General Discussion

General DiscussionI give up on this game!

I give up on this game! in General Discussion

    I seriously cannot win! I will support and still do more than my team. (hero damage/ td) I've had so many throws because people won't end it they piss off and farm when they are all dead. I can't carry because every other lane has been fed. its so unbalanced for me


      Look at possibility.There is a chance your teammates are retarded and you can't win, but there's also the chance that the other team is retarded and you can't lose and of course the times when both teams are decent and it comes down to who's better.

      The idea is to win the matches where everyone is good.You are probably on a loosing streak.That will end and so will come the winning streak.

      Also from your post, have you tried to, well, tell them what to do?Just a simple "We should push, they are all dead." will get the message around.Also try to tell them to push when you get even the smallest advantage ( a kill lets say).

      So overall just keep calm, if every enemy lane has been fed there will be a match where all your lanes will be fed.It just happens.

      jus chillen

        sometimes you have that furion who insta tps to enemy fountain, sometimes the enemy has it

        Paid actor

          tell me more about how gr8 u r while those of ur team suck.

          venge with forcestaff manta
          pudge+4 carries
          slark 1-5
          silencer with Orchid??????
          slark with moonshard as a second item

          On top of all this u r on Normal skill.

          Stop complaining about ur teams mistakes try to find urs and fix them, those r the only mistakes u can fix and which can actually make a change, if u keep complaining about ur team all u r doing is asking to get higher MMR by having the luck of getting a better team >.<.

          U aint the first nor the last to experience frustration from the game, chill and carry on.

          Considering u r on Normal skill which is smth like 3k or smth like that my advice to u is
          1) Give a look on how other high rated ppl build their items on specific heroes
          2) MAP AWARNESS , hold a TP for tp asists never underestimate a tp assist which could easly change the death of ur team mate in a return kill or even better u saving him while getting kills
          3) Get better on Last hits. a good way to improve is go on practice match and pick SF, dont skill any abilitys and dont get any items...go mid against the creeps and last hit and deny for exatly 10 mins. After 10mins give a look on ur lasthit+denies (good players get close to 100-120). But even if u manage to get 70-80 u r on good track. This will help alot ur lane control and lasthit ability.
          4) Be friendly to ur team mates no matter what they do never flame, never. Imo Attitude is by far the one who has the most impact, if u rage its easy to ruin the game coz u will make ur team mates angry and they will play worse and if they start dyin they will keep feeding on purpose and blame u all the way. Which aint what u came to do in dota i belive.
          5) Get Good.



            Orchid is situationally legit on Silencer. Not in that game though :)

            plz do

              ^ Dont undermine his advice. In 98% of games is orchid not a legit item. Dev's advice in general is legit, ofc communicated in the typical VHS show off way.

              on topic: OP, is this ur smurf or did u really get so salty after only 350 games? Do u want to be next Dondo in TI5? I think ur attitude is holding u back most right now. Its obvious that u lack a lot of everything as well in order to win more. So calm the fuck down, forget the salt, read more guides, do what u are told to do and play more games.

              Este comentário foi editado

                wat orchid on silencer is gucci or was gucci when u could disarm enemies with it

                plz do

                  ^ I just went through top 100 players. i found only one by randomly checkin 10 players, who frequently spams orchid. And then again, I found one, who frequently spams AC on him. Its not gucci unless ur him i guess. For the plebe its very situational.
                  The others get it mb 2 - 3 times in 50 matches, which ofc doesnt equal 2% of all games but equals 6-8%. If that makes an item situationally legit, than any item is situationally legit i guess and I should just cut my wrists. I see w the same frequency s&y and dagon and heart on those top silencer players though. Makes me wonder, how u define situationally legit items.

                  Then again OP played 5 silencer games in total and won only, when he consequently skipped orchid.

                  Este comentário foi editado
                  Paid actor

                    @hushhush The typical VHS show off way wasnt my intention, but i got carried away coz of his experssion of being the best player with the least fault while his team was apparently far less skilled than him, every action has a counter-reaction.

                    @vaikiss U could never disarm ppl with orchid, mb u ment disarm them with third spell which follows the orchid....and even then there r tons of other items which r far better than the orchid on silencer whether u r carryin (not advisable unless u know what u r doing) or supporting. And im not tryin to win the argument about orchid its just that a guy whos on Normal skill shouldnt have the priority to learn situational items, he has to learn first the mainstream.

                    plz do

                      ^ i totally understand and its ok that u got carried away. I often like to spam some shit in these kind of posts as well. I dont know why, but it makes me feel better. Anyways, I totally agree w everything u wrote.

                      The whole orchid silencer discussion gets to me, because I love silencers skillset and its my top 3 hero and dbuff ranks me above 99%. I think that I personally suck at playing silencer, but I still played him a lot in my worst dunning kruger days. So im following the item discussions around him and I am not sure if I like where his item build is headin right now.

                      Este comentário foi editado


                        You need to enjoy the game more. Play normal matchmaking instead of ranked if the mmr change is what affects you so.

                        On top of that try learn from every game, everyone has room for improvement even a 5-6k player. If you can improve on certain aspects of your game and get right things that you got wrong then maybe it's big enough to make a winning difference in the next game.

                        Also consider that your job as a support is to make your carries insanely good. It is a success if they get tons of hero damage and tower damage and a failure if you're the biggest threat to the other team. It's good to be a threat yes but most fed supports will fail late game against the other carry and that's why you need to help out your carry as much as you can.

                        Not always possible but a comment like you did most tower damage/ hero damage as support is a comment about failing in your role as support - whether due to them being bad or you not being good enough.


                          ok guys i seriously played silincer about 5 times! of course i dont know what to get, also i constantly get losing streaks


                            and about carrying TP's my most common item is a tp scroll

                            bum farto

                              Pick silencer situationally, don't just pick him because you need a support...he actually sucks as a support. Get heroes with lockdown like lion or even try out winter wyvern if you have a team with a good AOE stuff, or they have initiators that can drop a carry or player with physical wtv.

                              Don't play silencer if you need a support, pick him when you already have a support and you actually need the silencer.


                                fuck why is this all about silincer. i picked silincer because the Cm and WD


                                  play meepo. Just tell ur team to get lion or somestunner, and ez kill ez life.



                                    King of Low Prio


                                      Dire Wolf

                                        you're 179-174 lifetime, how is that not winning ever? Get to a 10 loss streak then talk to us.

                                        plus you're hot irl, what do you need dota for?

                                        oh you mean that avatar isn't you? cus mine is totally me piloting a mech. Was pretty hard getting the iphone to stand up for the timed picture in the snow like that.


                                          i've only got orchid the once on silencer i think - when we were facing a storm with no other silence on the team. which is exactly the sort of time you want it.

                                          otherwise clearly there are a ton of better pickups around the same price - wasn't suggesting you rush orchid every game...


                                            check my ranked win/loss compared to normal

                                            Livin' Real Good

                                              Well that's Dota 2, the game where 50% of the player base is really bad, and you have no idea how they got to that MMR. (besides smurfing)

                                              Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                stick to TD games.


                                                  Seemed obligatory to have an orchid Silencer game post discussion :D

                                                  Jak o' the Shadows

                                                    I am that furion

                                                    But honestly Nina, dont play support at that mmr if you want to win
                                                    Playing support in normal and high skill can be fun, but the people who play carry every game and are still there are still there for a reason. AKA, they dont know how to fucking win games. If you want to still play a support, play someone like Lina and farm the jungle from level 8 and carry games yourself. Don't worry, it wouldnt hav been farmed anyways.
                                                    Playing support is a good way to learn how to win games, learn what carries at your level fail to do, but dont blame them for losing, put the responsibility of winning games on yourself by picking carry or mid

                                                    inst:  MissMissclick

                                                      i disagree that you shouldnt play support at lower mmr, or that the game impact is low. It is more likely that you do not know how to support at lower mmr. i have had much success playing support. the result isn't always obvious but it is like what crudude said. if you support well, your carry will tend to be stronger than the enemy carry.

                                                      as a support you got to know how to make plays that benefit your carries too. a lot of normal skill support players dont really make plays and just play passive and blame their carries. IMO that's probably what OP is experiencing.

                                                      Coconuts Migrate?

                                                        its because you picked riki once. all riki players will eventually go to hell