General Discussion

General DiscussionMy irl friends review of dota, thoughts?

My irl friends review of dota, thoughts? in General Discussion

    [h1]Overall Score: 3/10[/h1]
    I'm going to project like hell and look like a crybaby, but here are my honest opinions on this game.

    [h1]The MOBA Genre[/h1]
    In my opinion this game is an unbalanced trainwreck of a game. It's one of those new age "MOBA" games AKA. a dumbed down RTS. In a normal RTS, you strategize and make swift movements with your units, executing a vareity of commands at high speeds. In this game however, you control one unit, and have to work together with 4 other people that will most likely refuse to listen to anything you have to say. It's an intersing concept, but the execution wasn't too great.

    [h1]General Gameplay: 6/10[/h1]
    The main objective of this game is quite similar to a flagship or defend the wonder gamemode in RTSs. Both teams have a throne dubbed "the Ancient". These constructs have a high ammount of health, and once either are destroyed, the team which destroyed it wins the game. I actually really enjoy this concept and I wish I could play a 1v1 version of this but control all the units. Unfortunatly, you are most likely stuck in a clownfest for 40 minutes getting yelled at by snobby teenagers.

    [h1]Design and Balance: 1/10[/h1]
    The gameplay itself feels rather smooth and responsive compared to other games of this new genre, I commend the developers for that. Another great thing about this game is the vareity in the heros. They have a wide range of different skills and attributes leading to intresting gameplay. The issue though, is a lack of balance in this department. Almost every online game's "meta" or what's good changes multiple times. This game however, changes nearly every update. One month, your favorite hero unit may rock the stage, and dominate all others. However, the next update your hero hits like a rubber spatula. I belive that this fluxation is too much, and that this game needs new designers because the current ones are clearly incompetent.

    [h1]Matchmaking: 2/10[/h1]
    Another issue I have with this game is matchmaking. To be frank, I'm a lobby guy. In most games, I always look for a nice looking english speaking lobby to play in. However, in this game you're stuck with matchmaking. You may get paired up with 4 Russians and you can't do jack about it. You're stuck with them for the 40 or so minute match, and all you can do is try to understand their pinging. In the same boat, another issue I have is the lack of seperation of ranked matchmaking and unranked matchmaking. I played this game for 500 or so hours before ranked matchmaking rolled out. I admit, I'm not the best at this game, but I was fairly shocked that after my calibartion I got scored with a rank of 1.8k (which is nearly 1.2k below average). I expected these scores to be determined by my calibration, not my unranked games that I didn't play that well in. Now I'm stuck with Russians and Spanish-speakers and I can't raise my ranked in this hellish game.

    [h1]Community (lol): 4/10[/h1]
    Another issue I have is the community. It's certainly not the developer's fault (mostly) but it's still a major turn-off for this game. Because of the rise of the accursed game, LoL, many hipsters decided to jump ship and into this game. Many of them are self righteous people with no empathy whatsoever. Making a small mistake and being yelled at by one of these people is quite demoralizing. Another issue is a communication barrier. The same aforementioned Reddit-lurkers often complain about THESE people being the bad ones, but the only real issue is the lack of proper communication with these players. If the developers decided to introduce some kind of server lock or simply just a better matchmaking system (choosing 1 language, etc.) would improve the DotA 2 experience by a lot. When you're lucky enought to find a good team of English speakers you might just have a great time.

    Overall, the game's idea isn't that bad, but the execution and the way the community responded made the game into the hell it is today. There are many other issues with it including balance and language barriers, but the game itself is playable, and sometimes enjoyable. I would definatly not recommend to any friends who haven't been exposed yet.

    King of Low Prio

      Nobody cares about your whine threads. Use the chat wheel and stop bitching


        "My irl friends review of dota"
        He comes from a TF2 background

        Este comentário foi editado
        King of Low Prio

          ur friend is dumb

          Livin' Real Good

            People would rather hear what Yorkey thinks, who cares about this "IRL" friend, tell him i said " fight me IRL bro."


              Sounds kind of biased to be honest. I don't know what server he's playing in that he gets paired with both spanish and russian speakers...


                Can't help it man, he's still playing Final Fantasy over this

                He lives 2 blocks away from me but when he played Dota he queued US West (he has higher ping there as well) idk why. He hated East for some reason


                  So basically a sub 2k player talking bout how the game is bad, because the game needs people to adapt to updates, and also because how he thinks he cant climb out of 1.8k cuz matchmaking is flawed.

                  Quick maffs

                    Peruvians and russians in the same server ? Zano are u playing in EU ?


                      your friend is fucking retarded, consider unfriending.

                      waku waku

                        lol no balance
                        he should review anime girls instead

                        saving private RTZ

                          So let me understand. You got a friend in dota and he proceeds to rant about the game just because he is bad? Lmao, what did you expect? I said dota is shit too until i really got into it.

                          idk what other mobas he played but the game is very balanced lol, not p2win as lol for example.
                          And having different strong heroes every patch is better than the competitive pool of heroes in LoL which is about 10% of the hero pool

                            Esse comentário foi removido por um moderador
                            the realm's delight

                              biased as fuck lmao


                                can u slap ur irl friend back to bitchen cuz thats where he belongs ?


                                  I admit, I'm not the best at this game, but I was fairly shocked that after my calibartion I got scored with a rank of 1.8k (which is nearly 1.2k below average)



                                    I've played 1300 games and probably had about 20-30 games with people speaking a different language
                                    Also blaming spanish speakers for your mmr staying low is so lame lol - The problem with matchmaking is him not the system

                                    Judging from his balancing review... i wouldn't be suprised if he played sniper in the last patch and now sniper sucks and hes crying about it. In general I think DOTA is very balanced and I've always been impressed how even the worst heroes are usually useful and a good player can easily dominate with it (bar one or 2 heroes) (oracle)

                                    saving private RTZ

                                      nah, icefrog made some mistakes along his development like Gambler but he usually repairs them.

                                      except phantom lancer. He tried to repair it but made it worse lol


                                        4/10 community? xaxaxaxa 1/10 at best.

                                        lm ao

                                          I wish I had good IRL friends Salza :(

                                          WTF a 15 year old guy just beat me in the gaming department AND the swag department. I feel so belittled in real life.

                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                            Who cares about your friend's review though?


                                              Dorkly (lel Robin), for some reason I do have some games in Europe :P

                                              Too long ago though, so I don't remember if I saw russians or peruvians back then.

                                              lm ao

                                                After barely scanning the whole text, I would say, your IRL friend is right Salza.


                                                  average mmr is actually low 2k I think prolly something like 2350. there is a lot of players between 1k-2k

                                                  saving private RTZ

                                                    Actually yes, one day i joined a Facebook group for my country for dota. My friend told me he pair up with people from there. 80% of them were 1-2k.
                                                    Another day i went my country's dota channel ( that thing where you can speak idk what is) and again, most of them were below 2k


                                                      Your friend is lazy and suffers from childish entitlement. He doesn't want to play dota because it is hard for him. If you want him to play with you - you need to be aware of how he feels, but do not point it out. Instead encourage him to play in matches for fun, with less pressure to win. No one likes to do things they are bad it. Your friend is far below average at dota and will continue to be even if he plays for a long time - so he won't want to be competitive.

                                                      He wants to play in a lobby with friends. You should try to get him into 5 stacks. Millions of players are below average, yet enjoy dota anyway. The teamplay, the fun interactions is what they play for. Focus on this if you want to get your friend to play dota with you.

                                                      Este comentário foi editado

                                                        ^Luna abuser


                                                          "your friend is fucking retarded, consider unfriending."

                                                          First in a long time that i completely agree with Benao :D


                                                            xD that was hilarious acutally CONSIDER UNFRIENDING UR REA LLIFE FRIEND

                                                            benao with the dank jokes


                                                              Salza, aren't you from Wisconsin? I saw post in the WI group for gamers.

                                                              Anyway, your IRL friend is pretty dumb no offense. I'm gonna have to smack this idiot.

                                                              -MOBA Genre: He says you control one unit. Um, I'm pretty sure there's more mechanics to that, you can control the creep equilibrium, you can control creeps with HotD, Chen, etc. You can control more of yourself as Meepo. Does this guy only play heroes like Viper and Riki? The way he says you have to work with other people means that he is very low skilled and has no brain, because if hes gonna blame this review on his teammates, he shouldn't be making this review.

                                                              I honestly gave up on reading his PATHETIC review and writing a response for it. How awful is this guy? He's blaming Peruvians and Russians for his problems? He is 1.8 rank right? There's your problem. He thinks hes better than everyone else hes playing with and against, but hes not.

                                                              Tell him to go back to playing payload and spamming HLDJ on TF2.


                                                                what a fucktard

                                                                plz do

                                                                  "I played this game for 500 or so hours before ranked matchmaking rolled out. I admit, I'm not the best at this game, but I was fairly shocked that after my calibartion I got scored with a rank of 1.8k (which is nearly 1.2k below average). I expected these scores to be determined by my calibration, not my unranked games that I didn't play that well in. Now I'm stuck with Russians and Spanish-speakers and I can't raise my ranked in this hellish game."

                                                                  interesting. keep telling me about ur lyfe.



                                                                    From South Korea but been living in Wisconsin past few years.

                                                           - his dotabuff for those interested


                                                                      it's surprising that he doesn't like the game. he's the typical dota 2 player. whines about russians, thinks that he's better than he actually is and is around 2k.

                                                                      literally mad because bad

                                                                      saving private RTZ

                                                                        Oh wait now i read all the MM part, w8 so he is bashing the matchmaking because he puts him with peole that are just as awful as him? And not higher players that can carry his ass?


                                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                                          it doesn't matter, the point of playing video games is to be entertained, if he doesn't find it entertaining who cares what he plays? And no one else should be offended he doesn't like it. It's like someone saying I don't like chocolate and all the chocolate lovers jumping all over him. It really makes no difference unless you're a pro level player, which none of us are.