General Discussion

General Discussionanyone willing to let me open comp caches on their behalf

anyone willing to let me open comp caches on their behalf in General Discussion
bum farto

    Ok, I have opened my inventory for a day and people can trade out either a SINGLE bundle set or a SINGLE immortal.

    I have already given away the goldens to friends and I have a few immortals that I want to keep. If I have already given you one please don't add me on another account to get another, play fair.

    I will shut this down later today because I get scammer added all the time so i need to close it out

    EDIT: Realized this was not the way to go cause you can gift, not trade. Add me if you want.

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      since immortals can only be gifted and not traded isn't the trade offer link pointless?

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          Not as nice as wave tho


            wave is the nicest still, but havoc is no. 2


              What is my rank in the nice-o-meter?




                  My list assuming everyone is having a good day

                  1. Wave
                  2. Havoc
                  3. Melody
                  4. Zenoth
                  5. Zano
                  6. Wink
                  7. Androgynous
                  8. Bad Intentions
                  9. DD sama
                  10. KawaiiSocks


                    but Bad Intentions is a bot, and DD is a jerk, how can both of them be on the list


                      holye shiet, i should def be top 3 (after wave and sam)


                        Sam not included in the for 2 months of inactivity. Sort of like the Dota2 Leaderboards ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


                          Assuming DD is having a good day. he's a really cool person.

                          I don't know you to well. But you've been on the forums for quite a while so you must be a pretty nice person to be able to last this long.


                            that was sarcasm, omg. dd is a nice guy.
                            although the fact that you didnt say anythig about bad intentions being a bot scares me, do you seriously consider such a possibility?


                              raining is a nice guy slways spamming voice chat with useless comments in low voice that makes it almost impossible to understand what he sais, also oficially holding top1 positiong in the ranking of Least Successfull Teammates.


                                Stark seems to be up there as well. And who knows, Bad Intentions could just be a question bot for all we know.


                                  well, using serious approach, sometimes this guy posts on other threads, too, but as far as I understand, he uses forum for some other purposes than all of us do (=fun), he either promotes db being a friend of someone from the glrorius administration, or mb is doing his own investigation related to ppl's behaviour online and needs some data, who knows.

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                                    To sum it up in 2 points
                                    1. Unlikely ppl would buy >1 set of 11 cache anymore now that faceless rex is dirt cheap, doesn't make economical sense.
                                    2. The rare bonus 11 compendium levels is untradable/ungiftable so if you get it only you benefit from it, plus losing the giftabiility of the set of 11 caches after you gift it back to them makes it even less likely for people to help you (you can argue that you can hold the 11 caches for them until they need it but it's too much trouble involved for them to have no benefits from buying >1 set of 11 cache / try for faceless rex / no 11 compendium levels rare bonus for them).

                                    You would actually have a higher chance of finding someone to buy the set of 11 caches for you as a gift, than finding someone who is buying >1 set of 11 caches and gifting him back the sets because it just doesn't work that way (there's just no point of doing so if he wants to have any of the benefits beyond the 18 levels achievement -- cache giftability / 11 compendium lvls / chance of striking it big with faceless rex).

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                                        i would love a zues or gyro immortal :)


                                          guess i could take the meepo one of your hands if you still got 4 of them.
                                          and they actually look meh.


                                            You're as next level as I thought Salza, listing that reversed so people that ain't as next-level as us won't understand and not lose their confidence.

                                            Good job ^_^


                                              You were supposed to keep it a secret DD

                                              Livin' Real Good

                                                My nice-0 meter on the forums


                                                ehh, no one else

                                                bum farto

                                                  Xan I added you message me when I am online tonight.


                                                    Does anyone have a spare leshrac or gyro immortal ? thank you very much


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                                                      sure, i wont be on till tonight anyways. busy playing town of salem :)


                                                        I have a few duplicates so if anybody is interested by am bashers, bb ugly backpack, luna moonfall or sb helm just send me a pm or leave your id here and i'll give you the one you like : )

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                                                          yo havoc is this thing still open, you're actually the nicest person on the forum