Yoshi loses -61mmr due to professional double down prediction
Symmetrical: no worries buddy, I'll get you back where you were before, I'm your man, I'll go mid now
30 minutes later, yoshi loses 30 mmr points, his girlfriend and a kidney.
Yoshi still apreciates Symmetricals help.
True story.
BTW for the control warrior list, I run a nzoth list, but I don't fucking have rotface or gromm do I need it?
My rank is super low this season cuz I haven't played much and don't understand this expansion
you stayed and leeched so much exp mid and kills, look you are even tagged as midlaner, after you soaked all that shit from mid you left me alone with high level invoker
nice selfie stick
btw this show is awesome in case u retards havent watched it yet
kys ysal
I play for fun lol
i fun for play
and then he said "i'm not like the other mid players" LUL
but little u know dota has them all cuz it's a MULTIPLAYER
Yoshi loses -61mmr due to professional double down prediction
Symmetrical: no worries buddy, I'll get you back where you were before, I'm your man, I'll go mid now
30 minutes later, yoshi loses 30 mmr points, his girlfriend and a kidney.
Yoshi still apreciates Symmetricals help.
True story.
(Havoc, Aimstrong and Kitty laugh in the background).
kidneys are overrated anyways, liver is where its really at ;)
i have learnt my lesson and so should you
ehhh, dont worry buddy, we will get back on track :P
btw when will the pudge arcana arrive? 1 year like the juggernaut one?
The real question is
How many battle pass levels for the rubick arcana?
9 months
the lesson is: don't play with aimstrong
The lesson is: run
BTW for the control warrior list, I run a nzoth list, but I don't fucking have rotface or gromm do I need it?
My rank is super low this season cuz I haven't played much and don't understand this expansion
I play for fun lol
you stayed and leeched so much exp mid and kills, look you are even tagged as midlaner, after you soaked all that shit from mid you left me alone with high level invoker
whatever still more cs than carry lmao
did u guys just lost to a bunch of 2k mmr players?
shitters clogged
forget gumwaa have funwaa
^^ Lmfao the gay one.
if you don't assemble your computer by typing the bios code manually each time you start up you're doing it wrong
sry i dont speak 101
ببخشید من انگلیسی نمیفهمم
fuck off
stfu piece of shit or ill fetch more
ill start posting blogs about my every single game in that case
how does google manage to fuck up utube more each time they do a redesign
there should be a reasonable limit
if u do that ill find those cookie memes again and post them one by one
"i hope you are not doing anything because we've just decided to congratulate your brother on his birthday in three minutes"
hello again, low priority
seems like it instantly procs if you get second abandon in 25 games
Nice, now whenever I see unfun memes, I don't need to look who posted them to know who did it.
same lmao