General Discussion

General DiscussionC9 Roster Change ?

C9 Roster Change ? in General Discussion
Franck D Tank

    Do you guys think C9 will change their roster after the dissapointment at ti5? If yes who do you think they will kick/pick up

    saving private RTZ

      Disband. Honestly. Bone7 has no place in pro scene. BDN if he keeps feeding too. I want EE to give up on captaining, guy is a good carry but he also wants to be a captain and he is not that good at multi-tasking.

      1 offlaner ( zai said he take 1 year off so he can finish school)


        he hasnt contacted me yet....i wonder why


          kick everyone except fata and ee

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            ee artour mason +2 the dream


              SingSing is back. A man can dream.


                bone 7 is just bad


                  what how bone7 has no place in the scene hes been one of more consistant offlaners in the past especialy with his bountyhunter

                  his unconventional offlanes been pretty good too

                  Last picking is 4 pussies

                    Zai isn't playing this year?

                    Also if anything I picture someone like fata finding a better team granted mid is probably one of the most talent polluted slots.

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                        ee+rtz the dream


                          this allu guy has no idea what he is talking about

                          no way in hell rtz and EE team up with puppey and kuro


                            Zai isn't playing for the next year. He is going to school.

                            The issue for a lot of teams is that there aren't many high performing off laners.

                            I'd like to see EE rtz n0tail... misery isn't bad so it would be fine if he stayed


                              EternalEnvy is absolute trash, horrible thrower when they have a lead he makes 2k MMR plays. He can be good a times, he had like 1 clutch razor game except for that = absolute thrower. Misery is miserable. Bone7 is useless. Only good player they have is BigDaddy but i feel like more hes a tier 1 pub-player than actually competetive idk. He needs better players around him, thats for sure. When BigDaddy was in Fnatic they drafted with the head under their arms, and C9 is doing the same thing.. So seems like he has a terrible way of influencing the draft. So before Cloud 9 / BigDaddy learns to adapt to the meta or establish the meta scene themselves they will stay irrelevant, but they always have the capability of upsetting the best teams. But C9 is really the biggest day/night team in competitive Dota, you NEVER know what C9 they will get, remember in the group stage C9 stomped for 4 games in a row winning in such convincingly fashion it was like seeing Alliance at ti3 for a while, then they absolute suck from those 4 games on and went on to drop down in the lower bracket and got booted already in their 1st lower bracket match. RIP. C9 is trash i dont see them going anywhere.

                              Last picking is 4 pussies

                                That's for sure if there was even a top 10 for offlaners what would it look like?

                                1. Universe
                                2. ....


                                  ^well for western scene anyway Asia has good offlaners.

                                  Zai is good. Bulldog is good when his heroes are being played.

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                                    @toeffel how can you say ee is trash, he is like one of the best carry players, its just the team as a whole doesn't combine or idk they do stupid shit

                                    Last picking is 4 pussies

                                      Zai is overrated for offlane if he didn't have ds and brood his impact dropped off.

                                      Tusk usually had kuroky on techies so I don't count that.

                                      Someone should get a top 10 going by position would be interesting.


                                        universe is like the best offlaner tho

                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                          Normal skill people calling pro players trash. It's just so sad to see really.


                                            ^btw i tried to search for bot games in reborn and gave up after 10+ min queue, lmao

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                                              saving private RTZ

                                                @ ee is imo a very good carry, he finds farm out of nowhere though he gets pressured hard.

                                                regarding Bone7 i just dont like his decision making most of the time, like that C9 vs Alliance last year when ge chronoed just for like 3 hits on throne but could've kill WK... and then his team wouldnt get wiped. Idk , i just dont like him even though he is same nationality as me lmao.

                                                @ dota is pain man, i was just giving some ideas, of course i dont " know what i am talking about" you dont either because its all speculation, so go sit in the corner boy

                                                Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                  @sam I'm very high skill thank you and I would never call him trash I think zai shined more when he was the 4 position.

                                                  Zai is good just saying from all the games I watched I thought he did amazing things as brood or ds. Games not on those heroes with standing duel lane with kuroky.

                                                  Universe seemed like he plays a lot more heroes and in general more versatile. I mean hell how many times was enchantress ran offlane in the last 3 years?

                                                  I repeat though I said zai offlane overrated not trash.

                                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                    You didn't have to get offended. I meant @Toeffelhelten

                                                    Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                      When I say overrated I don't believe zai is top 3 offlane players in world maybe the word overrated is overrated I guess....zai is for sure top 10 obviously.

                                                      @sam my bad just thought I'm the only person on this forum who isn't super impressed by zai. Feels that way sometimes.

                                                      Este comentário foi editado

                                                        This is kind of off topic but is there anything to the fact that some teams' captains are mid/cores while others are supports. That must affect the decision making and the tempo of the game.

                                                        I feel like a lot of the teams with mid captains are just rarely on the same page. I can't really imagine trying to farm, look for ganks, think about itemization, and try to stay careful/aggressive while also thinking about my other team members and their itemization, build, positioning, level timing while also thinking of the enemy positioning, level timing, itemization, build, and etc. The only good thing I can see is it could help to hear more from your mid/core when in team fights due to the aggressive position.

                                                        Good examples of teams who fit this bill, c9, complexity, empire, most na teams not named eg I think.

                                                        Just a thought, might even make a separate topic.

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                                                        Pom Pom 🍕

                                                          Sometimes a core player just has a lot better leader skills and decision-making than the others on the team. C9's captain used to be the hard support pieliedie though, until after TI4 I think.


                                                            some people don't know it's possible to be good and overrated at the same time smh tbh

                                                            Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                              Well the captain making calls in game isn't always the drafter right?


                                                                @last im actually not super impressed by zai, he had his moments with ds and broodmama, but he also did some questionable plays sometimes


                                                                  but who am i to judge right


                                                                    not always lpi4-, like puppey I'm pretty sure makes most of the in-game calls. I think that's a good approach though. Complexity and c9 both cap's draft and make calls. Too much imo for mids

                                                                    Not Russian

                                                                      Bone7 reported for feeding


                                                                        There was a time when EE and Arteezy could've been considered equal, about 1 year ago. Back then Arteezy actually played similarly to EE, often having off games and throwing won games, but a lot has changed since then, and Arteezy has developed into a consistent player that very rarely makes mistakes, while EE has stagnated and is more or less the same player he was 1 year ago, even though they're good friends, Arteezy should know for his own good to not team up with a player so much worse than himself.


                                                                          Sam Fuckin' Peckinpah - Yeah hes better than me but still trash compared to ppl "on his level". You think i cant talk about better players coz im not as good as them? How about you dont talk either then? Thank you.

                                                                          report mid noob ever

                                                                            ee threw the internationals because he and fata hate each other

                                                                            Low Expectations

                                                                              I think Notail just donest fit the C9 team, they are trying to win the farmgame most often which is fine but then you dont use the potential of such players as Notail and Misery. EE is a good carry but he sometimes reminds me of the old Illidan. I hate fata think he is overall slowing down the team. I know most think he is good but I def. think there are players that are waaay better than him plaing for worse teams

                                                                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                @ Toeffelhelten
                                                                                Cut the crap. First, I didn't even say anything in this thread. Second, there is a huge difference between critizing someone about why they are bad and just flat out calling them trash with no valid reasoning. And third, your game sense isn't even enough to keep you in 3k yet you think you know the best.


                                                                                  @ Sam Fuckin' Peckinpah

                                                                                  Ok ill tell you what EE does wrong

                                                                                  1. he usually loses the farm game compared to the opponents carry (whether its because of bad picks, bad support, or bad lhing is up to you to decide, im just saying EE is losing the-farm-game more than he should)

                                                                                  2. he overextends alot when he shouldnt

                                                                                  3. he was the main reason why they lost alot of the games they did. check out C9s games here @ ti5 and look at the games they lost, many of the times its because of bad decision making from him.

                                                                                  4. How is my MMR relevant? Yes, EE is better than me, is that the point you wanna make? If so, why dont you call out all the people that blame Cristiano Ronaldo whenever he misses a penalty, because NONE of them are better than Cristiano, so i guess they dont have the right to call him out for the mistakes? I bet i have more Dota games than EE if thats what its about lol. But yes, he is a better than me, but being better than me is not gonna win him the international, sorry.

                                                                                  Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                                                    Main reason c9 lost was their drafts. EE farmed fine tbh in the games I watched of course this was on gyro pretty hard for a pro to screw up on that hero.

                                                                                    I don't like EE personally because he calls other pros toxic when he is just as toxic as them.

                                                                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                      You are still blind to see and none of the things you said is even true. Your MMR is important because it tells me about your game sense and from the points you made I can see it' terrible. You simply don't know the game enough to understand why pro players are even doing what they are doing so instead you call them out for those plays because in your bracket they seem totally wrong. While in football, there is no such thing as gamesense. A missed penalty is a missed penalty, it's a clear mistake everyone can see even if they don't know jackshit about football.

                                                                                      Este comentário foi editado

                                                                                        what sam is trying to say in an example:
                                                                                        3k player laughs when fear buys dagger on clinkz, but a player who understands the game enough will know that it's not a bad item on clinkz


                                                                                          4. How is my MMR relevant?

                                                                                          idk, how is my chess elo relevant? hey guys i'm a complete newb but i think topalov sucks hes so shieeet


                                                                                            ^chess references

                                                                                            Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                                                              Forget roster changes someone hire aui a designer to make his room look like a man lives in it.

                                                                                              1. 2 mirrors
                                                                                              2. One of 2 mirrors is like what a girl sits at to do makeup.
                                                                                              3. Bright green walls?
                                                                                              4. Poster from little mermaid with his face on the chick.

                                                                                              wtf sir.


                                                                                                Bone7 isnt that bad, he just occasionally does rOtK stuff. He has some bad games and some great games. He performs really well if he has good heroes like batrider/phoenix/clockwerk,


                                                                                                  Sam Fuckin' Peckinpah - Missing a last hit is missing a last hit, it's a clear mistake everyone can see even if they don't know jackshit about Dota2. Your logic is completely flawed.


                                                                                                    I think every player in the pro scene can last hit well. Pretty sure Envy isn't bad at last hitting, any player in the pro scene can probably get 70+ cs in an empty lane by 10 minutes.

                                                                                                    If you watch EE's anti mage games you'll see that he's pretty good at finding farm when he's being pressured.

                                                                                                    87 cs at 10 mins

                                                                                                    Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                                                                      I wonder if EE could play a role like offlane? Maybe secret has a spot for him if they really losing zai.