General Discussion

General DiscussionHas batrider just fallen off the meta or is he just overnerfed?

Has batrider just fallen off the meta or is he just overnerfed? in General Discussion

    I remember a time when batrider was top pick/ban and people said that would remain the same regardless of nerfs, but he's rarely seen.

    Is it just fotm heroes taking over, or is he gone for good? (aka until hes buffed)

    Livin' Real Good

      To me, he's NOWHERE as fun anymore (or good for that matter). Other characters got better, he got nerfed, and he just fell out i guess, this is my scrubby 3.6K opinion though. I'm sure someone here can further analyze it for you.

      The fire fly damage nerf was pretty big, but that's not why i stopped using him, i stopped using him cause of the Flame Break nerf.

      Now it deals 50 damage per second for a total of 200 damage (4 seconds) but before it dealed an instant 300 damage, and that to me was so amazing, just getting a double kill with an explosive molotov you threw from a mile away (it does have air time, but has amazing cast range) into an AOE was great.

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        Does the "nuke" do more damage after those few seconds with Sticky Napalm than before the instant 300 dmg nuke?

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        Pom Pom 🍕

          if the napalm is maxed, then yes. It adds 25 damage per flamebreak second (which goes from 1 to 4), So you get +25/50/75/100 damage per stack of napalm. Old damage was 75/150/225/300 while new is 50/100/150/200 (over up to 4 seconds), so if you have more than one stack on them you can easily do more damage than before, just not instantly.

          The problem with not being instant is that any item or ability that purges yourself will remove the the next incoming damage, as well healing abilities will turn down the dot. But it still has a great damage potential with napalm stacks.

          Batrider's nerf to firefly as well as nerf to jungle creeps means he can't farm blink as fast anymore. Often you'd see batriders do badly in lane but still get an 8min blink because the jungle is stacked. Most of the reason he's not picked is probably other offlaners being buffed so much they fall in favour of him though.

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          Livin' Real Good

            ^ Ahh' i see


              he is arguably over nerfed, but it took like 50 nerfs to do it.

              His farm speed needs to be improved without making him more deadly to heroes.

              also, glimmer op kek

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                long season

                  from what I've heard/seen firsthand he just doesn't initiate as well as a slough of other offlaners. I think he's been replaced in this meta by tusk


                    ^Just what i thought earlier that made me click this thread. lol :D
                    Tusk is a versatile hero that can easily make transitions from Carry / Hard Carry to Support / Initiator with ease.
                    Spell Immunity piercing Punch is what makes him a literal "snowballing" hero, just add some blinkers / agile heroes to roam w/ him in the map,
                    the party won't stop when Tusk is picked ;)


                      i think overnerfed

                      the range of lasso nerf was bad then jungle nerfed and the vision nerf + he don't really fit into this meta now cuz all he does pick off 1 hero and then be useless

                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                        Firefly damage should rescale into 25/40/55/70. Same at level 4, but better early game. Also either Flamebreak or Lasso should cost less mana. Also an attack range buff would do wonders.