General Discussion

General DiscussionStuck below 4k

Stuck below 4k in General Discussion

    Hi guys,
    Was 4.3 at ranked solo, now i got something like 3.8. It seems that i cannot pass 4k now. Last month, i have been playing mostly party games with a friend that had 1.5 mmr, gave me his account, boosted it to 2k so i could play with him. The issue is that i lost a lot of party games ended up losing like 500 mmr at party, but i checked now and realized that i lost almost the same amount at solo too. Any tips on how to get back and also any tips on how to pass the 4.3 as i had that mmr for a long time and could not pass it :(
    Offtopic: While i was boosting my friend's account, i lost like 10% of games which was a bit weird as I was not expecting good players could be below 2k.
    Thanks in advance.


      Play your best hero, and do your best. What would you expect, like some magic chant that automatically grants you Gaben's aura and assured victory over your next 10 games? If you got to 4.3k after calibration but dropped to where you are now, then there's probably not where you belong to.

      Party MMR has nothing to do with your solo MMR. Why include irrelevant things to confuse people about the focus of your thread.

      So what if good players are below 2k? Either they fucked up their calibration, or they are also boosters.


        Maybe you picked up bad habits from 2k bracket iunno. :v


          ^ i believe this is why i lost so many mmr in solo, cuz i picked up bad habits from 2k :( but i really dunno what I am doing wrong that I keep losing so many matches in solo.
          ^^ it is not irelevant because i believe my matches with my friend screwed up something with my gameplay


            If it does, then go unranked for a while to shrug off your so called "bad habits" before going ranked. But I doubt so if you ever tried your best in those matches on your main account, and were conscious of not being in 2k anymore.