General Discussion

General DiscussionThis is why i rarely pick techies

This is why i rarely pick techies in General Discussion
Mr Mental
    I have no idea how to carry low mmr with this guy lmao.


      Well first off your build is wrong

      Tranqs are useless on the average techies

      What you want is to get soul ring -> mana boots -> ages at about 25 minutes (I aim for 20 minutes)

      And the name of the game for techies is really space creation

      You don't carry but you give ALL the space for your carries to farm setting up mine traps setting up a base defense etc

      I'll come back to this when I have more time

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        Past those items I usually go for a force staff into a euls

        Force is good simply because you can push people into a stack of mines....... You can kill gem carriers like this

        And you can force staff forward into a suicide which is useful


          Picking techies rarely is not rare enough


            One thing is once you get aggs your remote mines one shot creeps this along with the fact that your normal mines deal damage to buildings gives you enormous split push potential

            One thing I've been meaning to try is a pure split push techies

            Something like after aggs (maybe after force might need it for the mana regen idk) switch to travel and build a necro book and just eat and take towers (while obviously setting up needed defensive mines)


              I think I'll download the match and watch and give some pointers later

              Optimus Drip

                check out this guys techies

                Optimus Drip

                  you had 0 tower damage and really low hero damage for a 40 minute game dude.


                    Techies is for sadistic fucks


                      You picked techies when the enemy had better late game.

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                          Alright watching it now I'll type up things that need to be stated watching from your player perspective

                          draft you picked techies into a spectre AND a pudge. You don't want to pick techies into some one really tanky or someone who is a very hard carry

                          1:13 you've wasted a 20 second CD and not instantly TPed to lane as soon as you could

                          0:52 you really want to TP to lane with the soul ring recipe simply because that way you don't need the courier then it's not hard to get the gold

                          0:25 should have popped your clarity about sooner..... It's a minor thing but can be the difference between getting a third mine down before someone decides to play mine sweeper

                          0:25 when place mines (specifically land mines) band box in yourself and the mines and press Q click on the portrait of the mines in the bottom left. This stacks the mines perfectly causing them to go off at the same time so someone can't blow one mine up and walk away alive

                          0:20 (post rune) with mines stacked with any sort of competence all you really need is 3 early game..... But you should be checking HP maxed whenever you can

                          0:25 solid group of time where your doing nothing and you haven't popped a clarity nor are you within XP range (with techies you REALLY want levels)

                          0:52 didn't stack that camp

                          1:16 pudge knows your there should have waited for the creep to die a big thing with techies is you don't want to be seen ..... Ever really them not knowing where your at is them not knowing where mines could be...... Also you should be getting XP right now techies needs levels

                          3:00 don't get me started on your carry not being in the safe lane when you should be offline ideally much less not having suicide because your under leveled

                          5:15 should have let venge stun before placing that mine

                          7:50 you've been doing nothing for the past 20-30 seconds not even standing in XP range go plant some bombs in the jungle

                          8:13 could you have taken a more circuitous route to this tune spot?

                          9:45 more pointless wandering also don't take a point in stasis trap this early it limits your damage and it's not that good until latter when everyone's team fighting (I normally don't get it till level 10)

                          11:25 FARM SOMETHING soul ring and drop a mine..... Get something useful

                          11:45 Tranqs *shudders*

                          12:07 why are you placing mines here you've already blocked out the top rune go mine bit..... Or better yet you should be not as no ones there at present get level 6 >_>

                          14:10 why are you placing remotes here?go not where there's pressure and the ability to get kills

                          16:00 more aimless wandering followed by an objective why aren't you going aggs? Aggs is massive on techies

                          16:45 why would you blow that up..... Wait till there's an actual fight or keep adding mines to that stack

                          18:15 your not even auto attacking these creeps

                          19:00 bring your remote mines closer together just easier to judge when you can get a kill

                          21:30 not even properly in the fountain and you should have or be close to aggs by now

                          23:30 what have you even been doing the past forever?youve gained nothing

                          24:05 why would you blow all of those up?just pointless

                          24:44 they most definitely did NOT blow up simultaneously on their own

                          25:30 for the record the mines should ALL be where the middle one is

                          26:30 nice waste of a mine

                          26:58 "how am I doing"
                          "O yeah I have no idea how to techies"

                          30:00 you got your euls grats should have been an aggs and you should have had remotes in tosh to tell you when they were in rosh

                          29:47 pudge was slow on that you could have suicided

                          30:00 your dead wasting mines

                          30:50 why are you not finishing up your mine stack so you can actually kill something?

                          32:00 your standing around doing nothing GO TO THE FIGHT AND SUCIDE

                          32:36 good map awareness with the CM kill

                          32:55 your salty because you've made them 5v4?

                          34:00 I'll accept these farming mines because they will probably expire before the enemies will even look that way

                          34:30 so much wasted time because you don't have the extra mana from arcane boots

                          36:00 stop complaining about pudge you've done nothing to him all game

                          36:20 stack more mines then ._.

                          37:00 yummy mines if only you had aggs and levels

                          38:00 if only you had mines up hill to blow them up without them seeing it with gem or used suicide..... Or anything

                          40:20 no attempt to mine your own tower up more?

                          41:00 you did nothing but make them 5v4 and your complain that they died >_> wouldn't be surprised if they reported you

                          42:00 wait till their actually ON the mines to blow them up ._.


                            So in summary lazy mines to much aimless wandering your mines did no damage because you were constantly under leveled and never got aggs


                              im not sure how i feel about a raw aghs rush on techies, i get that its good but i usually prefer to get a force or euls first, Most of the time both the added utility those items give you actually let you do more then just throw a bomb in a teamfight and it ensures your NEVER out of mana

                              But different strokes for different follks i guess

                              Actually, idk why im even thinking you might be right, your winrate is sub 50 AND your normal skill.

                              Im gonna say for SURE consider getting at least Force or Euls if not both before going to aghs

                              Tranquils are passable, but mana boots are preferred Been playing around with Ptreads +1-2 Null build its not to bad, might consider using it more not really sure yet, but mana boots is still golden

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                                *shrug* my win rates low because of sub par teammates and not knowing how to properly push as a techies

                                Bringing both my win rates and mmr up

                                Most people who play with me wonder how I'm sub 1k..... But whatever ignore me if you wish I feel like I've explained enough about that game to show I know what I'm talking about (at least with techies :P)

                                Maybe utility is a it better where your at because you don't need to defend as quickly on average (I find that unless I'm managing to kill their Carry 5+ time in lane my team gets over run because our carry dies more then he should)

                                I like the added mana from aggs and the ability to split push and farm faster though over the force/euls

                                But I normally grab one and then the other afterwards..... Probably followed by a sheepstick....... I shouldn't be able to get a sheep stick so if I can I just become this rolling pushing disable machine late game

                                Edit: not to say I think I'm some sort of insanely good play trapped in normal skill solely because of my teammates

                                I'm better then my mmr and in slowly raising it (some games are literally unwinnable down here unfortunately)

                                But I don't want to come off conceited

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                                  Blunts Low Prio Bot [Beta]

                                    Techies pickers, thank you for help me to leave this retard game

                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!