General Discussion

General DiscussionSupporting to get out of the trench?

Supporting to get out of the trench? in General Discussion
Riguma Borusu

    But fuck my life, just abandoned the match where legion was rushing morbid mask because 'needs more lifesteal', we had a riki void offlane, OD who could not set up a gank with his astral, etc. Just fuck my life. Instant abandon. I am just too mentally broken to watch this kind of shit.

    One of the reasons my MMR is shit is because I pretty much ragequit when I see total retards on my team, I do not care what their team has, at all. I just do not want to play with those people.

    Fuck my life.

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      i actually did it with my best support, venge, to rise my mmr.
      she is so effective in rescuing teammate especially against void, pudge, wyvern, and even legion.
      warding/dewarding, buying lot of sentries, dust, and other supporting stuffs is not a problem at all bcause i almost winning the game only with arc boots and meka.
      and her vengeance aura can still supporting the team even when this hero dead.
      so, picking this hero as a support to fill the gap of ur team is a pretty nice choice, but you have to play selflessly to gain her true potential.

      waku waku

        it can work when your team's carry potential is better than the enemy then even if you are losing there's a chance that if you manage to prevent the other taem from snowballing long enough you can outcarry them, but otherwise no


          memelover's point is why you pretty much have to carry yourself until a certain point where other people playing carries are worth supporting. KotL is good and all, but he can only counterpush so much if your team's carries are trash.

          Miku Plays


            What do you mean by rushing morbid? Naked or nah, cause when i jungle lc i rush morbid (6.83 jugger) for my madness. Then again it depends on now they use it

            Miku Plays


              What do you mean by rushing morbid? Naked or nah, cause when i jungle lc i rush morbid (6.83 jugger) for my madness. Then again it depends on now they use it


                just go jungle bloodseeker or lifestealer for life buy pts/phase boots armlet deso s&y then whatever the fuck u want
                bloodcyka go pts silveredge or blade mail (blade mail if they have like fucking a million burst dmg) silver edge if they dont then buy bkb if they have like a million stuns then whatever the fuck u want ez mmr, trust me 1k's are soooo slow at doing stuff if you do it quick enough like farming then u get ez gold ez push ez mmr

                or if you know how to hook just say mid or feed instant pick pudge give no fuck who is mid if they are ranged or melee just gank the fuck outta them, they usually stay still so you can easily hook them

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                Riguma Borusu

                  @yf02, I've had some success with venge, but going full mobility build, which means tranqs+soul ring instead of arcanes, blink and force instead of anything else, usually ghost scepter for survival. It's much better at getting your carries alive than a Mek imo.

                  @memelover133769, well, yeah, I abandoned a game because my team were unbelievable retards who did not want to participate in any plays/ganks/etc, but they managed to win because they got riki and lc on the same team. Fuck my life, right. They also got extra gold from my abandonment.

                  @Extvia It's about chances, chances are at least one of the 4 caries might be doing good, and if he is, I can do my best to support him. In that regard tho, IO might be one of the best heroes to augment them.

                  @Hatsune Miku, I mean literally rushing morbid because he said he needed more lifesteal. Not because of bonus attack speed, but because he believes his lifesteal with lvl1 MoC is not enough, and 15% bonus lifesteal with his 55 damage would remedy that :( He also could not last hit for shit, I mean he was terrible. Legion has okay base damage, with quelling blade it's more than enough. It's depressing to zone people out just so your carry could miss the last hits. He wanted a naked morbid for whatever reason. However, I told him not to get morbid unless he plans upgrading it into something useful, and to get a blink/armlet for starters instead, it seems he actually listened to me and did good in that game, well who knew :x He did a lot of tower damage, I presume he got enough duels to make a difference, so it's all good.


                    NO NO AND NO TRASH, go back to your cave and stop spreading shit


                      There is no trench. MMR depends mostly on tactical skill. If you want your MMR to go up, just pick your favorite hero - a hero you know how to use to win games - and spam it so you perfect your execution of that hero. Then you will go up. The hero could be any hero at all, support, carry, ganker, initiator, pusher... it doesn't matter. You just have to pick a hero you know and like enough to play 50 games in a row... then do it. Tryhard every game and you will win 60+ % for a while gaining 500 MMR or so until you can't anymore because you are too slow compared to the now more skilled players you face. Then you will have to keep spamming that hero to stay there, or give up and lose MMR back down.

                      This is reality. If you really are skilled enough to play at higher MMR, it won't be hard to get there. If you can't, you won't be able to fake it. If you buy an account you won't be able to hold it at an artificially high MMR. If you want to play at peak MMR you will have to play your best heroes and tryhard every game or you will lose.

                      Riguma Borusu

                        Relentless, I have almost 60% winrate with Sven through 300 games, and 70% winrate with Crystal Maiden through ~40 games. I can actually spam those two heroes to rise as I can win with them fairly consistently. This post is dedicated to the idea that supporting teams at MMR where people do not generally pick supports might be an effective strategy. The only reason I have 70% winrate and 3+ KDA with crystal maiden is that people I play against are really bad. Very few BKBs, nobody buys orchid out of ordinary, nobody buys detection for my glimmer cape, etc. I exploit their shittyness. You just won't get a solo quad kill with crystal maiden against good players. They will always have a way to stop you ready, and will rarely let you farm up bkb AND glimmer cape that easily. Also, nobody dewards my (plentiful) wards and nobody understands why their jungle does not spawn after I've blocked their jungle with a few sentries. People are just so bad that they won't counter the simplest of things, and the point is that if you pick another core, you won't really be accomplishing as much in a 5 core team as you would in a 4 core + 1 support team.

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                          there is no trench dude, you are just very very bad, but you can't understand how bad you are because you lack the said skill at the game to be able to understand how bad you are, thats just the harsh truth.

                          a 3k-4k player could play on your account and win at least ~7/10 games.
                          a 7k player could play on my account and probably win ~7/10 games.

                          when i had around 2800 mmr i was watching streams of pros and shit and i thouth that there is nothing more i can learn about the game, and its just my team/ i have to play more games.

                          but i didn't know shit at 2800 mmr and i was just barely better than my team (i had mostly 60-65% winrate), and number of games =/= skill.

                          i know people with over 4k-5k games and still 2800-3100 mmr.

                          honest and best advice: try to understand how the game works, don't do stupid shit, get to a good mechanical level (not only last hit, but hero positioning and movement), watch arteezy stream or some good player's replays from players perspective and try to understand what, when, and why are they doing certain things (movin away from camp at :53 to stack it, going to rune every 2 minutes, etc.)

                          and to answer your question presented as a sentende - its hard to get out of 1k/2k mmr by playing support.
                          people lack the skill to use the space you provide and make good decisions at that low mmr.
                          but that being said i could still pick venge and go 36 3 at that mmr (played on 1800 friend account who thought he is "stuck").
                          just play a core and do the things i said before, if you don't have any physical or mental disabilities you are gonna improve fast.