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General Discussionmouse questions

mouse questions in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    My favorite mouse ever was a cheap thrown in when I bought a keyboard off newegg. It included a steelseries kinzu for free. I loved the fit for my hand and it was rubberized which was great, and yeah only two buttons but that's all I needed for everything except wow. I had also splurged on a razer naga for wow. The naga isn't awful, the fit isn't as good but it's good enough, though the button pad is wasted for me playing anything other than wow, which I don't play anymore. But my biggest complaint with the naga is it stops responding once my surface gets a little sweaty. I have the razer performance pad that came with it and after playing like 30 minutes it gets moist from hand sweat and the mouse stops responding well, like it'll stick and sometimes not move at all. It's terrible. I'm not sure if this is a laser mouse issue or just naga issue. I have cleaned the sensor with q tips and it improves but it soon deteriorates again.

    So I went to bestbuy and picked up a steelseries rival raw mouse. Fit is a little different than the kinzu but I think I'll like it. It's rubberized too, has extra buttons and better dpi over the basic kinzu. However it is also laser while the kinzu was optical.

    Now my question is will the rival have the same issues as my naga? Laser tends to be more sensitive to your surface but the rival has great reviews and no one seems to like the naga outside of mmo's. I could easily return it and just buy a kinzu off new egg but I'm impatient and don't want to wait 2 weeks for shipping.


      `prettysure all mouses get moist from sweating and theres nothing u can do to prevent that other than stopping sweating or cleaning ur hands ever x amount of time


        idk if this will help you but when my hands would sweat I rinsed them with cold water.

        Dire Wolf

          I'm just wondering if optical tolerate sweaty surface better. The performance pad also doesn't help when it comes to sweaty hands, it's not like a fabric pad that soaks it up, it's very glossy and any droplet is easily felt.


            How the fuck do you get sweaty hands playing with a mouse+keyboard?


              i know som1 that has so much problem with sweat, he had to use a paper on top of his mouse, to aborb a bit of sweat.


                i get decent amount of sweat when playing games during summer time when its hot outside

                i just go and wash my hands with soap it quite helps for few hours

                Dire Wolf

                  It's not cus I'm excessively sweaty it's just the pad is a razor exact mat and super glossy. It just gets oily feeling so easily. I don't even know if that's the issue, it might just be the naga sucks.