General Discussion

General DiscussionAnyone interested in combining items for betting? Upcoming ti5 maches.

Anyone interested in combining items for betting? Upcoming ti5 maches. in General Discussion

    Not some high-value items, to make things clear.

    Because I will not bet high-valueable items in the first place.

    Let's say up to 5$ each.

    So, let's say we merge 5 items of 5$, bet them, and if we win the bet we split the profit.

    For example, if 4 people bet 5$ items, it will be 20$ .

    Profit will be splited into 4 half.

    The only problem I see with this so far is how to split profit if we got something that can't be splited.

    Anyways, if someone wants to try this out during main ti5 event, add me if you don't have me in friend list.

    Not gonna do this with more then 5 people, because spliting the winnings would be even harder.

    Big Dick Barry

      too much dotka

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          Well, even if you want to bet something of less value we'll do it, why not.

          Post it, let me take a look at it.

          Atm I'm still 5$ in profit when it comes to betting.

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            NIKAD MAJNOVALA!

              Huh. :C

              That's some shitload of cheap stuff apparently. :C

              Anyways, nice bet. :D

              Blunts Low Prio Bot [Beta]

                I bet my sf arcana for eg