General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion
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          >look on price of flights between prague and tokyo
          >instantly get dotabuff ads based on that


            guess i reached my final mmr

            yeah ads are really scary, there was an experiment and apparently the facebook app on your phones listen 24/7

            someone kept talking about catfood irl (simply repeating catfood), without having a cat or looking for catfood online, and a few days later he got catfood ads on fb)


              LMAO Aimstrong


                @spunki notice that each time u went core u won

                one syllable anglo-saxon

                  COINCIDENCE? I THINK NOT!

                  u rly should instalock core and run down mid if u dont get it spunki!


                    someone kept talking about catfood irl (simply repeating catfood), without having a cat or looking for catfood online, and a few days later he got catfood ads on fb)





                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                          good thing we're social cretins and dont have any meaningful social inetractions or hold any power whatsoever for corporations to use our phones data against us, right guys? :D :D :D

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                            ye ure right i still don thave any friends stop reminding me of this




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                                  no friends in 2017 OMEGALÜL

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                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                      i just lost a 20 min stomp as solo sup lich w/ jungle techies and 0/8 offlane and i feel absolutely nothing
                                      the match before i was camped by bh and lost the lane to rubick mid while having 2 nulls, bottle and treads 15 mins in and i also felt nothing

                                      untiltable? PogChamp

                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                        does anybody here know how to do these :thinking:

                                        if you know how to do it either write everything down step-by-step or do it on paper and take a picture ty


                                          just turn the arrows so they point at each other, this should solve the equations.


                                            me, government hooker

                                              arrows have nothing to do with equations Xd they are solvable even if they are in the wrong direction
                                              ive done norton and thevenin circuits but theyre pretty hard idk if i can solve ill try tomororw

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                                                the shit isch zuu guet lmao


                                                  i had an exam which contained thevenin a week and a half ago
                                                  didnt get shit from that particular question



                                                    With techies You will win unwinable battles

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                                                      in normal skill? i think so too

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                                                              i showed my grass the ayy lmao song, now i have weed


                                                                lmao my uni course has an online forum, and sometimes students go there and rage

                                                                then the prof comes and tells them tehyre c.unts, and the students come back on their knees apologizing

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                                                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                    guys this was in my exam and i had a brainfart but im still not quite sure about the correct answer:
                                                                    for which values of "a" does this system have 1) a unique solution, 2) no solutions and 3) infinitely many solutions (and find the solution set)?
                                                                    it seems easy af but because the system is not homogeneous i cant figure out exactly what to do.


                                                                      something something regular matrixes
                                                                      i think

                                                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                        i dont remember how to determine how many solutions a system had(i only remember that if theres more equations(that aren't the same, i.e x+y=z|2x+2y=2z) than variables it has infinite solutions, and vice versa), but what prevents u from jut using gausses method to get a triangular matrix and go from there?


                                                                          anybody got an idea how to solve these?

                                                                          (1.b) determine the amount of partial relations on [4], on which there are 2 minimal elements.

                                                                          (2.b) give equivalence relations R, S ⊆ A × A , so that R ∪ S is no longer an equivalence relation.


                                                                          R ⊆ A × A is a binary relation

                                                                          (4.a) prove that R* is transitive and reflexive

                                                                          (4.a2) prove that if S ⊆ A × A is a reflexive and transitive relation with R ⊆ S, then R∗ ⊆ S.

                                                                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                            (2.b) give equivalence relations R, S ⊆ A × A , so that R ∪ S is no longer an equivalence relation.

                                                                            A={1, 2, 3} R={(1, 2), (2,1)}, S={(1, 3), (3, 1)}


                                                                              o shit i thought id have to make the 2 equivalence relations form one partial relation which doesnt work (i think)


                                                                              u got any idea for 1b? [4] equals {1,2,3,4}


                                                                                what is a partial relation

                                                                                maybe it's just potency set of [4] minus the relations [1,1];[2,2],[3,3],[4,4] so it's not reflexive?

                                                                                i'm probably wrong but there might be something that could help

                                                                                Este comentário foi editado

                                                                                  partial relations are antisymetrical, reflexive and transitive

                                                                                  i.e. ≤Z, |N, ⊆

                                                                                  =< would look like this


                                                                                    okay wiki said that partial relations are symmetric and transitive

                                                                                    we have another term for this kind of relation but there's just a czech version of it on wiki, not english or anything else

                                                                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                      i dont know what the rest of the tasks want from u


                                                                                        i don't know how to solve 1b except with brute force
                                                                                        is that solution ok for you?


                                                                                          hmmm potency set seems fine but im not sure, i'll talk to my group tomorrow anyway so theres no need for u to do any work, but thanks

                                                                                          @alenari what part do u not understand?


                                                                                            ignore the first post, i misunderstood the partial relations

                                                                                            use hasse's diagrams.
                                                                                            draw all possible diagrams for 1 element, 2 elements, then for 3, then for 4.
                                                                                            and for every diagram containing n elements add n! because there's n! (i hope?) (4!/(4-n)!) options to put the elements into the diagram

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                                                                                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                              hasses diagrams are for domination(?) relations not partial relation, i dont think they will help here anyhow


                                                                                                no, we use hasse for partial relatiosn as well

                                                                                                maybe partial = domination in ur language? i never heard of domination relations


                                                                                                  partial relations are antisymetrical, reflexive and transitive

                                                                                                  i have no idea hows this called in english but i'm 95% sure that you use hasse's diagram for this exact kind of relations

                                                                                                  also i believe that my solution of the 1b is correct, i can draw the possible diagrams as well if you want me to.

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