General Discussion

General Discussion10v10 is here :D

10v10 is here :D in General Discussion

    Looks like 10v10 has been released as far as i can tell from the Dota 2 reborn client. Gonna be fun. The dota2 network is down for the time being tho.

    (Picking bh is guaranteed win :P)


      yes its here :P have fun with it.


        pick silencer and just stand in the middle of fights with a shadow amulet.


          Bounty Hunter cant lose games :D just track as much as u can and u will be ahead by 70-80k gold in 10 minutes XDDD


            and WK scepter is insane too


              Then somebody will tell "GG AM farming forest we are playing it 9v10 reported"

              Dire Wolf

                silencer + pudge + spectre + zeus + earthshaker = gg owned. Last 5 heroes don't even matter. Just pop last three ults all at once and enjoy +60 int and 5k hp pudges.

                < blank >

                  No idea why nobody went for Ember Spirit

                  Quick maffs

                    Guys i need 8 people to play this mod, i am planning in doing some early push strat, can you imagine how sick it must be ?

                    Something like venge luna beast prophet enigma .... you get it

                    Krazy Kat

                      I would like to see a 10-man echo slam.
                      Or a farmed OD popping his ulti.


                        Krazy - Echo slam 10 man barely ever happens, theres almost at any time 2-3 dead on ur team. In my last game i was up against OD, it worked pretty OK with the ult scepter/refresher thing.


                          10k hp Pudge incoming?

                          Quick maffs

                            Earthshaker is awful actually, well maybe the problem is my earthshakers

                            Krazy Kat

                              I just played a game as Earthshaker. Never got more than 4 in echo slam. But I got 4+ heroes in a fissure several times.
                              Most of the time 4-5 heroes are dead on both teams, and there are still 3 lanes to farm.


                                Let's play CS. Oh, wait

                                Last picking is 4 pussies

                                  Boring game type.

                                  meow maniac

                                    Not interested. Rather see Pit Lord or Arc Warden added to the game.


                                      I guess we'll see one of them released with the Zeus Arcana, probably Pit Lord (now Abyssal Underlord), considering he seems the more hellish or Hades-ish of the 2 in some kind of lame event where Zeus will be the protagonist and Assgalor the antagonist. Also fuck Arc Warden.