General Discussion

General DiscussionWas this game unwinnable?

Was this game unwinnable? in General Discussion

    I farmed decent but could have definitely been better. My "support" started trolling hard when I called him out for pushing the lane by side pulling without double pulling or at the very least stacking the camp first. The guy proceeded to troll me the rest of the game so I ended up muting. I was against a Sniper/WK lane pretty much solo due to my support being terrible just in general due to being a Bane.

    If anyone could take a look at the game maybe and tell me what I could have done to carry this game and make more of an impact let me know please, I find myself getting the farm needed as a carry but it never seems "enough" to carry the game for the most part. I had a last minute ditch effort to get a Divine Rapier and obviously it wasn't near enough as I had nothing to help keep me alive at that point in the game and my team had no farm at all so they just melt.

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      Yes at minute 24 it was, then you failed hard


        But exp difference doesn't exactly paint the full picture, certain items come online for heroes that will change the whole flow of the game. The other team farmed well, got their items online and actually capitalized on them whereas my team didn't do shit with theirs. For instance when Axe got his blink dagger he continued to feed and never really did anything with it. The Ember Spirit never carried TP and was always out of position, horrible farm too even with getting BF and being an Ember Spirit... The pudge literally was being made fun of by everyone on my team because he did not land any hooks on the enemy team, I did not partake in this however.

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          I have decent knowledge I feel like, but I don't do enough all the time to continue to win games. I also sometimes play heroes i'm not too comfortable with such as Bloodseeker in my recent game that was my 3rd game ever playing him and well I went offlane vs. a Legion Commander and did not play him well. Those games I can live with as I learn from my mistakes.

          I played Ursa here the PA abandoned within the first 15 minutes due to the support trolling him and he raged out of the game. At that point I had a lead but as Ursa you can kite him so easily I couldn't do enough so I left the game myself at one point.


            LF Senpai pls! <3

            I think I am going to purchase Dotabuff Plus so I can study my statistics while I am at work since I am limited to what I can do while at work...