General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to increase the accuracy of arrow?............please comment pros...

How to increase the accuracy of arrow?............please comment prossssss in General Discussion

    OMG, my anaconda don't let arrow hit the target.


      checked your 3 last mirana games

      more than hitting arrow, you're skilling her completely wrong

      do this:



        Why would you add Leap level 1?

        bum farto

          Cause Benao farms her offlane and doesn't roam, if you're roaming for obvious reason you will skill arrow at level 1.

          You have to feel the arrow, be the arrow, love the arrow.

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            "You have to feel the arrow, be the arrow, love the arrow."

            Something is gay in this phrase. =)


              To me honestly it's the positioning and the timing that are crucial. For example it's much easier to hit an arrow at night than during day time obviously. Also you want to mask the arrow as best as you can so use the map terrain as much as you can to hide the arrow as it's traveling. Also I normally try to arrow people when they are last hitting. You can anticipate when they will likely approach the creep to get that last hit and fire it at the time they are likely to go for it. Works ok most times. Don't forget to use the arrow also to give vision. People underestimate the usefulness. Like taking T-1 tower mid you can use it to see if tps are coming in or if someone is lurking like pudgy. I love reviling pudge's position with arrows which makes him pretty angry. I don't play a roaming mirana very often but honestly I have the most fun playing her as a roaming support because of the arrows. To me the most important thing is to have a follow up to the arrow. There is no use if you hit a 4 second stun but can't kill the target because there is no back up or the hero is under/behind the tower. I think practice helps. That's my two cents. Also what Havoc said.

              THICC BABY SHUM

                ^ that and also watch how enemy moves his hero, to predict, and can also just guess arrrow by shooting it where he spends the most time at.



                    How to increase the accuracy of arrow?
                    Skill leap.


                      basically what havoc said
                      you cant arrow better if you do something special, it's all about "feeling" it. the more practice you get, the better in hitting arrows you become.

                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                        Don't use it randomly to get extra points for big plays. Most stuns are long enough to guarentee a 5 second arrow. Also try to follow the enemy movement through the fog with your mouse and then shoot the arrow.


                          when that video came out i wanted to strangle the creator!
                          its so fucking bad and is NO DIFFERENT than the NECRO MIDAS ANCIENT reddit thread

                          if you want to be a good arrow, ignore everything this c*nt said (almost)

                          Night 夜

                            Stop thinking so much about the arrow.
                            Dimsum91 when you're out there in the field, your Starfall, your arrows and leaps, those are just tools. You're the weapon.
                            If you rely on those skills more than you rely on yourself, it's gonna get you killed. Over and over again.

                            There is no magic trick to landing these skill shots. You need game sense.
                            You need to be able to read and predict enemy movements.
                            And as a dirty Pudge player I can tell you from experience that there are no shortcuts for that.


                              the best you can do is imagine what you would do, and as the game goes along, just adjust that to fit your enemies


                                its also the best way to get better at everything else, recognize the higher skilled player and get better yourself

                                Giff me Wingman

                                  positioning and setups.

                                  nothing more has to be said.


                                    Pray before you click arrow
                                    or leap in enemy's face then arrow


                                      its the same shit as pudge hooks. you will get used in time. for the moment just try to hit ~5cm in the walking direction (this is for perpendicular arrow on target's movement) when you miss, try to adapt the distance for next arrow. and check your position

                                      for straight arrows, its easier. you can try to hit them as soon as creep dies (600 range or so).


                                        watch the serie 'Arrow' he explains a lot of things about aim and stuff, it might help you

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                                          Be aware of how big the hit box is, so you don't hit creeps accidentally. when trying to arrow someone who is farming watch the creeps they are going to last hit, if you shoot it right before they go for a last hit they are way less likely do see it coming or just randomly walk to the side. know how pathing works you can tell where someone is going based on how they are walking if you know where they are going to be in 2 seconds, EZ arrow. know the spots in the fog where someone is likely to hide/stand, or where someone might be if they are farming a camp.

                                          throw lots of arrows, if you have full mana and you might be able to arrow someone try to do it but think first maybe wait a few seconds for a better shot (but not 40). know where people are likely to have vision if they see you or the arrow early they will doge it. move around the map a lot if you are roaming, if you just camp the same lane the people in it will play really safe, if you make everyone on the other team paranoid and they miss a lot of farm because of it, then you can mess up their laneing stage with out actually getting many/any kills.

                                          Dire Wolf

                                            So I have 2 games ever of mirana but she is in my 10 hero compendium challenge and I have a challenge to land three arrows that stun 2 seconds or more. Will this just be impossible given I do not want to practice her in normal? How many games will I lose before accomplishing these?


                                            shadowblade mirana rofl

                                            Night 夜

                                              [watch the serie 'Arrow' he explains a lot of things about aim and stuff, it might help you]

                                              dude, you totally ignored my post... didn't you? I friggin quoted Arrow there.


                                                Ok it seems like no one is giving good advice so I'll actually give something constructive.

                                                1. Get the custom arrow affect
                                                2. Positioning matters behind side > side > front
                                                3. Watch the player play for like 20 seconds. Most inexperienced players follow a simple pattern like "up attack down" and i say inexperienced but I'm talking about 5.5k+ even because they aren't aware of it. Watch a replay of yourself or most players and you will notice this.
                                                4. Know when to arrow. What is a mid player most likely to do when a creep is low hp? They move up and attack it simple, denies are harder.
                                                5. Know the heroes vision. Best spots are like radiant hill for mid since the trees block most of the arrow travel time.
                                                6. Know creep timings simple things like roughly 15 sec for creeps to meet mid.
                                                7. Only because you missed the first arrow doesn't mean the lane is over because he "knows where you are." Change position or w/e.
                                                8. Die with cancer cause you fucking mirana pickers are the reason i had to learn how to play mirana you motherfckers ckya.


                                                  we gave him the BEST ADVICE ^

                                                  its not about hitting arrows, its about playing the hero correctly


                                                    shoot at stunned tagets
                                                    100% serious i keep having potms trying to be do elite snipes when a set-up is already certain

                                                    Este comentário foi editado

                                                      Okay while I am not the best Mirana player, I do arrow very well.

                                                      I sort of skimmed through what others have said so far, I think Mirana should only be played as roam/support. It's sort of pointless to put her in offlane because she's unable to contest farm or harass enemy carry enough with her extremely low base damage. In addition, getting that early level 6 isn't too important for Mirana, whereas Clock, Gondar or Tide increases their threat level dramatically at 6.

                                                      I would break arrowing into several parts.

                                                      1) Think.
                                                      Before you decide to roam and arrow somebody. THINK whether your teammate can actually complete the follow-up or if the enemy is too tanky. In my earlier days, I made the mistake of hitting all these brilliant levels at level 1 but certain mids just don't have capacity to finish up. If I have a choice, I go for heroes that are less tanky or don't have escapes.

                                                      2) Pathing.
                                                      Don't be lazy, unless you're below 4K MMR, you should always assume that enemy has vision at certain key spots (early game - rune spots). Take that extra 15 seconds and walk around it so even if they know you're missing, they can't put an exact location as to where you may be. Let's say they tower hug, that still works out for the best because your team gains a leverage in experience.

                                                      3) Patience.
                                                      I can't stress how many times I see dumb Miranas firing random arrows because they feel like they MUST accomplish something before certain time. Just stay put and wait for the best chance. Mirana doesn't need levels and if you do land those arrows, you will gain that experience exponentially.

                                                      4) Positioning.
                                                      Like some other people have mentioned, always prioritize from BACK to SIDE. It's harder to avoid from the back than front. Most people don't expect enemy attacks coming from the side of their base. Don't shoot in open areas. THERE ARE trees for a reason, your arrow should be covered by terrain or fog for majority of time.

                                                      5) Pattern.
                                                      Every player (especially mid) has a pattern they follow. THEY WILL look to last hit that creep, that's your golden opportunity. Observe where they generally like to hit from, some people like to walk up closer, some like to stay as far back as possible.

                                                      6) Items.
                                                      Don't play Mirana like a carry, it's dumb. Play her like an utility hero, get Euls or Diffusal, these are items that can help you land shots as well as protect yourself from enemy cores.


                                                        bad mirana if you cant beat a trilane on your own ^

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                                                        Mortimer Smith

                                                          What i do is, try to hit lowground enemys, and try to hit enemyes who stay near the fog.

                                                          They will have less time to react.

                                                          80% wr with mirana support


                                                            got out of LP

                                                            gonna play 10 games straight mirana OFFLANE, at least 5

                                                            edit: first picking mirana offlane

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                                                              @ Benao:

                                                              A bit off-topic.....You farmed offlane all the way? Doesn't starfall add too much constraint to your mana pool? What is your item build?

                                                              If you are playing pos 4/5 support, will you max arrow first?


                                                                no i won't, arrow is just a bonus