Does anyone else think Mei's farts are cold? Like what if a nigga needs a beer, but that shit's warm as fuck and Mei's like "damn my guns charging", so she proceeds to Lay Waste to my drink with her ass wind? And what if that shit comes out icy cool like The Niagara? Damn.
our old computer's final hours are ticking, this is my meme/lewd folder. moving it on a flash dics atm - it's probably the last thing that im ever going to do on this desktop.
press f to pay respects
Yo, I have a question for u guys who are in low - mid 5k. When u get a game anywhere from 5.2k - 5.5k avg how does it look nowadays? Is it still dogshit? I mostly had 5.2 - 5.5k ones back when I played with some rare high 5-6k ones, but I havent played solo q for so long (last game was 2 months ago and I only played 1 game LUL and I barely played any in the last 6 months). Are these low 5k tards still ruining games for some fucking unknown reason? Cuz I think I won't bother start playing it then, if it's still like this, but if u get mostly decent games in this range, where ppl are picking decent shit and trying to win, I might find my motivation again to play this fucking shitty, toxic game and climb some mmr. I had no motivation to play when in 5 last games I played, prob in 3 of them, I had fucking dogs in my team who couldn't function like human beings, and decided to fucking afk, ruin, feed or just pick some dogshit roamer who's useless, cuz they won't play support. I was trying to dodge low mmr games, but it's not a thing u can do often xd
ye rip then, when I would see someones low 5k I would dc from a game before xD and only play if I see that there are high 5k or 6k ppl in there, cuz else games would be garbage mostly.
instead of fixing the mm system you're forced to play with shitters?
havent u guys played this patch at all?
you load in, and picking stage starts in like <4s nowadays, its impossible to check all profiles and type disconnect in console during that time
only once in test client and i went afk during loading
dont worry guys 1-1-1-1-1 laning is here, 4k ®

it actually is imo
do you actually have almost 9000 games played
never noticed since you were posting on nonbanned acc
Merry Christmas!
And pls dont post any Tracer/Widowmaker butt pics
U too skim <3.
pretty much
but tons of lp games as well (im sure i have >1000 lp games) and im afk during those
does ur mum play dota
have u played with ur mum
but sir....
no and yes (but not in dota)
also theres a nice gem in it
Does anyone else think Mei's farts are cold? Like what if a nigga needs a beer, but that shit's warm as fuck and Mei's like "damn my guns charging", so she proceeds to Lay Waste to my drink with her ass wind? And what if that shit comes out icy cool like The Niagara? Damn.
my mum is actually the one who got me into dota LUL she gave me her betakey
^i don't know why you'd want her to fart on your beer, since she got a weapon that freezes everything ?_?
does she regret doing so after seeing u spend ur teenage life on it
finally disc 3 is out
i made it through high school graduation with top marks thanks to this theme
my life is complete
no, she doesnt give a fuck
this is for allison LUL
i know it fam
if anyone wants to waste 60 mins watch this
probably the biggest clown fiesta in dota
>4,7k avg PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp
our old computer's final hours are ticking, this is my meme/lewd folder. moving it on a flash dics atm - it's probably the last thing that im ever going to do on this desktop.
press f to pay respects
what a mess
Yo, I have a question for u guys who are in low - mid 5k. When u get a game anywhere from 5.2k - 5.5k avg how does it look nowadays? Is it still dogshit? I mostly had 5.2 - 5.5k ones back when I played with some rare high 5-6k ones, but I havent played solo q for so long (last game was 2 months ago and I only played 1 game LUL and I barely played any in the last 6 months). Are these low 5k tards still ruining games for some fucking unknown reason? Cuz I think I won't bother start playing it then, if it's still like this, but if u get mostly decent games in this range, where ppl are picking decent shit and trying to win, I might find my motivation again to play this fucking shitty, toxic game and climb some mmr. I had no motivation to play when in 5 last games I played, prob in 3 of them, I had fucking dogs in my team who couldn't function like human beings, and decided to fucking afk, ruin, feed or just pick some dogshit roamer who's useless, cuz they won't play support. I was trying to dodge low mmr games, but it's not a thing u can do often xd
nice copy pasta
oh sick my 6,1k is an na fa.ggot and qd here by mistake and is now running down mid MARVELOUS

Cool, so I wont bother playing it, cuz I see "animalism" is still a thing in mm. Back to CS:GO. ̿'̿'\̵͇̿̿\з=( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)=ε/̵͇̿̿/'̿̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿
oh its not a copypasta? yeah, its the same before, same cancer, nobody wants to sup and so on
also btw, u can't dodge at all anymore
ye rip then, when I would see someones low 5k I would dc from a game before xD and only play if I see that there are high 5k or 6k ppl in there, cuz else games would be garbage mostly.
all my games are fine usually when i lose its me being a tard and doing nothing
i dont dodge any games
how come that you can't dodge at all?
havent u guys played this patch at all?
you load in, and picking stage starts in like <4s nowadays, its impossible to check all profiles and type disconnect in console during that time
or mby im doing something wrong lul
arin it loads too fast
instead of fixing the mm system you're forced to play with shitters?
only once in test client and i went afk during loading
idk whats happening 5,6ks not any different from 4,7

Can we post butt pics?
Everything which is not forbidden is allowed.
I don't want to upset Skim though, he has been doing great moderation lately.
I finally found that moderating figure which I have always been searching for ever since I started shitposting.