General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy are the <Someone who plays like he has a mental disorder> childre...

Why are the <Someone who plays like he has a mental disorder> children out this late in General Discussion
King of Low Prio

    had this ape WW telling me how to play BH


      How is that in any form related to "autism"?

      Anyway, I'll watch replay and see how you actually play.

      Bad Intentions

        Yo sampson, damnn, kiddo telling you how u play your marquee hero? oh no he didnt! Such disrespect!

        Welt aus Eis

          hey guys look this game i pwn3d hEHehEH



              Per a recent update to the forum guidelines, please don't use medical conditions or disabilities (such as autism) in a derogatory way. I'm sure it's possible to vent your frustrations without offending people that happen to have a condition that you think sounds funny. Thanks!

              Este comentário foi editado

                ^oh god .... I dont think an autist would be "offended" by that.

                Like seriously, we cant say gay we cant say arab we cant say anything that you think is offensive. Ppl should update their brain already its 2016 jesus fuckin christ, words are just words.

                Este comentário foi editado

                  Using a disability as a punchline isn't just offensive to those who have the condition. It also has an effect on people who have friends, family members, or loved ones who suffer from the disability. It's not a big ask, IMO.


                    @ Blue Orchid, it's not the words that are offensive. It's the use of them in a hateful or derogatory way.

                    Este comentário foi editado

                      It's an uneducated and immature act to use disability as an insult, it's not about what's offensive or not.

                      I meet people in dota 2 games using "Allah is not real" and "I fucked your mother" as "insults", although I find these comments not offending at all, cause why would I bother? What does it mean? It's untrue, and I know the guy sitting behind his screen writing this has an uneducated immature way of thinking.

                      King of Low Prio


                        Welt aus Eis

                          honestly this is pure SJW, we'll stop calling people idiots / retarded cuz its a medical condition as well? zz

                          Welt aus Eis

                            In the early 1900s, Dr. Henry H. Goddard proposed a classification system for intellectual disability based on the Binet-Simon concept of mental age. Individuals with the lowest mental age level (less than three years) were identified as idiots; imbeciles had a mental age of three to seven years, and morons had a mental age of seven to ten years.[8] The term "idiot" was used to refer to people having an IQ below 30.[9][10] IQ, or intelligence quotient, was originally determined by dividing a person's mental age, as determined by standardized tests, by their actual age.

                            Welt aus Eis

                              guys from now on the term "idiot" is also banned cuz we need to respect the people who actually suffer from idiocy.

                              King of Low Prio

                                fight the power

                                Welt aus Eis

                                  the term "scrub" is also banned because scrubs have sentiments.


                                    What about "bitch"?


                                      Done with your oblivious and irrelevant rant yet, or have more posts that illustrate how butthurt you are that someone is taking away your toys?


                                        Ok those last 2 jokes were funny


                                          Hey...wait a second, something weird happened here. Ah no, Jason just deleted a comment and this somehow made me think he had posted that "scrub" comment and was being sarcastic.

                                          Little suggestion, make that text that says "This comment was deleted X minutes ago" a bit more noticeable.


                                            Yeah we can do that. It's pretty hidden ATM.


                                              Imo when you delete your post, it should be removed from the page, i dont see any reason why it stays here with a "deleted post" line

                                              Este comentário foi editado

                                                Another excellent point! I think the original reasoning was to leave a little tombstone so that people who replied weren't left hanging if you deleted your post. Maybe it's time to rethink that.


                                                  @ Sampson sorry for getting this thread waaaaaay off topic :-(


                                                    To make up for it Jason will coach you through a dota game


                                                      whatever it takes to clean this place up

                                                      Bad Intentions

                                                        yo mod jason, y u only have 4 games man :(


                                                          obviously he plays on another account so you mooks wont hound him

                                                          Welt aus Eis

                                                            jason liked my joke, isnt that enough for a month of db+?


                                                              I love the fact that you change "autism" to mental illness thinking that it somehow made it better in a moral sence.

                                                              "he played bad becuase he was russian"

                                                              hey bro dont be racist


                                                              "he played bad becuase he was from russia".


                                                              Este comentário foi editado

                                                                well the overall ignorance of referring to a bad player with a mental condition or race is pretty immature and useless.
                                                                It's the classic "guy+internet+anonymity" situation.

                                                                That being sad, You'd be shocked at how many friends you could possibly find and play with if you only stopped acting like that.
                                                                It's like when Sampson gets offended when someone calls him the racist word "N".

                                                                You are mad at a game, i get it, but there are different approaches.

                                                                Este comentário foi editado
                                                                Bobbyx Qrwa Mac

                                                                  I'm an autist i'm not offended by that, rek rules

                                                                  King of Low Prio
                                                                    Este comentário foi excluído

                                                                      So you dont get offended by hatecrimes but you like to use the word Fgt..... i see..... Cool story bro!

                                                                      newsflash kid you dont speak for Bounty, black people or anyone but your sad self.


                                                                        Why do you ppl say "the N word "? you can say n*gger since the meaning is the same. Its not like we were talking about Lord Voldemort or something..

                                                                        And if you think for a second that black ppl are actually offended by this word, well you're just naiv. It is not the word that means harm, it is the thought.

                                                                        Also why would a black (Sampson) say " the N word" ? This is just ridiculous, and i am actually offended by the hypocrisy behind all that.

                                                                        Edit* and ^this guy up above associate the word nigg*r to a hate crime.. stupidity should be a crime so guys like him would'nt ever open their mouths full of shit.[/Kappa]

                                                                        Este comentário foi editado
                                                                        saving private RTZ

                                                                          W8 sampson is black? Can I get a picture? Seriously. No kappa

                                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                                            saying niggra is not a hate crime, and I said "N word" because that was the phrase he used and I was responding to it. Calm your tit bro

                                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                                              And yes I speak for Bounty that is a well known fact


                                                                                You have no right to tell me to calm my tit man

                                                                                We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!