General Discussion

General DiscussionThe International 5: Discussion Thread

The International 5: Discussion Thread in General Discussion

    please fucking ban the tusk


      hes actually worst 4k trash flamer i saw in my life with 0 game knowledge, and somehow hes commenting ti along with other russki commentators.


        i am actually serious. You like them? it really feels like some kid is talking and laughing about poking someone butt and making everyone shuut up to then say the same, etc

        Quick maffs


          Most of the time i agree with you, people spam cringe everytime ANYTHING happens, but Kacy is really doing some weird shit from time to time, well i guess its not her fault, its just that the crowd looks so dead and boring.

          I guess this is what happens when you put a bunch of nerds in the same space huh


            Name a better commentator than Redeye then. Yames just insulting everyone and not giving a fuck?

            Crowd appears more dead than it is on stream. She got them all very hyped during that cluster fuck of a all star match.

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              my dream finals would be

              CDEC vs LGD

              CDEC was originaly second lgd team that left lgd brand and went alone without mikasa and maybe it would be such a nice showdown of chinese newer players vs oldschool dogs


                It is simple, why force people to do shit and laugh about everything, we're not there for that. Do you see shit like that in a football match? between theater performances? a concert?


                  the china guy that talked in the group stage. The one from ESL germany i think. That guy is GREAT

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                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                    We need to have a tournament called Benao 6, where every player, employee and caster is Benao and you can only pick SF and Drow and SF can only buy MoM and SB.

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                      Its simple, suggest someone better.

                      Chobra is just fake to me. It seems obvious to me he doesn't know and doesn't really care about the game.

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                      Quick maffs

                        I like Yames style, i dont know why people think he is an asshole.

                        Quick maffs




                            Merlini is great too, i actually expected merlini to be the one in charge and then suddenly redeeye started doing the shit and i was like OOOOOOOOOOOHHHH OMFG
                            the guy really has no clue, same with kaci

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                              redeye is not a commentator he is the host of the show

                              they could hire anyone that works in that field and they will do equally good job

                              im prettysure there are dota players who could do that too they are just not known yet

                              also yames #1 twitch reporter best shit ever

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                                People think Yames is an asshole because he tries to be as big of an asshole as possible with out getting stabbed at all times.

                                Merlini? Good lord you have no clue what a professional commentator does. Merlini is a color commentator.

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                                Quick maffs

                                  Agressif PL


                                    i know he's the host he's just terrible, he doesnt need to talk all the time, as a host you really only need to keep the program, lead the conversation but this guy TAKES OVER INSTEAD


                                      Redeye is doing a totally fine job. Only this I find annoying is when he down/disrespect/flame the professional players for their performances in an ignorant way.


                                        EG goes with their most successfull tactic: we can deal with it!


                                          pretty sure PPD fucked up, 2-0

                                          Quick maffs

                                            Well i think Yames is funny, personally i like people like him way more than people who basically doesnt say anything because they are too afraid of offending someone.

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                                              listen dude. You literally have no clue what you are talking about.

                                              Sports have three types of commentators

                                              Color commentators - people who provide expert knowledge or humor in between plays.
                                              Play by Play Commentators - Self explanatory. People like LD or Tobi
                                              Hosts - People like Redeye or Chobra.

                                              It actually takes practice and talent to do all three, and just assuming merlini could be a host shows how ignorant you are.

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                                                its not about being afraid, he takes over and does whatever and then does nothing actually just fucks people over.


                                                  ok... they didn't ban tusk again. I dont approve.

                                                  Quick maffs

                                                    I mean Yames benao, not redeye

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                                                      Merlini would make a GREAT HOST. I wanted chobra to be the host, and redeye is shit

                                                      @robbin ahh :p

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                                                        I could never see Merlini be a good host lol


                                                          dunno what you are fucking talking. redeye is professional hoster, and he really tries to understand and enter the world of this fucking game we play. I really like his charisma, i mean james harden is legend, but redeye simply is more professional.

                                                          And I also dont know whats up with kaci. She is fantastic interviewer, entertainer, big professional. Whats ur issue man


                                                            Merlini cant speak that much without losing flow and stopping. Most people cant.

                                                            Quick maffs

                                                              Again, you need someone outspoken to be a host, i dont think merlini could do it.

                                                              whiskey waters

                                                                i dont think the pick matter, cdec will outplay them imo

                                                                Quick maffs

                                                                  About Kaci, i just think she is getting nervous, she is trying really hard to be funny in moments where i think she shoudnt try.


                                                                    yea i dont see EG winning this

                                                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                      Chobra is actually at IEM right now, a CS:GO tournament going on. Also I like this draft, it's a big "fuck you" to Lina and BH.


                                                                        omg cdec really looking to win TI xD

                                                                        Quick maffs



                                                                            maybe so Sam

                                                                            Giving Xz or Garder Tusk is just asking to get fucked tho

                                                                            Este comentário foi editado

                                                                              Merlini great host??????? hahahhahahhahhah. He is good analyst, but he SIMPLY DOEsnt have what hoster needs to have. Did u see that 2 hour pause and how redeye managed to hold it without having those awkward silences? merlini is a good person and great player, but he doesnt have charisma and he is awkward in some way

                                                                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                Also dafuq, offlane BH? That's a new.


                                                                                  China avenging their loss at DAC

                                                                                  offlane BH is old school

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                                                                                  whiskey waters

                                                                                    i think kaci is cool, shes just not living in the same world as the public which are mostly nerds without social lifes, so it may seem awkward but in reality its the others who are awkward, just sayin.


                                                                                      well...they picked qop on sumail...its his worst hero ahhahaha i remember when he started playing it, he was like 0-5 in games with it or smth feeding everywhere, bad farm, etc. Though in his defense...he did win this TI groupstage with it (i think)


                                                                                        Swindle could've made a good ghost, not Merlini ^_^


                                                                                          and kaci is a good interviewer, not so at her job in the arena, not at all


                                                                                            bh offlane new meta KAPPA


                                                                                              WHY ARE U TALKING SO MUCH ABOUT SUMAIL? U WANT HIS LIL DICK? HES 50 TIMES BETTER THAN U AND PROBABLY TOP~5 WORLD INDIVIDUAL SKILL, PLAYED PRO DOTA FOR ROUGLYHYLY 6 MONTHS


                                                                                              Quick maffs


                                                                                                That its exactly what i said some posts before, the problem is the nerds in the crowd not being in the same page that she is.


                                                                                                  bh offlane? havent heard of it

                                                                                                  Quick maffs

                                                                                                    She is probably thinking " God you are all so boring and sad "


                                                                                                      I think ayesee could be a decent host