General Discussion

General Discussionlvl 50 in aprox 50 games

lvl 50 in aprox 50 games in General Discussion

    can I reach very high skills?

    note: I used this acc to learn how to play some heros, when I was a 3k n0b


      <- main account =c


        Not really sure what you are asking. Are you asking if you can get to VHS on your other account? I think you can get to VHS in 1-2 games regardless of your current position all you need is a really high hero damage and really high KDA.

        "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

          No one has VHS cause no one owns a VCR


            sorry, I was asking if I can reach VHS before getting level 13 on the smurf account

            4Chaun nice joke XD

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