actually, in case u dont realize it urselves: @arin, meka, allison - everything that u r posting in the last month is either a complaint (90%), or some shit about another game that no one knows (10%). self expression is gr8, but i kinda stopped reading this thread.
maybe it means that you should start playing dark souls
or it means that i should spam more ds memes so it gets 50/50
You cant see that guy whos chasing you all the fucking game long but its so fucking hotrifying i had to turn the lamp beside me at 4pm just to absorb the extra horror when i was in the flooded basement part
Is twitch having problems for anyone else? I can't even load the pages.
my twitch is fine
seems like this thread is base of nonsense + shit posts. lmao
I laughed way too much at that picture.
my little ursa
wtf is that account
whatchu mean
why do you have billion bot games and near 100% winrate?
just bot games for level 50
idk about the winrate lol i just played with my friend and solo at odds timings like 4am -6am cos we were both tired
maybe it means that you should start playing dark souls
or it means that i should spam more ds memes so it gets 50/50
Born too early to experience the new age.
Born too late to live in the age of fire.
Born just in time to collect dank souls.
whats up subhuman beings?
@arin ignore the haters they can't understand why dark souls is born, just keep playing CoD scrubs
this thread is shit
Why are there so many Russian streamers these days? It's just fucking ridicilous.
op is a f4'git
no Balkan streams beside lizzard, FeelsBadMan
Let it all out.
Op is a fahgit
триплстил ты фагот блять
im actually into grills
100% lose vs zeus spec.. again i solo him 2 times but and just gets beyond godlike
i really hope everyone who picks those 2 dies irl
you just can't appreciate true beauty
i wonder whats worse, actually dying in a fire or being in this cow
Amnesia is cool someone buy that shit for me ples
guess so
You cant see that guy whos chasing you all the fucking game long but its so fucking hotrifying i had to turn the lamp beside me at 4pm just to absorb the extra horror when i was in the flooded basement part
people get scared by video games in 2016? good shit
The fucking crates/boxes always seemed to fucking high to jump on, if only the voicework wasnt very horrible id give it an 8