General Discussion

General DiscussionGame wont be counted

Game wont be counted in General Discussion
✪ Nino ✔

    playing on 5k mmr, last 2 days i played like 10games , 5 of these game i played with 6.5k+ AND we could win ALL this 5 games BUT guy with the most mmr did some shit , he ddosed the server , and someone immidiaty paused after it we all droped on main menu/
    i have this situaition 5 time, what to do with it? i dont even have proofs coz no player no game i have to show.
    sry for my eng.


      this happens, some russians invented some way to ddos

      ✪ Nino ✔

        before i played one of this game, i was on forum where were a program to ddos, but i forgot, maybe someone have smth like that to show?
        share guys i'll write a letter to our gaben