i do not recommend doing that but i understand you perfectly
havent been on more than one lecture on "introduction to software introduction" which consists of a guy repeating the same thing over the course of three hours
Even though the university library was noisy as hell, I would study there because I wouldn't feel tempted to do something else on the computer like play games or something like I would at home.
videos and browsing memes is one the same page. I don't even visit ayy lmao in school because people will stop and ask me what I'm looking at. go away normie, it's just bad memes
shown is a parquet made of 1x4 and 2x2 pieces (the sketch shows an example, but in reality the parquet can take any other form)
now a 1x4 piece breaks, but there are no new ones in in stock - therefore we replace it with a 2x2 piece, and try to recover the former form (the pieces are not glued, can therefore be moved around freely)
does that work for any given form? only certain forms (which?) or never, and why?
Just when you think you're a normie, you see people in school browsing 9gag and university meme Facebook groups. Also a lot of Asian kids would always be watching LoL clips in groups at the library for some reason.
the behavior score shit fixed the problem on the EU east server but made russia and EU west far worse with normal BS
Good thing I'm not playing in a region where I have decent ping on 3 servers
omg i used the word knjiga so many times back then and now i see it lol
u gay man
what do i tell my barber to get this haricut?
"just fuck me up fam"
show them this pic?
i mean thats nto a haircut u just put ur hair in stumps on ur 4Head im sure i oculd do that with some gel or something
(Very) smart
i play for fun lol
thanks! ^_^
I hope this game will be lit, fucking pre ordered it
dont buy that lord of the rings assassin creed game, its ultra bad and repetetive AF
overslept a lecture again SeemsGood
didnt oversleep a lecture i just wasnt bothered to go SeemsGood exam is in only two weeks and i legit dont know anything
SeemsGood to me
i went there today and this is the last time i did so
i do not recommend doing that but i understand you perfectly
havent been on more than one lecture on "introduction to software introduction" which consists of a guy repeating the same thing over the course of three hours
fUCK i need to pass AT LEAST TWO YEARS to land some decent job can i get my shit together please thanks
Why are you Americans like this?
i mean 4 wat?
why go there for 1h so that someone reads out a powerpoint presentaiton loud
i can do that at home, with more concentration as well ebcause there arent 500 ppl tehre
jobs in 2017 ZULUL
there is no way you have more concentration at home though. you will constantly think about playing games, watching movies and other shit.
wise turkish man, so true
it only works if you have some big exam on the next day
^ this
sitting at school gives you that kind of an atmosphere where you want to pay at least a little attention since theres not much else you can be doing
lol when im at school i always daydream esp early in the morning like today
now im at home i ate some strawberries drank some water now im happy and able to work through shit
pro tip: if u hate dota enough u don't want to play it and therefore wont think about it ;-) :)
Even though the university library was noisy as hell, I would study there because I wouldn't feel tempted to do something else on the computer like play games or something like I would at home.
this math shit is fucking my head, seeing things i never even though about OMEGALUL
thats why i said "games" and not "dota".
videos and browsing memes is one the same page. I don't even visit ayy lmao in school because people will stop and ask me what I'm looking at. go away normie, it's just bad memes
shown is a parquet made of 1x4 and 2x2 pieces (the sketch shows an example, but in reality the parquet can take any other form)
now a 1x4 piece breaks, but there are no new ones in in stock - therefore we replace it with a 2x2 piece, and try to recover the former form (the pieces are not glued, can therefore be moved around freely)
does that work for any given form? only certain forms (which?) or never, and why?
im never opening dotabuff in a public place anymore, i got traumatized by magnus
Just when you think you're a normie, you see people in school browsing 9gag and university meme Facebook groups. Also a lot of Asian kids would always be watching LoL clips in groups at the library for some reason.
you've been following a single thread for over 2 years and over 1500 pages now. Do you really think you're normal?
I don't think I've even browsed Dotabuff for that long.
do you need to use the same amount of pieces every time?
I don't think I've even browsed Dotabuff for that long too
But SEA ayy lmao is 1/3 of ayy lmao so....
lol its 9999 times easier to concentrate at home rather than in school what are u talking about