General Discussion

General DiscussionQueen of pain in competitive Dota

Queen of pain in competitive Dota in General Discussion

    Lately I've been watching a lot of competitive Dota.

    It was first because of bets, but I actually started to enjoy it, so I do it now because I like it.

    My question for more exp. players is: why the queen of pain seems to lose majority of games when she gets picked by pro dota players?

    Like, S4 often plays her poorly, Super from VG also just failed with her, can't really remember, but I think also Dendi played poorly qop against CIS-R if I'm not mistaken?

    It always starts like this, at least from my point of view:

    Queen of pain either gets kill during first few minutes of the match, after she gets level 6, she either decides to farm and push mid tower, or she gets very active(i'd say that's how Dendi plays QoP?).

    One way or another, it always ends up terrible for her and her team.

    I'm starting to think that she's really tricky hero? What's the common mistakes people do with her, so it results in 322 gaming?


      I think most pros Play mid either in a very "yolo"ish Fashion or just as a pusher. Qop isn't really good at either of the things. she can't jump in kill someone and except to get out again like a storm can for example, nor can she push Towers like crazy like a DK or WR could.


        QoP is actually decent split pusher in my opinion.

        I doubt that pro's play yolo-ish qop tho.

        Also, I'd say qop's got great gank potential, and is scarier then Storm in early game.

        Storm needs farm, she's farm-mid hero. QoP can get active and be usefull after lvl 7 I guess?

        Livin' Real Good

          I dunno, i'm not a fan of the hero, she's cool and all, but I don't know. She's actually infamous for winning lane, and losing games, just like Viper. I'd rather have Storm over her late game on my side any day, same with Shadow Fiend.



            Exactly. She wins lane, she gets momentum, and she loses it in a matter of few secs after some time.


              My 4k mmr insight doesn't mean much, but.. when I played qop, my impact seemed pretty small once I've hit like 35 min mark or so
              though I rarely play her and I had 2 or 3 games with her this patch

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                QoP can push creeps quick, but she can't kill a Tower.

                and I don't really mean her gank potential, more her survivability. as a qop you have to be 100% sure that you can kill your enemy otherwise you either die or just waste an ult. where as storm doesn't really care, if the enemy counterganks you just zip away, if enemy escapes no probs, heal up gank again

                Livin' Real Good

                  Yeah, in a team fight meta where people are always close together, coordinated, communicating, and just have pro map awareness, it's hard for her to snow ball like she does in our level of player, she takes a lot of skill in high level. She's not gonna be able to just blink in scream, and sonic wave like she does in our shitty ranked matches.

                  Most people would kill me or call me bad for saying this, but she seems so weak late game to me... I dunno... Storm and SF are just so much better to me late game.. TA as well..


                    qop pretty much becomes useless after Minute 40, you might aswell farm camps with your ult


                      qop is doing fine overall, the sample of the games you watched is just too small to give representative correlations.


                        "fine" isn't just good, even ember is doing better imo lmao


                          i meant "okay".


                            my Point still stands


                              if u expect the game to last this long, you usually go for hex/damage build - ac, mkb, desol (shivas is also a good choice btw). qop is a rather strong rightclicker.
                              also, she has largest blink range in the whole game, which gives you a strong advantage in the lategame.

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                                she becomes a very strong pusher tbh. but still, compared wit other mids in this meta she is still just "ok" and not good

                                I'm 2k anyways wHO cAREAS LMFAO Xdddd EleGiggle

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                                lm ao

                                  Don't worry I'm 2K as well, so is 75% of the whole Dota2 gaming population


                                    they build her wrong, they should get a scepter (dont know how soon) and build her carry style with deso cuirras bkb crits or smth like that. That's the reason they have so little success, they don't adapt to the meta (in other words, retard players)



                                      I acutally think that makes sense. I've seen couple of cops in past with fast Scepter and currias/BKB/Deso, she does wonders.


                                        hex is pretty good as well


                                          hex is pretty good as well


                                            the smallest missblink is your dead basically, I also think its hard if you fall behind.
                                            but im 3k shit so who cares