General Discussion

General DiscussionRandoming. What IS the use anyway?

Randoming. What IS the use anyway? in General Discussion
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    i mean when ppl who can barely manage a wk or viper random earth spirit or meepo its auto 4v6 (having a DC is better than a feeder). so i'm gonna ask what is the use of this function in the game? coz srsly i dont see any, i mean there're not a single player who is comfortable with ALL the heroes of the game at the same time so why not just pick something u KNOW u can pull off rather than risk trying to understand what oracle's skills do (for the first time ever) in a ranked game?
    even regarding the retards who are a huge fan of this thing why not just close ur eyes and just click a hero?
    TLDR why not DELETE this damn thing from the game altogether as doinh this would reduce retard plays by quite an amount, maybe there's a good side to it that i just dont know thats why i'm asking


      when i randomned earth spirit earlier, getting a kill was something.

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          Extra 200 gold!!!

          L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

            Removing from ranked could be a good idea, but some people like the extra 200 gold and if RNG smiles on you, you get a hero you love with 200 extra gold, maybe starting bottle for a mid could be nice

            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              It's for undecisive people, people that are comfortable with almost all heroes and people that want to ruin games.


                1 - random a hero
                2 - buy bottle first
                3 - give it to your mid player
                4 - ...
                5 - profit


                  Why is it not possible to random a hero in competitive DOTA? I bet pro players feel comfortable with any hero.

                  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

                    depends on ur definition of being comfortable, yeah i know all invoker's magics and i can use em well, but i'm always better with qop going mid so i dont consider myself comfortable with invoker, but the idea of removing it from ranked is really nice, i'm ok with retaining it in random, and srsly 200 gold is not worth randoming in last pick when ur team is waiting for u to pick carry and boom: here u go with treant protector
                    TLDR what is the difference between a 0 minute bottle and 45sec bottle rush (or with the bounty rune)
                    Randoming in pro gamea lmao xD

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                      when theres no hero you can't play, why not.
                      200 bonus gold m8


                        Good carry. Treant farms well with biggest rightclick damage at lvl 1 and you can gear Treant as a magic nuker or physical DPS.

                        P.S. Can you give me a link to a match with carry Treant? I want to look at it.

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                        ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

                          It was long ago, but whaddya expect?! Wanna see his item build? :D it was a 30min stomp as i remember
                          And yeah why not treant carry, while u're at it i can give a link of octarine ogre while i bought like 14 wards as our #2


                            Carry Dazzle:

                            Support Weaver:

                            Both matches at ~4.5k MMR. And there are more.
                            P.S. Yes. I wanted to look at his itembuild.

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                            ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

                              I've seen carry dazzle :D supp weaver might be a thing with aghs... Will post some carry ogre links if u like (i remember one of them... I said i need bloodlust he said i've put it on autocast just stand near me... :|||| )


                                I found it!

                                Carry Ogre and support Pudge (me):

                                Ez game. That Ogre raped PL hard in every teamfight.

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                                ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

                                  My point is... U wanna/need right click why not just pick a right clicker?
                                  And the point of thwe topic is not how to carry ur team with right click ogre, kotl, dazzle, lich, etc. It is: random button is the picking screen; good or bad?!


                                    Who needs simple rightclicker, if you can pick Ogre, who can rightclick AND nuke with spells at the same time? I wish I had Ogre carry in every game... *sigh*

                                    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

                                      Maybe because it cant do shit against a real carry with comparable farm and bkb?!


                                        You have probably seen a lot of carry Leshracs around in pubs and in competitive scene, but nobody says: "Leshrac can't do shit against real carry with comparable farm and bkb!" (Edict pierces BKB, but thats it)

                                        And who decides which hero is "real" carry, and which is not? DOTA itself says that Leshrac is: "Nuker / Pusher / Disabler / Support" - not a word about his carry capability.

                                        P.S. Also nobody says: "6-slotted Void can't do shit against CM with boots and ghost scepter! What a trash hero!"

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                                          Dazzle is actually strong as fuck vs certain heroes.
                                          Ive seen and played a hero as a carry before, it can work.

                                          Also i random quite a bit lately. Its fun. And people should know how to play any hero.
                                          maybe not be comfortable with everything equally, sure, but knowing what to do at least shouldnt be too hard

                                          Also shared bottles cant be botttle crowed. He cant drop your bottle from the chick :P

                                          ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

                                            Any hero can go right click with enough items, but there IS a reason most heroes are played in specific farming position..
                                            There IS a reason ppl are afraid of taking a game past 60min against the likes of medusa, spectre, void, carry morph, tb, etc. But not ogre, venge, abadon, cm, etc.
                                            Carry criteria are pretty clear... Good scalability, probably a steroid, good stat growth, being hard to kite (u dont get them all on a hero but the more the merrier)And when playing core leshrac in pubs u better get ahead and keep the lead, he is pretty miserable against lifestealer, in competitive the supps help a lot with kiting, and btw lesh is a good core but still not a fan of taking the game past 45-50 min
                                            Take an example: compare venge and spectre... Venge can go carry but the thing is all his skills can be used to help a teammate thats why u dont need to take much farm... None of spectre's skills are for helping others, same comparisions can go for carry/supp abadon

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                                              i do think removing it from ranked would save me a lot of rage. too many people last pick random and ruin matches.


                                                No big deal. You can drop bottle for him when he asks.

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                                                ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

                                                  I think, again, the reason dota causes so much rage is ppl's different perspectives, some ppl play to random and have fun, others play tryhard to grind mmr, this cant be helped...
                                                  But anyway, shoutout to all the random fans out there:
                                                  Dont spam it in ranked, and FFS dont last pick random, do it first


                                                    Venge scales better than Spectre. She has ~13 more agility and 250 more hp at lvl 25.

                                                    While Spectre may be used same way as Bristleback: buy Vanguard => tank damage in teamfights => spray damage from Dispersion.


                                                      Ofc you can use spectre spells to help allies.
                                                      Use ulti
                                                      blink to a hero in need
                                                      Use meka and pipe
                                                      save hero

                                                      Point is, pretty much any (and i mean any) hero can be played as a carry. History shows this. You dont have to have void type of carry to win games. Just think of any hero you want, chances are i know people who played them in carry role.

                                                      I agree with you on one point tho. I hate randoming mid phase, its selfish and stupid. I always try to random first pick, so i dont mess up things entirely for a team. Besides, you can always swap.

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                                                      ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

                                                        That IS the right way to play spectre not skipping radiance and going for desolator+daedalus :|
                                                        Stat growth is only part of the story man... ALL venge's abilities can be used to help teammates, thats the definition of a support hero, thats why ppl dont play carry with omni, lion, shaman etc.

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                                                          I mean, are you seriously teaching me dota right now. Have i said i dont know the reason why people play those as supports?
                                                          I said you can play any hero as a carry in a pub. Cant you comprehand that, or you dont believe me?

                                                          Stop being concerned about what goes on in competitive, if you aint playing competitive. As far as pub goes, anything goes.

                                                          Edit: and youre probably quoting post above mine, point still stands.

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                                                            Number of heroes is limited.

                                                            Example A:
                                                            support Dazzle + carry Spectre.
                                                            Dazzle buffs Spectre, Spectre does nothing to Dazzle.

                                                            Example B:
                                                            support Dazzle + carry Venge.
                                                            Dazzle buffs Venge, Venge buffs Dazzle = stronger team as a result.

                                                            ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

                                                              Ok i'm gonna try right click chen (who needs to micro creeps?!) xD
                                                              Yeah any hero can be played at any position (support sniper for vision with ulti and shrap, supp PA for slow spam
                                                              But srsly which hero CAN be played at what role is not the case, the question is what is the least amount of farm u need to be effective with a hero, thats why void can be played at offlane, a good ulti can be enough to be effective with void, u cant say the same for PL (u cant change the game with a good doppleganger on a PL with 50 last hits during the whole match, but u can do this with a good swap or shallow grave no matter how low ur gpm is)
                                                              @xan why spend that much gold and a long cd ult on spectre for haunt+mek combo when u can do it with one chen ulti?!
                                                              there is a difference what are the POSSIBLE ways to play a hero and what is the BEST way to play a hero

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                                                                ^and you cant be arsed to drop bottles yourself all the time. Its not efficient for either you or him.
                                                                I mean i tried it, i know.

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                                                                  I tried too, it takes 2 secs.

                                                                  I played a lot on support Sniper, I think he needs only Soul Ring or Arcane Boots. If he casts 3 Shrapnels and ult twice (it has very low cd) then he did as much in teamfight as support Lina does (if not more).

                                                                  But this is a different story. Before we talked about how any hero can turn into a carry with sufficient farm. But not every hero can be useful without any farm, that's true. And PA is one of the best examples.

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                                                                  saving private RTZ

                                                                    I bet xan knows the best way to play most of the heroes if not all
                                                                    He just said that you can pretty much carry with everyone.
                                                                    And going lategame vs 5 carries isnt scarrier than going vs 1 carry, 1 mid, 1 initiator etc.
                                                                    In lategame its not like you are gonna trade hits with the enemy. Who land a big stun/ultimate whatever, first, thats who win.
                                                                    The game isnt really decided on who hits harder, but who have the better initiation n lockdowns

                                                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                      What the fuck are you guys on?

                                                                      ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

                                                                        @baxter i think i just said the same thing, 5v5 dota is not about who has the better right click, and having a proper 550gpm carry with the help of supps and good teamfight is mostly better than 5 300gpm carries

                                                                        UNICORN OVERLORD

                                                                          there is absolutely nothing wrong with 1st/2nd pick randoming, find more excuses for the games you lose


                                                                            some people simply dislike it and that's final.
                                                                            they can remove random from ap once they add ar to ranked. you'll have to wait that day.


                                                                              some people actually like to have fun with the game, me not being one ofc


                                                                                i can play every hero except for invoker.

                                                                                so 1/114 chance that im gonna be a feeder, but i get +200 gold or w/e it is.

                                                                                also, i don't random in ranked. why would anyone care about randoming in unranked.


                                                                                  randoming in ranked should not exist and I'm amazed that it is still in the game.

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                                                                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!