General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat are your least played heroes and why?

What are your least played heroes and why? in General Discussion

    Chen - Too lazy and noob to micro manage.
    Techies - Seems boring.
    Earth Spirit - Haven't had the chance to use him often.


      jakiro - dafuq is this hero.

      Livin' Real Good

        Shadow Demon, never used him once in my history of Dota 2 (so a year and a half) probably never will, but then again, i told myself i'd learn every hero before this summer ends.. I still need him , Earth Spirit, and Meepo.... but Shadow Demon looks soooo lame.

        PS: Tohsaka!~ <3333

        Este comentário foi editado

          Meepo, Chen, Visaje because micro


            earth spirit - i'm a bit afraid of playing him but i think i'll start playing him very soon
            medusa - how the fuck do i play her?
            ursa - meh.. i never really liked him

            é c l a i r ♬

              Basically really common heroes everyone uses - for the same reason.

              You know the drill.

              On the flip side, some of my more often used heroes are found... at the bottom of the least popular heroes. Chen, Visage, Brood, Warlock, LD, Beastmaster. I love micro! :D But I'm taking up mid recently, so you find Lina/QoP overtaking the top of my list.

              lm ao

                It seems weird that I never ever used Riki ever in my whole life. Not even in my smurfs. As do most of the most played but one-dimensional heroes like Sniper, Drow etc... In fact I actually suck at them. I dont know why. The last time I used PA, I thought it was gunna be easy. So did te last time I used Bloodseeker and Juggernaut. I always prefer heroes with high skill cap. Dunno, must be a hipster's thing. I listen to Martin Garrix and Firebeatz. What does that say about me?


                  you should pick sniper ! it's great hero. everybody loves shooting from a far. <3