General Discussion

General Discussioni h8 solo ranked

i h8 solo ranked in General Discussion
meow maniac

    constant team fighting. i'm having to baby sit everyone's lane while attempting to sway my teammates into pushing

    tinker literally never used rearm or march and rushed a fucking dagon instead of getting boots of travel even when i kindly told him how to play the hero.

    riki underestimated his damage and essentially threw several teamfights.

    legion was aight.

    crystal maiden was derpy af, but aight. abandoned though. as did the shitty tinker.

    idk how tf to properly build undying btw nor do i know whether or not to prioritize farm on him instead of doing supportish shat so feel free to criticize my terrible sub 1k MMR 'skillz'

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      what's the purpose of this thread? do you feel any better complaining to strangers about other strangers?mdo you think it's any interesting for whoever to read your complaints?

      meow maniac

        i enjoy shitting up the forum by furiously blogging. it's one of my favorite pastimes

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          aight then i approve




              i used to rush dagon tinker, its legit yo

              average kebab enjoyer

                One Word : Spamm Storm (no irony)(also, i can't count =P )

                Dire Wolf

                  Oh that's nothing I had a game where offlane qop didn't spec blink and fed and safe lane gyro maxed missile first. He also failed to get the easiest first blood ever. We had blocked spirit breaker on the tube and he used rockets but he didn't attack him, just chased with rockets. Like wtf he doesn't even know how rght click works. Sb ran to tower and gyro died, stupidest shit ever.

                  Had another game where enemy randomed Medusa first pick so I go am. Next three picks are undying ck ember. Of course enemy picks techies. And ck picked ck to support bought wards and everything. Support ck soo good.

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                  lm ao

                    lol why is this dumb thread bumped?


                      If i had 41 % winrate in normalbracket id hate it to.

                      I WILL HURT YOU

                        nice necroposting

                        meow maniac

                          seriously tho. look @ the games, even where my KDA is low i'll often times have better eco, more TD or just more HD overall. not that i don't have room to improve, my performance is inconsistent, positioning often times horrid & i sometimes show up @ team fights knowing there's not much i can do

                          sometimes i'll lose lane, attempt to catch up by farming camps & end up having next to no impact. when i decide to play pos 4 or 5 i do p well, but the advantage created is rarely capitalized on unless i'm playing with high skill or VHS players and yes, oddly enough someof my games contain one or two high school/VHS players that fluctuate between hs/vhs & 'normal'.

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                            OP is just bad

                            meow maniac

                              i'm also gay.


                                just when i have some shitty games and feel bad, i can always look at your profile OP, and understand how good of a time im actually having!