General Discussion

General DiscussionLaning against AM

Laning against AM in General Discussion

    What do you look out for when laning against AM?PMS +ring of health makes him pretty golden in lane already,especially when I am using heroes like WR which makes my right click almost a non-factor against him,which I would also run out of mana if spamming powershot.The only thing I tried to do against the AM is trying to mess up his timing for LHs and use powershots for LHs.

    I am only confident enough to actually prevent him from farming well with tide,or cause the lane to be somewhat evenly matched with bristle which I would just get get my LHs and try to deny without caring about mana since bristile is too tanky for am to harress with almost 0 mana all the time.Sometimes I might win the lane against AM with phoenix as I don't have much experience with phoenix and AM matchup,and sometimes I just get rekt.

    Any suggestions on making AM's life hard in the laning phrase assuming there is only 1 support going with AM or a solo lane against AM?

    King of Low Prio

      just contest his farm as much as u can unless he is retarded he wont die to you solo

      Riguma Borusu

        Go aggro trilane :x


          I'm pretty sure WR should win or?

          King of Low Prio

            offlanes should never 'win' the lane they should just be able to get as much as possible from it

            Dire Wolf

              "offlanes should never 'win' the lane they should just be able to get as much as possible from it"

              That was my thought, just try not to let him free farm and in turn farm as much as you can. Am should basically never die in lane, only if other team ganks him with some major disables like a skywrath coming from mid or tp'ing in behind or something, and even then heads up play he'll just hug tower.


                oh i thought it was a 1v1 situtation nevermind