General Discussion

General DiscussionWhen you click random, who do you re roll.

When you click random, who do you re roll. in General Discussion

    Top tier re rolls = Riki, lone druid, bane, viper ench

    jus chillen

      why reroll viper

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          why reroll any of them? you just know you'll get the same one again :)


            death prophet


              batrider, alche, chen, io, earth spirit cant play any of those...


                None, I ain't scared.


                  why would you reroll riki? viper is strong but boring, but riki is fun and owns


                    brood beast razor viper, all the boring shits


                      i randomed earth spirit yesterday.

                      rerolled into earth spirit. the only thing i cant play. gg wp ez lose

                      i would also reroll nature prophet, lone druid and pretty much any hard carry that requires a team to make space for farm (am, pa, alche)


                        any heroes that i dont enjoy playing

                        and heroes that are not fun to jungle with cuz i random and jungle


                          whoever randoms should get cancer, like seriously, why would u even random in ranked... the 200 gold really worth the risk


                            heroes that I cant play well

                            I've never put effort or time into learning invoker or meepo, so I ain't gonna do that shit to my team

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                              Or you could just swap with a teammate, most of the time someone will.


                                @luxury smurf theres a bug in valve rng for randoming - same hero reroll happens far more often than ~1/100 you'd expect.

                                Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                                  I reroll any melee hero


                                    I random first so that my team can still pick, meaning if I get a hero that is destroyed by counterpicks I'm more likely to want to reroll. Still, I usually don't


                                      Chen and Meepo every time
                                      Probably Io too unless I'm stacking

                                      Livin' Real Good

                                        When i random night stalker, it's gg. That extra gold goes toward 4 night time ganking: Phase boots, Orb of venom, Stout shield, and some kind of stats like branches= for sure kills.



                                          I don't think you understood the question

                                          Dire Wolf

                                            pudge, invoker, meepo. I have only played pudge once, meepo maybe twice when I first started dota, never invoker. I have a feeling you cannot pickup these heroes just by reading the skill descriptions.

                                            Livin' Real Good



                                              jus chillen

                                                i think i would reroll shadow demon, everything else i would just play


                                                  Invoker and all micro intensive heroes.


                                                    I press re-roll on my life and hope I come back as someone who doesn't fucking random.


                                                      Puck (im too bad)
                                                      Meepo (im too bad)
                                                      Oracle (im too bad)
                                                      terroblyat (too weak)
                                                      medusa (too boring)

                                                      Livin' Real Good

                                                        I tend to random supports alot, but i never complain though, i hate supporting, but i don't mind doing it if i start with extra gold. :L


                                                          only bad supports hate supporting honestly, its one of the most skill rewarding positions in the game probably, being able to be a level 4 earthshaker at like 10 minutes and still be making a huge impact is one of the best feelings.

                                                          If you wanna call your self a good player.. no reason to not be a passable support at least.

                                                          Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                            Jesus triplesteal what % of your games have bloodseeker in it? 80%

                                                            And guy above Earthshaker is kind of a glorious support role. Your money on movements and ganks and the second you can buy that blink your confidence and impact doubles. I think people don't like supporting cause you get stuck in games doing 100% of support purchases while the fourth position player jungles or just thinks they are a core in general.

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                                                              all carries way too boring


                                                                Ya 4th position may give up farm priority but 5th position is usually solo support I kinda think 4 position non existant in pubs .


                                                                  Winter Wyvern is the best thing ever.

                                                                  You'll probably still be the 5th position support, but with that OP ulti and the easy farming/antipush/most-safe-ever-nuke + LOTS OF FUCKING SURVIVABILITY WHICH MOST SUPPORTS SIMPLY LACK WITHOUT ITEMS, you'll only end up starved if ALL your lanes lose.


                                                                    reroll dp, ld, meepo, chen, but not enchant i love ruining my games with her

                                                                    Tu tayta

                                                                      So far, I haven't rerolled anything I've randomed, which have already got me a few losses :d