General Discussion

General Discussionwhy do sb's not get 1 point haste by 3?

why do sb's not get 1 point haste by 3? in General Discussion

    it feels like a semi value point with 6% at level 1 and +4 each level and having slight ms advantage matters alot
    also his other skills dont have such a strong scaling, although i would certainly max charge and bash first
    like i see most good sb players go 404 build? someone explain to me the rationale, im no sb player.

    Pandamonium(You Died)

      I go 1-1-1 at start, but I usually being hyper-aggressive from lvl 1-2. I.e if your team are not total potatoes, MS speed buff can make it or break it in the gank/retreat. I`d say if you have trilane, go 1-1-1, if its something else, you are probably better off getting second level bash, and then aura on 4th.
      EDIT: now that I looked through my games, I lied. I go 1-3-3-2 pretty much every game, for that extra bash on lvl 3.

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        sometiems i go for it, sometimes i skip it and go 1 - 0 - 2, and take haste on lvl4. it is highly situational and not really important tbh.

        Riguma Borusu

          No idea, this irks me as well, I get 1 1 1 at start, and then go on depending on what I really need. Charge's basically always safe to max out first because it offers a reliable stun that's actually ridiculously long at level 4, and you can bash people while they are stunned. If you're afraid your gank target is gonna react, max charge first, since it gives you a free kill at level 7. Basically, you will have the time to finish animation for your ultimate even if your target has a reliable stun (but did not see you coming). If you want to focus more on that lane, if there are some melee laners, harass them, if you pop a level 4 bash on them, it's gonna be a huge chunk of damage, but keep in mind pure 15% RNG.

          But I always get one point in the aura at level 2 or 3, depending on how urgent it is. If you're an offlaner against a trilane, obviously having the means to get the fuck away should be favored over maxing out bash, so you'd get one level in bash at 2 or 3, and max charge and aura first. SB is ridiculously fast with boots of speed + active component of his aura, and able to outrun most trilanes unless they have a really, really solid lockdown. You have to time your charge right because if you only max that one, you're gonna have a mediocre aura and a good bash you can't use since you have to play defensively.

          If you're part of a trilane, getting early levels in aura grants your trilane much needed mobility, so I still don't get why people don't go for it where it'd really help them. Still, charge gives you a pretty reliable and long AoE stun if you use it right, and having opponents unable to react longer is going to be favored over the increased mobility the aura will give. Aura's really strong, but underestimated most of the time, even by really good players, though bad players often max charge and use it in the worst way possible.

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            yea i dont mind if you get it at 4 but ive seen most pros go 404 and add haste at 10 which i find peculiar

            Riguma Borusu

              jo~, maybe it's because people who draft SB also have a tendency to draft other mobile heroes so aura is not really a necessary component of the early game? Also, max charge max bash will certainly give you the highest DPS in a fight, so if you want to focus on locking people down and beating them instead of running after them, it's gonna work. If your team's really mobile or has a ton of stuns, aura is indeed going to be rather underwhelming (although it helps your damage too).


                how do u even have the confidence to type triple ur s bis like the fuckin worst

                bum farto

                  Triple plays tranquil boots carry SB.

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                      thats why im so exceptional, who would care about the mediocre opinion of some barely 6k trash when there is like the worst player in the world offering his service.

                      solo safe laning doesnt make SB carry (sadly), and at that point I needed tranqs for laning stage, as far as i remember. i am usually rather versatile in terms fo itembuilds and get w/e I feel i lack most.


                        According to PPD and GrandGrant (NA Spiritbreaker in NEL) SB should go 1-0-2 at the start, and at the earliest get it at lvl 4


                          well havoc can tell you the tales of my legendary spirit breaker


                            Gues I in the minority but I get charge , then bash ten Max haste

                            Pandamonium(You Died)

                              ^I'm pretty sure in normal skill you can just not level anything and still win. Ok mb bash lvl 1 for extra enemy tilt.

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                                I used to go 2-0-3-1 to 4-0-4-1.

                                Then i went 2-0-3-1 to 2-1-4-1 then max charge then haste.

                                This is followed by 1-1-3-1 then max bash then haste then charge.

                                Finally i settled on 2-1-2-1 then max bash then charge the haste. 1 point in aura is invaluable in offlane and chases. 2 point charge is bare minimum for any gank attempts. You need to max bash asap for the burst dmg. Longer stun time is useless if you do not have the dmg.

                                1 point in aura is also a great counter to silencer in lane. But you have to take note it give away magic stick charges as well.


                                  Barathrum ----Is ----Sprite braker...
                                  Emp Haste should take in lvl 6.

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                                      even it's just so slight it's a good buff.. you need that. at least take it at lvl 4. even only one lvl. no one knows the differences between life on death on 5mspd.

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                                          The ms is exactly good for locking down and blowing up the one target u charge.

                                          In some games, there is this window whereby you are level 3 and opponent remain bootless. You buy an OOV, learn 1 lvl of aura (1-1-1 skillbuild) and proceed to whack hell out of him.

                                          Pol Pot of Greed

                                            max charge and ur w they are the only reliable spells on sb u cant rely on rng guys


                                              alright thanks kitrak

                                              Pandamonium(You Died)

                                                Yeah, why would bonus speed to teammates be useful.
                                                Track is a shit spell too, 150 gold, please.

                                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                  It's an aura you know? More points in charge do almost nothing either, some extra speed and stun duration is decent but making your entire team slightly faster (%12 with the active is a big deal) is more important I feel.


                                                    but u do everything alone u charge solo and then u stun and then u 17% so uwant extra stun duration for more 17% procs

                                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                      Solo? This ain't 2k, unless you are a bashlord you can't do shit solo.