General Discussion

General Discussionqvestion to `muricans

qvestion to `muricans in General Discussion

    ?????????????????????????????????????????????? why u `muricans so proud of being muricans ?

    `murica is the colony of the europe (england and spain)
    `murica has like biggest debt out of all countries in the world
    `murica has shitty healthcare system
    `murica has shitty education system

    whats to be proud of here ?


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      idk man i hate this country


        `murica has shitty education system

        You said it yourself.

        the realm's delight

          its true tho


            yeah but there has to be some kind of reason

            stupidity and ignorance can't be "the reason"


              they hate us cuz they aint us


                Jason wins


                  if jason gives me dotabuff+ i will chant USA USA USA USA USA in real life

                  Welt aus Eis

                    i just dont make fun of the US cuz i live in a way shittier country


                      I can make fun of everyone cause I live in the greatest country, right?


                        USA is great land, what bothers me is their shitty politics and people who believe everything they tell them.


                          I'm not American but Europe owed its post-WW2 recovery a lot to the US's Marshall Plan.


                            well its kinda like religion, those ppl believe in their own reality

                            self pip

                              @memecrafter: That wasn't an altruistic move, if Europe had such a prolonged slump of production then the US would have little trade (especially exporting) which is bad for their economy. A stronger Europe is a stronger global economy.

                              Livin' Real Good
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                                Livin' Real Good

                                  I love how this topic was made just cause of how far EG has gone, yes, pretty soon, American Doto> Europe Doto, then i can rest in peace, and if EG loses, I still win, girlfriends coming over today, get rekt.

                                  Don't listen to Salza, he loves America, just not our government. :P


                                    no i made this thread cuz of "USA USA USA"

                                    still waiting for answer tho

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                                    Livin' Real Good

                                      The one thing i don't get, is how every other country can cheer for their country, but when USA cheer, everyone's always like " zzzzzzz, shut up, stop cheering. " They don't want the US to have anything, i get it, we dominate most sports and the Olympics, and have contributed huge amounts to the music we listen today, but there's no need to get mad, every country has it's strengths. Americans aren't bad people, it's the government who are pulling the strings, but yes, everyone's too fucking stupid here to rise up, cause they're more focused on things like, let's see, The International 5 to care.

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                                        There's normal americans praising their country and then there's american rednecks praising their country like rednecks are wont to do. Guess which one people remember the most...


                                          other country cheer for their country ? :D

                                          never saw football games where people would chant GREAT BRITAIN GREAT BRITAIN GREAT BRITAIn

                                          or basketball game where people would scream SPAIN SPAIN SPAIN SPAIN

                                          so how come screaming USA USA USA is a thing ?


                                            i thought this shit was based from a troll/twitch meme or smtg, didnt realise they were srs


                                              no lol ofc its srs

                                              if u ever watched olympics / world basketball series americans always screaming USA no matter wat

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                                                USA USA USA USA USA
                                                oh wait im russian, i forgot it once again

                                                Dire Wolf

                                                  `murica is the colony of the europe (england and spain)

                                                  Yeah and we beat their asses to win our independance

                                                  `murica has like biggest debt out of all countries in the world

                                                  Doesn't matter we print money yo, STACK DAT PAPER

                                                  `murica has shitty healthcare system

                                                  Only if you are jobless/homeless/illegal and can't afford good insurance. Which isn't me, I go to the ER it's a 20 min wait and covered bitch! Nothing but the best surgeons for my upper middle class ass!

                                                  `murica has shitty education system

                                                  Then why do so many foreigners come to our universities and try to stay on green cards? It's not for the cheeseburgers. It's only shitty if you live in inner cities or poor areas.


                                                    You picked out of one of the largest countries in the world, both in land mass and population. You managed to find a total of FOUR reasons to back up why America is so shitty compared to the other countries unnamed here.

                                                    OP we all know you're American, and have likely left the country maybe once in your lifetime?

                                                    'Nough said

                                                    Este comentário foi editado

                                                      I find it amusing how you can easily distinguish who's American in this thread and who isn't.


                                                        @Yorkey America has been the international bully to many and is very demanding (even of positive things). In America, it's a common theme that it's righteous to be American fighting for freedom and democracy. In other areas that's just another way of describing a tyranny.

                                                        When we say USA USA USA it sounds like we're shoving it down people's throats like a bully might do (which sometimes we do because we know others dislike us).

                                                        Realistically, we mostly say USA USA because we (for one of the few moments in our lives) actually think it's okay to be proud of our country which we kind of all don't like. USA USA USA is really more like "fucking for once we didn't do something internationally controversial and we can actually have unity, let me shout."

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                                                          NA DOTA BEST DOTA


                                                            USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA


                                                              oh im prettysure i could find shit tons of more "arguments" to make USA look bad like all the cinema/school shottings #2nd higest obesity rate in entire world after mexico which is basicly same anyway

                                                              but i was just wondering WHY

                                                              altho i got my answer already and im happy with it

                                                              @guy who says if u got insurance and shit WHAT IF I TOLD YOU ? that if ur rich everything is good everywhere in the world ?

                                                              saving private RTZ

                                                                " because we dominate most sports and olympics"
                                                                When i heard this i literraly drop my shit into the sink laughing.

                                                                whats sports? Only the ones you invented and thats all. Basketball, baseball ( not like many countries actually play baseball), american football ( which again no one plays) and thats about it.
                                                                you had some moments of shining with swimming but rarely.

                                                                so OP you got your answer there.
                                                                Americans are born with this, thwy are raised like this, with the idea that their country is the best though not at all, like this things with sports.
                                                                Americans are ultra nationalists, idk and idc if its something bad or not but they definetely are

                                                                Pom Pom 🍕

                                                                  people are just proud of their own countrymen accomplishing things. Even people who live in a shitty country would want to chant their own country. TI was also in USA, so most of the people watching were most likely americans too, which makes way more "USA USA USA" than "CHINA CHINA CHINA" or "CYKA POWER CYKA POWER". I think I heard china chant once though.

                                                                  lm ao

                                                                    You know OP, I wish I live in a country where fighting for your rights is legal.

                                                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                      They kind of have nothing to be proud of, so they are just proud of existing I guess.


                                                                        @MY HOMEBOY IS J

                                                                        u can live in any country u want as far as i know

                                                                        some might be harder to get in like US due need of visas but still u can live anywhere u want free world here

                                                                        lm ao

                                                                          True, but i wish I had the convenience of being naturally born as one. Not ideally an American citizen, but somewhere, in a country where all their pizzas have pepperonis on them and the potato harvest is always abundant.


                                                                            ^ Technically, all pizzas have pepperonis and potato harvest is more than abundant, always, here in Peru. We'll embrace you with open arms, we love foreigners (we REALLY do), become one of us. Just look out for the muggers.

                                                                            Dread Pirate Cat

                                                                              Whats funny is that the so-called rednecks chanting USA USA, etc are fucking mild compared to the nationalists in countries like Russia, India, etc.


                                                                                everyone knows that russians are all retards (with few exceptions) so ofc they are mild compared to them

                                                                                saving private RTZ

                                                                                  Whats funny is that i never heard of someone screaming RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA or CHINA CHINA CHINA or smth else


                                                                                    ^ Asians are busier doing this stuff instead of chanting their country's name.


                                                                                      this is actualy cool as fuck :D

                                                                                      saving private RTZ

                                                                                        1. Thats not an international competition where you cheer for your country. That are some fans of some internal team. Its one to cheer for Barca vs Real, or to cheer for Spain vs England for example.
                                                                                        2. thats fucking amazing




                                                                                            Ah America, home of Walmart.

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                                                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                                                "@guy who says if u got insurance and shit WHAT IF I TOLD YOU ? that if ur rich everything is good everywhere in the world ?"

                                                                                                pft america is like the best country to be rich in.

                                                                                                Seriously though it's about income inequality, america is such a huge country in both population and land mass it's not a comparison to compare it to a country like sweeden or denmark or even germany in some cases, on top of the fact that it's incredibly diverse ethnically and that creates some drastically different demographics. If you want to do comparisions like that you're better off comparing like the state of Maine or Massachusetts where it's primarily rich white people. But it's not hard to be not poor in america, most of the people who are it's a victim mentality or laziness. Taxes are extremely low compared to most other countries, we have tons of space, it's not hard to get ahead. I'm middle class, just a college grad in a technical field, but compared to other countries my lifestyle is baller. Even my colleagues in Germany who do the same job for the same company have tiny apartments and way less disposable income than I do.


                                                                                                  lolll eu dota is trash im a 3k scrublord who can rek 90% of the "6k" eu mids who all buy acc

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