General Discussion

General DiscussionSo much cancer in games lately

So much cancer in games lately in General Discussion

    This is a bit of a vent if anything... But I'm really starting to get sick of all the miserable people that play dota. Even if our team is winning there is always at least 1 player blaming everyone and just being a general dick.

    Sometimes I just mute my entire team, but that's even kind of lame too. I wish people could stop being such whiney crybaby toxic shitheads while playing dota.

    King of Low Prio

      So you are crying about people crying?


        Yeah last night was pretty crazy in terms of toxicity. All the kids have friday and saturday nights free so they do what they do and shit on everyone.


          what cancer are we talking about ?

          Pale Mannie

            ^Were talking about severe eye bleeding, Sir

            Last picking is 4 pussies

              Don't play ranked on weekends ;)


                Just dont play dota at weekends


                  kids are free on weekend, i agree with ^. don't play dota at weekend unless you are sure you can fucking carry 'em. ( somehow easier cause they are dumb, somehow harder cause we are dumb )

                  Pale Mannie

                    See, were talking about severe eye bleeding and massive jaw droppings.
                    Dont forget to include the cancer spreads in those ages, Sirs and Ma'ams.


                      And what's wrong with muting your team? If your team is whining/flaming each other then I'd say just do it. I don't think you need more than chatwheel + pings/map drawing in "High skill" games anyway.


                        ofc u do

                        the difference of the games i win using mic to tell my tema what to do

                        and games where im playing for myself not giving fuck is so big i can't even litteraly


                          But then again you're probably good at the game. I meant it for "High skill" games, as in ~3.5k(hence the quotation marks) where people are generally equally clueless about what should be done/what is going on in the game.


                            im sure mic using is 100% beneficial as long as you leave out useless banter/whining and reserve it for important calls
                            asking for tp/coordinating ganks/disable sequence when most of the players cant watch the minimap properly is certainly going to be useful.


                              oh u would be suprised how much 5-6k retards are clueless about the games

                              and how much it helps screaming "GO BACK GO BACK GO BACK"into mic helps to prevent them feeding

                              same with roshan or pushing/ganking/smoke ganks i usualy play in stacks with my lithuanian friends/people that im coaching so i tend to use mic not much at all and i feel awkward talking with myself with random people cuz ppl usualy dont voice chat much atleast in lower than 6k games


                                i voicechat in every game and im 4k Kappa