General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion

    yea fuck you i get 500 ping during two teamfights and suddenly enemys 2 levels above us for no reason


      TA is pretty ez mmr atm btw


        return of a legend

        me, government hooker

          pink ranger Kreygasm

          me, government hooker


            me, government hooker

              It's morphin' time! To celebrate the launch of /TwitchPresents we are proud to present the complete Power Rangers series starting March 14th at 11am PDT. All 23 seasons and 831 episodes. Go, go!

              OH boy



                ye im already watching since a few hours LUL

                Nah, I'd win




                      best feeling is to be called a cheater in a game




                          that HUD looks pretty dope

                          or i guess it looked dope

                          Este comentário foi editado

                            it kinda looks blocky tbh. now compared to the new one.


                              dotacinema hud MEGALUL

                              fuck, the inhouse is superfun but i need 5k before it gets out of beta


                                which is today.

                                guys anyone boost me 4head


                                  and ofc i cant speak russian
                                  why the FUCK DID I CHOOSE GERMAN IN HIGH SCHOOL GODFUCKING DAMMIT


                                    ALRIGHT I want u guys to prepare for this, cuz that's some insanely sick fucking shit right there "SKILL BASED GAME" that is very fucking well made that was some really missed shit right there I'm sure, I'm just amazed and have no words for this (:


                                      what the fuck


                                        stupid question!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        how the heck do you post photos in your replys?


                                          ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? "SKILL BASED"

                                          Este comentário foi editado
                                          Nah, I'd win

                                            me and spunki can stack with you and we can speak german on discord if you want to learn it


                                              actually if you'd play aion with me it would be top tier
                                              it's a really great game especially if you're going for pvp, i could teach you the basics
                                              or did you mean dota

                                              Este comentário foi editado
                                              casual gamer

                                                man arin just spam some broken hero ur only 10 wins away


                                                  im actually 4.5k flat, i have hidden mmr for being ashamed


                                                    if u want 5k just spam ta, od, invoker, slardar, axe, weaver. Winning in 4k- low 5k with this is a joke.

                                                    Este comentário foi editado
                                                    disgusting weebs

                                                      hes not 10 wins away its an old ass value when he used to show his mmr on profile he's probably a low peasant like 4500 or smth


                                                        actually just play what ur good with. If I don't get mid I would go axe or slardar offlane and if I get axe I would ask someone to come with me with some cancerous hero who can rape that lane with me.

                                                        disgusting weebs

                                                          oh wait what mmr am i rn

                                                          Solo MMR

                                                          yep time to killmyslef

                                                          disgusting weebs

                                                            i have an excuse of only playing lina-jakiro though

                                                            casual gamer

                                                              i dont think theres any mmr that tinker weaver is not free mmr in unless someone better than you devotes their life to making you miserable


                                                                i forgot how to play voker and i cant get into it again

                                                                i mean im pretty sure im still better than that retard 6k against me with 500+ games with him thanks to whom i went 9 0 in early game
                                                                but that's not enough to win 4k games sadly

                                                                wish i could just spam support but i'm really desperate for 5k rn


                                                                  I'm getting fucking triggered when I see axe picked in the enemy team..... this hero is just so or I mean BLADEMAIL FUCK THAT ITEM YE, I end up killing myself cuz it's a great item I take 2k dmg in 2 seconds WOOOOOOOOO and it costs 2k gold and goes through bkb XDXDXDXDXD


                                                                    i love playing od against axe or tanky str heroes in general


                                                                      my rather successful games in the inhouse made me pretty confident about myself so i hope i won't get brought down once again

                                                                      me, government hooker
                                                                        Esse comentário foi removido por um moderador
                                                                        disgusting weebs

                                                                          fuck u i had to goggle this


                                                                            ROFL I googled this too XD


                                                                              arin u ony play OD still cant get 5k shame of u
                                                                              u never go midas qhich is so bad midas at 13 min make u 5 slotted in 30 min wih od

                                                                              the only way like endless said is tinker which is true complete bulshit op hero


                                                                                axe rapes OD ( atleast my axe ) ..early od is raping him but after blademail od is pretty essy killed

                                                                                @ arin u will fail more cuase u dont know draft u only know od midd and doing it unsuccessfully i hope u 3k ty xD

                                                                                Nah, I'd win

                                                                                  you really don't have to know how to draft, you just have to understand the draft and what this means for your hero


                                                                                    i dont know how to draft but that goes for anyone below 6k for sure
                                                                                    now i kinda hope i'll get you against me so i can kick ur ass, not sure what you meant by knowing only od mid

                                                                                    i've literally never spammed a hero for more than a day or two because i find it pretty boring and i underperform after a while because i get braindead, also it's kinda cheap
                                                                                    im pretty sure i'd get to 5k several times if i spammed a certain hero

                                                                                    Este comentário foi editado

                                                                                      📞 BabyRage VALVE I WANT TO REPORT A BUG 📞 BabyRage I CANT WIN A EU GAME 📞 BabyRage


                                                                                        16:52 This room is in 2 weeks followers-only mode. Follow arteezy to join the community!

                                                                                        kys arteezy

                                                                                        casual gamer

                                                                                          winning is cheap :V

                                                                                          Nah, I'd win

                                                                                            im pretty sure i'd get to 5k several times if i spammed a certain hero

                                                                                            cheap excuse


                                                                                              who put a fucking comma there?


                                                                                                THank god i thought i was fucking crazy man

                                                                                                Nah, I'd win


                                                                                                  disgusting weebs

                                                                                                    rofl i obnly now noticed