Also I can give you my snapchat name without giving you the number + you send it quickly to the people you want or put it in the history where everyone can see it for 24h after this it's deleted. And all snaps are getting deleted after some seconds (you choose how long 1-10 secs). If somebody makes a screenshot from the pics then I'll get a message
got 6 math 6.50 native language and 7 chemistry in the exam practice things, 1 being worst 10 being the best
didnt study anything at all
maybe im fine FeelsGoodMan
alright, i'm watching that invoker replay that allison sent me
invoker lanes against zeus, gets shared 3 tangoes and buys a full wand. i thought you're not supposed to do that ever, why didnt he just buy null and get wand later?
this guys' lasthitting is even worse than mine. im starting to think if that wasnt a joke
idk about his laning but he was really good at invoking stuff. he delayed the game for us a lot. he died stupidly 2-3 times after 40 mins but it was ok
Because Zeus uses a lot of spells what gets you eazy charges to survive/win a fight or a gank. I saw Sumail getting Wand on Storm as well against Zeus + BH. And the only thing you lose is 2 Int + 3 dmg = 5 dmg and let's be honest, you don't need those 5 dmg on Invoker because 1) you have exort orbs anyway 2) Zeus can't/shouldn't be able to deny your shit
With a new page, a new era begins
jezus christ, pls no
era of hentai
what about kittens for once?
as long as sexy anime girls with cat ears are included
If there is something that I learned from this forum then that those cat ear girls are called Nekos
Why use something else if you can do it on WhatsApp?
it's exclusively pictures, has a different vibe to it
also you can take like 1 pic and share it with tons of contacts, it's not mano o mano nor a group
Also I can give you my snapchat name without giving you the number + you send it quickly to the people you want or put it in the history where everyone can see it for 24h after this it's deleted. And all snaps are getting deleted after some seconds (you choose how long 1-10 secs). If somebody makes a screenshot from the pics then I'll get a message
nice i once wanted to send a dick pic to a tinder girl but instead sent it to my story SeemsGood thx snapchat
you know that's illegal for you
lil Led Zepelin IV
Alright, cool
So it's basically instagram?
Not quite, on instagram, you are uploading a pic to your own page, and then it's visible to either everyone OR only your subs
You can use instagram to share pics/vids through personal messages though (same way as with WhatsApp)
and snapchat is more "instant" & snapchat pics get deleted after x seconds
got 6 math 6.50 native language and 7 chemistry in the exam practice things, 1 being worst 10 being the best
didnt study anything at all
maybe im fine FeelsGoodMan
lol wit hthat average you wouldnt pass in germany 4Head
u need 6 avg to pass here but i dont want to pass i want 8+ on everything

6 avg is really much lower than usual
mfw someone approaches me

just kidding, noone actually approaches me
we should start an A E S T H E T I C S A D B O Y boy group
arin i actually saved this pic on my ipad several days ago expecting to use it when ull be sad about smthng next time
just because u pass the exams it doesnt mean much, thats why 6 avg is needed for passing idk.
hey anyone wanna try this
i don't have the energy nor motivation for it sadly, nothing can keep me occupied for this long anymore
alright, i'm watching that invoker replay that allison sent me
invoker lanes against zeus, gets shared 3 tangoes and buys a full wand. i thought you're not supposed to do that ever, why didnt he just buy null and get wand later?
this guys' lasthitting is even worse than mine. im starting to think if that wasnt a joke
alright he's awful in laning stage but got a nice solo kill on zeus

idk about his laning but he was really good at invoking stuff. he delayed the game for us a lot. he died stupidly 2-3 times after 40 mins but it was ok
Because Zeus uses a lot of spells what gets you eazy charges to survive/win a fight or a gank. I saw Sumail getting Wand on Storm as well against Zeus + BH. And the only thing you lose is 2 Int + 3 dmg = 5 dmg and let's be honest, you don't need those 5 dmg on Invoker because 1) you have exort orbs anyway 2) Zeus can't/shouldn't be able to deny your shit
new wand is kinda similar to null cz it gives u a lot of cheap stats, and u cant get both null and sticks, so u go for wand
these 2 phantom rikis kill me
was this also the guy who started the RIKOR thing aswell?
^Le super funny Xd
memes fresh from 2004 @afeect