General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat's the point playing on 1 hero million games?

What's the point playing on 1 hero million games? in General Discussion

    What's the point ppl play 600 games and only on Abbadon or CM? and much more ppl?


      They really enjoy the hero

      Livin' Real Good

        They can only climb MMR with that hero cause they refuse to practice other heroes, or what the person above said. :D


          i enjoy playing slark because i know what to do and its easy most of the times, same with earth spirit


            Some people take the "just pick 1 hero to learn the game with" thing too far...


              I only really play Razor and SB because I enjoy their styles and using their abilities. Others enjoy the challenge of learning many heros though. But also same as the first few comments above really!

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              joko perseilää

                Yeah I hope people stop spamming those leshracs! Annoying as... Pick less cancer heroes please.

                me ooga team booga

                  autism or mmr abuse or they actually enjoy the hero

                  All Is Dust

                    How dumb is this question. If you play guitar 600 times what do you get? You get muscle memory of where the frets are.You can begin to play with your eyes closed. You learn from mistakes like vision, cast animation, movement speed, health and mana management, movement speed, how much damage you can take, will you survive, comfortability to move outside the norms of common items, etc etc etc.

                    I usually play like 1 hero for 2 months about 100 times and then I move on.

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                      Are you okay?

                      Okay. You play the same hero for 2 months. So it will take you about 18 years to "master" all the heroes.


                        players who aren't interested in improving at dota spam one or two heroes

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                          GET A LIFE DISGUSTING TRASH


                            you are so wierd

                            All Is Dust

                              thats just a ballparked answer. I have so many games that I'd rater have 20-30 that I have 200+ in than my other friends with the same amount of games that have 50 in every hero.


                                fair enough asking the question, but why so much hate in the rest of the thread? you might as well take the piss out of long jumpers because they don't want to learn to throw a javelin.

                                some people like mastering something, some people like learning a bit about everything.

                                either that or they get a hard-on from abusing mmr.

                                actually probably mainly the later - not many people spamming chen or io.

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                                  some people have left the realm of reality, they are now it and it is him

                                  He sexually identifies as slark now, and he lurks the forums too.

                                  Summoning Lord Slark where are you, explain your motives


                                    Dota is Pain:"Players who aren't intersted in improvinga t dota spam one or two heroes"

                                    High Skill player has spoken (below 3.7k mmr).

                                    Spamming one hero makes you overall better. I do not mean spamming broken meta heros to abuse their imbalances (such as troll before 6.84 or ES when he first came out).

                                    By spamming a small pool of heros you just get used to this hero very very well. You can focus more on other aspects of the game and the mechanics for this hero are just deeply infused in your memory.

                                    Bulldogg used to spam only bear and furion. EE spams heros over and over again and stated in one interview, that spamming heroes is one key to practice well. Same for puppey who said the same on spamming heroes. Do you think puppey got this good at playing chen by randoming it from time to time?

                                    I spam mostly 1-3 Heros at a time and switch them maybe. I enjoy it and have alot of fun, because I improve. I get better at playing antimage every game. My benchmarks are towerdamage, lasthits, how and when I enter fights etc.

                                    I played him so often, that I can say by the Itemtiming how well I am doing:

                                    Min 16 Full boots, PMS and BF
                                    Min 19-22: Vlads

                                    Min 22-24: Yasha

                                    And it goes on. I also get a better feeling of when to push and when to stay in jungle, when to tp in or when to splitpush etc. This improves game by game. Many aspects of this can transition into other heros (esp carries) well. It also improves my supportskills, cause when I have a hardcarry to protect, i know exactly what he needs in every situation. What kind fo wards ( defensive/aggressive) etc.

                                    The only role I do not get better since aegis is mid. You can't rely on getting mid almost every game, cause ppl will always argue about it. I only play pos 1 and 5, if rly needed 3.

                                    And this is how I see all the 48% winrate Pudge/Invokerplayers in their Highskillbracket or the guys who bitch at me after losing with a hero they are not used to, cause I spam:


                                    Dota is about winning and getting better for me.

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                                      ez spam ez life

                                      NextStep ®

                                        It's like asking why people still playing this game after 2k games in normal skill bracket.

                                        I don't see any reason not to spam a few heroes which you're enjoying unless you're aiming for PRO.


                                          id rather spam 1 hero and achieve mmr, than be profesional pleier with 50 games on each hero in normal skill

                                          Bobbyx Qrwa Mac

                                            Can someone explain me how these 2000+ games players have 50 wr instead of something like 70% since they only play the hero


                                              if you had a brain you would know

                                              Bobbyx Qrwa Mac

                                                Sadly i have no brain :( rip


                                                  there exists such a thing as "signature pick" for most of the good players; you just feel most comfortable with some character and train it pver and over again. either its just fun to play, or u want to gain mmr, or u want to become best leshrac in the world, w/e.

                                                  back into the wc3 days when we played the normal game instead of crafted maps like dota, ppl usually argued about whether to play all the races (or rnd), or spam just one of them (there were only 4); and most ppl who became more or less good in this game, not to say all of them, played only one race. it has its point in terms of improvement.

                                                  Bobbyx Qrwa Mac

                                                    There's np spamming one hero if u know the other ones well. But it's not the best if you wanna be a good player overall


                                                      at certain point when u more or less decide what role u gonna dedicate urself to, u have to start spamming anyways if u want to learn

                                                      injust realized i played leshrac in 80% of our games togeza rofl

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                                                      Bobbyx Qrwa Mac

                                                        Yeah ofc, you have to be specialized but as an example i play core even if i don't like to to be a better sup

                                                        Bobbyx Qrwa Mac

                                                          And ur a fegette lesh picker btw


                                                            its literally first time in my life i find it interesting to play meta hero, i swear
                                                            thats how cancer shitpickers start, i guess...

                                                            the point of playing other roles to become better is very legit. i feel like it helps me a lot actually, cz several months ago i started to play all the roles instead of just going offlane or supp over and over again, and it kinda improved by gsme understanding, although that was actually not my aim (i dont focus on self improvement), and im still a dogshit player anyways.

                                                            Bobbyx Qrwa Mac

                                                              What do you focus on then?


                                                                fun and retardness

                                                                Bobbyx Qrwa Mac

                                                                  ur doing a pretty good job at it


                                                                    i am where i am due to a lot experience in braindead plays and pure dedication to shittalking all the time and flaming everyone i meet

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                                                                      i just play all heroes what are needed for my team. Akways trying to counterpick and not to be countered. But carry is my best role =)


                                                                        I can pretty much play any hero on a decent level excluding meepo, juggernaut (weirdly), chen, enchantress. I just learned how to play naga recently and man, there's seriously no turning back.


                                                                          Well im a spamer, not a meta hero spamer but i spam heroes from my small pool of comfort (when tryharding, else i random whatever shit)
                                                                          The point is... if you practice the same heroes many times you become a better player
                                                                          3 weeks ago i watched a Banana Slam Jamma playing Naga, and i can guarantee that im better than him with the hero, but if he plays slark or huskar hes above my level by far and thats the reason he has 6500 mmr, and im a 4k scrub...


                                                                            ^ I feel like naga is a very good hero to spam for mmr. I just don't have a energy to Play her for more than 1 game.

                                                                            lm ao

                                                                              I'm a tryhard so I spam Leshrac. Don't get mad, I badly need the MMR :D


                                                                                Spamming a hero is how to master the machanics of that hero. If you keep switching heroes, your technique will remain far below your potential.

                                                                                When you do master the mechanics of a particular hero you will find that you now have time to actually think about the game, see the map, consider adjusting items to counter because you remmebered to check enemy inventories, notice when their is a opportintiy to get a kill in the lane at level 3...etc. When you play any old hero you spend a lot of mental energy and focus just microing the details of its movements because your hands have not learned it yet.

                                                                                I have randomed heroes about 1/3 of my games on this account. I enjoy playing a wide variety of heroes. But there are a few heroes I can pick if I really want to win the game, or if I am playing with far higher MMR friends - heroes that I can play at a much higher level because at some point I spammed hundreds of games on them and mastered the mechanics to the best of my ability.

                                                                                Atila El Husky~

                                                                                  I like to win easy, for me Dota its about Techies vs 9 players in a map, and I dont have the time to play other heroes

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