General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion
D the Superior

    In fact, this one is better than yours.

    < blank >

      shots and true


        u mean that u dont understand my memes?



            ^who does that rofl

            me, government hooker

              😂👌 savage

              casual gamer

                Looks painful to balance the giant wooden dick in his teeth

                Potato Marshal


                    >expelled for acting under the law

                    i'm pretty sure that he can sue the school for that

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                            You're considered a dick if u report someone regardless of what it is.

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                              casual gamer

                                butter gives lc with blademail more ehp than ac? am i crazy?


                                  but moc doesn't proc after evade, does it?

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                                    why are people talking lc in like 3 separated threads all of sudden, just when i went turbotilt mode and picked jungle lc

                                    casual gamer


                                        what am i looking at

                                        casual gamer

                                          lc receiving the moment of courage buff without taking damage, because it procced on an evaded hit

                                          D the Superior

                                            You're considered a dick if u report someone regardless of what it is.

                                            Nice omerta logic.

                                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                              are you calculating EHP with the lifesteal you get from MoC? also, what other items do you have? butterfly increases your EHP by around 50% AFTER armor and HP, AC increases it by 75% after HP only.
                                              so if you have 2k hp and 10 armor:
                                              butterfly makes your EHP 4500
                                              AC also makes your EHP 4500
                                              so if you have less than 10 armor, AC is better and if you have more than 10 armor, bfly is better (with 2k hp).


                                                ayy lmao on the brink of death

                                                Tu tayta

                                                  It's not the first time.


                                                    just watched navi and Gambit both pick viper into a death prophet. I can't fathom why considering dp is like viper's worst matchup in my experience. Anyone care to explain why I'm wrong.


                                                      Picking viper into dp OMEGALUL


                                                        Picking viper into dp OMEGALUL

                                                        casual gamer

                                                          with bm you have 13-16 armor

                                                          ofc in a real game you probably need halberd which lowers the value of butterfly significantly

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                                                            D the Superior

                                                              The thread is dead, so sad.

                                                              D the Superior


                                                                  casual gamer

                                                                    people cant see average gpm xpm any more

                                                                    huge nerf to settling arguments in low mmr i guess lul


                                                                      arguing in dota lul


                                                                        huge nerf to settling arguments in low mmr i guess lul

                                                                        yea but i still get called a weeaboo trash whenever someone wants to argue with me
                                                                        mb make other 4 teammates invisible to me

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                                                                          maybe that's beacuse you're a weeb

                                                                          D the Superior

                                                                            Why do some people argue so fanatically about things they have no clue about?


                                                                              why has man thrown evolutionary urges out the window to promote intercourse and relationships with partners that are incompatible to create offspring?


                                                                                u dont have evolutionary urges

                                                                                u have urges selected for by evolution if thats what u mean. keep in mind whatever chemical imbalance makes people beat it to futa was selected for, for some asinine reason

                                                                                ofc equating reproduction with morality is more than a little strange in the first place. if anything everyone should be gay so that there's more resources per person, especially with how much shit is and will be automated


                                                                                  That is what I meant but I had a hard time conveying it in a 1 sentence format.

                                                                                  Basically, if the goal of every species is to grow and expand infinitely, then all sexualities but heterosexuality is counter productive to this end. What evolutionary reasoning is there that such traits are promoted? Not even flaming, in all seriousness, what advantage does not being heterosexual pose that isn't being considered, such that it is this relatively prominent.

                                                                                  D the Superior
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                                                                                    casual gamer

                                                                                      theyre not, there is no selection in favor of homosexuality. if anything its selected against pretty fucking hard because ur so much less likely to reproduce

                                                                                      it’s just a persistent trait because it’s not simple to eliminate, its multifactorial and polygenic. plus attraction itself is important for reproduction i guess

                                                                                      plus keep in mind for long portions of history homosexuals lived in fear and attempted to emulate normalcy

                                                                                      but im not a fuckijg scientist idk shit

                                                                                      D the Superior
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                                                                                          shitposts will live forever

                                                                                          D the Superior
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                                                                                              D the Superior
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                                                                                                  what's skiter doing


                                                                                                    white heterosexual men are literally the most oppressed group in our society am i right?