General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion



      its not impossible, it just wont work the most obvious way
      time actually goes at different rate depending on gravity and velocity of the system

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        we just have to outrun time


          but thats not how it works, u cant achieve travelling into the past unless you bend spacetime in a certain way that causes you to get stuck into a closed time-like loop

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            i read "the science behind interstellar" and a brief history of time btw haHAA




                go eat some mayonez instead

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                  like this


                    maybe we can become 4 dimensional beings so that we can fucking kill all 4ks in the world but solutions for hte fermi paradox might prevent us from getting that far


                      what else would one do if he went to latvia and st. petersburg other then drinking kvass and queuing on russia server?

                      uh oh what are you going to do with them 2k's then?

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                        meet hot russian women


                          hmm maybe if said person has a swiss richman passport and a card that shows he works for the govt that could be an option


                            well yeah but thats not u so why bother thinking about it

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                              wie viel wuche vor de RS söti die scheiss kampfstiefle 90 ilaufe?

                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                i strike without warning



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                                    i reported you clockwerkula and i usually never report ppl on dotabuff

                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                      wait for the new page, i got the last one just for you <3 <3 <3


                                        man stop or im going to adblock u


                                          u want that??

                                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                                            that would suck remember how u kept sending me stupid shit in steam in the middle of the game so i had to remove u?
                                            consider it my little revenge


                                              i think everybody i have on my friendlist atm has removed me at least once


                                                ask aimstrong

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                                                  i did it first

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                                                    y'all copying me, fake ass nibbas

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                                                      add me florian


                                                        ihlaufe so früeh und viel wie möglich. ich bi nur es paar mol (3mol oder so) mit de hünd go laufe. het nüt brocht und i de erste 2 wuche hetih am liebste mini füess amputiert.
                                                        i de erste paar wuche stosch 24/7 usser bim esse und schlofe, dörfsch nie anesitze, und wenn denn d schueh voll hart und unbequem sind wirds noh schlimmer. (chunnt druf ah was machsch i de rs)

                                                        chasch sie au eifach dehai jede tag es paar stunde azieh, körperwärmi und transpiration macheds au chli weich. dusse umelauffe chunnsch die chli behindert vor

                                                        < blank >

                                                          ja voll, die teiler sind gigantisch und härt hässlich


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                                                            und wenn bechumt mer uniform?


                                                              am erste tag gends dir alles imne riesige sack so wiit entfernt vo dim zimmer wie möglich haha
                                                              plus es 2tes paar stiefel wo denn jede 2te tag muesch azieh und nöd ihlaufe chasch :(

                                                              wa machsch und welli kaserne?

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                                                              < blank >

                                                                führungsunterstützungspionir in frauefeld aber ich mach no de test für milizhundeführer damit ich das mache chan als das wo ich becho han. will ich weiss würkli nöd was de pionir scheiss si söt

                                                                < blank >

                                                                  am erste tag gends dir alles imne riesige sack so wiit entfernt vo dim zimmer wie möglich haha

                                                                  das tönt sehr schwiizerisch haha


                                                                    IT-sache ihrichte halt, besser gohts eigentlich nüm, und frauefeld isch eh chillerkaserne, döt sind die fette lastwagefahrer.
                                                                    naja chasch alles vergesse woni gseit he wenn glück hesch gits nödemol en marsch. in fraufeld bisch meh zivilist in uniform als was anderes

                                                                    < blank >

                                                                      tönd hert langwilig, han eigentlich nöd würkli vor no IT z'mache nach de lehr. klar schaff ich no als IT irgendwo bis zu de RS aber denn versuechi polizist zmache. will IT chani echt nüm gseh

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                                                                        wer ist dieser thanks eigentlich?


                                                                          it chani?? it chantal?? blonde it girl??? hot ?? ? ? ?

                                                                          < blank >

                                                                            ein 24 jähriger schweizer aus thurgau


                                                                              Ich bin ein gay
                                                                              I am german btw haHAA
                                                                              Krappa 1 2 3


                                                                                he is going to get some kind of mandatory basic training soon

                                                                                he will be setting up IT stuff in command posts basically and then sit around on notice in 8hour shifts waiting to do some potential troubleshooting
                                                                                also the camp where he gets his basic training is softer then soft he probably wont even have a single march and barely any physical activities lucky dude

                                                                                he asked me if he has to wear his boots beforehand and i told him nah u coo u wont even have to walk

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                                                                                < blank >

                                                                                  with the downside that i'm tired with IT and really can't bare it much longer


                                                                                    ich weiß, grundsätzlich kann ich verstehen worüber ihr sprecht aber manche wörter sind ein rätsel für mich

                                                                                    ich lese mir immer laut vor was ihr sagt und dann hört es sich fast wie hochdeutsch an

                                                                                    < blank >

                                                                                      I have too much energy to just sit my whole life


                                                                                        i think everybody i have on my friendlist atm has removed me at least once

                                                                                        i haven't


                                                                                          Because you a bae <3


                                                                                            I sometimes remember this site and whenever I come back to check its still the same shiet



                                                                                              maybe im secretly mason


                                                                                                I am disappointed that you guys havent moved on from dota3

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                                                                                                  Moku I want a child from you


                                                                                                    if i had you in my friendlist i would remove you too

