and he already did well in 6.84!

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                    Neither Windrunner or ember got buffed
                    Well, I don't think they even need it. At least invoker is sick now.


                      Not my favorite one, nope.

                      But all the others did. Fuck yeah!


                        At least the heroes i hate got nerfed. SO YEAH IM HAPPY NOW.
                        TIME TO CLIMB MMR GUYS

                        Riguma Borusu

                          Legion got buffed. Fuck yeah :D


                            no. my tb , i guess icefrog just don't ply tb, tat's y he nerfed it over and over

                            Livin' Real Good

                              That's great to hear guys.

                              i'm enjoying Brewmaster, and Venge the most right now. Someone actually picked omni knight my first match, and i took advantage of Brew's new buff, and dispelled omni's ult off 3 out 5 people on the enemy team cause of the 600 dispel AOE! :D They were like WTF!? Probably.

                              Riguma Borusu

                                I've actually started going phase boots first on LC now, seeing as phase boots are ridiculously well synergyzed with her abilities and base movement speed.

                                Livin' Real Good

                                  eh, I still think treads are the way to go, she has no attack speed before she grabs a hyperstone, or has 4 levels on Press at attack (which cost mana by the way) If she's gonna be playing that carry role, treads are almost always the go to option, that's why you see Lina's in pro games grabbing treads when she's played core, EVEN though she has an attack speed passive. I dunno, tell me how it goes, I just think Treads are the way to go on Legion, that's just me. lol
                                  Even boots of travel for more move speed that doesn't require phase active + global blink duels sounds better than Phase boots.

                                  Riguma Borusu

                                    Well, the way I find it, you get a lot of mobility for very cheap with phase, it's really unrivaled. But when's this good? Obviously, only when you want to start snowballing the second you get your level 6. If you want to farm up a bit more before you start dueling, you should really get treads+blink anyway, or go brown boots (to go into travels later which are really good on her) + blink + start building armlet/blademail.

                                    It's just a mobility item that you can get ridiculously fast and can give you much easier early duels, due to better positioning + some damage. Also treads are nerfed, now they grant 25 attack speed, which is still good for her since she has atrocious agi gain.


                                      tb is a fucking joke
                                      see u in 6.86


                                        Is this seriously Icefrog balancing this? All he is doing now is nerfing what he originally buffed

                                        Riguma Borusu

                                          Also, he's buffing a really stupid amount of heroes' stat gain, it's kinda ridiculous.

                                          Miku Plays

                                            time to break a leg with legion my baby girl

                                            Livin' Real Good

                                              I don't know what the deal is, I keep hearing "terror blade now viable " then hearing terror blade is still trash, which is it ! O_O

                                              Livin' Real Good

                                                I had no idea treads got nerfed, didn't see that part, hmm.

                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                  It's not a major nerf, it just makes some items more cost efficient than completing boots on heroes like Legion. Boots of Speed + going armlet is probably better than completing treads now.

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                                                    bounty is fucking dead, but I got 2 sec less cooldown on Whirling Death now, which is nice

                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                      Yeah, bounty got the bad end of the nerfstick. But you, timberabuser, surely like the timber buff, eh? :D Well, some heroes have got greater stat gains, which is almost an indirect nerf to timber in some way.

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                                                      Livin' Real Good

                                                        Bounty is dead!? o_o Gondar, I mean Sampson is going to be so sad, but knowing him, more like angry. XD

                                                        Riguma Borusu

                                                          He no longer provides AoE vision with track, that's so painful.

                                                          Giff me Wingman

                                                            not evven touched.

                                                            ROAD TO HERALD 0



                                                                nyx's buffs will result in a way higher pickrate in competitive, but wont affect pub games that much.

                                                                waku waku

                                                                  i'm happy pudge got buffed, but i'm still obsessed with blue pony for time being


                                                                    TripleSteal, why not? Nyx is so useful in pubs. They have no ward so you can always make sure no enemy can escape with a kill streak or farm jungle. Late-game burrow (now boosted) lets Nyx kill enemy guarded by other enemies, burrow, and escape with BoT. If other enemies are stupid, they will die to Nyx's 6.85-boosted damage and range.

                                                                    Luna Aghs/Moonshard were both buffed....I like this.

                                                                    Lina lost a lot in the Eul's nerf. She may need 900 range on her ult + aghs again in 6.86.

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                                                                      yeah lycan AND Necrobook got buffed im in heaven right now

                                                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                        Ineffective buffs and the meta didn't really change either. Faster cast time on Sprout is nice though. I just wish the ulti was a more useful spell.


                                                                          proper use of aghs requires a certain level of teamplay/coop and is just not viable in pubs
                                                                          besides the aghs upgrade, we see only the vendetta's duration being rescaled, which is nice, but not that important.

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                                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                                            Yeah lycan buff pretty minor but necrobook buff is cool.

                                                                            I like what they did with necrophos, new build will probably be 2/0/4/1 at 7. Sadist buff is big and lvl 2 death pulse does almost as much as old lvl 3. He'll be even better in lane, probably a better farmer too able to sustain more by maxing sadist earlier.

                                                                            Troll got very small buff but I think it'll boost his jungle pretty well. It's 16 IAS at full fervor stacks lvl 1, that's like an extra stack worth.

                                                                            Sven buff is similar, very small, but I might actually try jungle sven now. I've doen it before and it's not shit, it's not as good as like ursa but it's only slightly behind nerfed troll and lifestealer and i've found it better than medusa.

                                                                            Sniper shrapnel thing wasn't enough, it should be like 0.8 seconds to activate I mean the cd on those charges is insanely long.

                                                                            Enchantress buff seems shitty unless you go mask of madness, but it'll be a fad build imo, not really that good. She'll still suck.

                                                                            TB nerf makes zero sense. I think they just don't know what they want TB to be. Dumb. all they had to do was buff his base hp like 100 and remove the move speed nerf on meta and he'd be good to go.

                                                                            But this will be a great patch just cus of three things: Nerf bs, nerf storm, nerf lesh. All got significant nerfs that make them balanced. The lesh nerf is PERFECT. No more fucking no skill lightning spam. And the BS nerf is great too, no more diving you at lvl 3 cus your teammates are all 80% hp lol. Ridiculous shit.

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                                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                                              Oh and the doom buff is pretty big. Course level 1 hellfire is the same, but for a jungle doom I *might* go q, w, w, q, w now instead of other q, w, q, w, q. At lvl 3 it's 168 more healing/dmg. Pretty big. And laning doom is probably a lot strong, max hellfire and lvl death with that reduction.

                                                                              And luna aghs might be an actual thing more than a gimmick now. With aghs her ult is 65% strong now, vs about 27% before, and it will solo anyone since max dmg is now 5400 vs 4200 (before reductions of course).

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                                                                                Enigma and Tinker got buffed this'll be ez meta


                                                                                  i think not a soul noticed meepo is in game

                                                                                  ROAD TO HERALD 0

                                                                                    Triplesteal. I know the aghs buffs probably wont cause a big uptick in Nyx's pick rate in pubs. Albeit i can only describe my own experience in my own tier - for some reason in my mmr tier the hero is very undersubscribed.

                                                                                    The hero's ganking impact is relatively reduced by detection and doesnt do fantastically on lane (neither factor which the buffs resolve).

                                                                                    So for me, Nyx is still a relatively situational pick and far from flavour of the month.

                                                                                    Plus Aghs isnt even core on Nyx. Usually mobility/uility items are needed to maximise his space creating capabilities.

                                                                                    But the increased vendetta duration at level 1 and 2 (15 seconds!) makes a big difference in the early-mid game in terms of 1. being able to scout out targets pre-initiation (if area is not warded), and 2. Moderately lowering the skill's effective cd in situations where the player does not have to break invis immediately after going invis.

                                                                                    That said, I am going to get Aghs in my next few Nyx games, see if i can get rekt :]

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